Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Key Fobs in Lincoln Park going dead for unknown reason

The Chicago triangle?

I promise to research this more and see what I can find out. Anyone with knowledge of it or what may be happening please contact me..

Key Fobs in Lincoln Park going dead for unknown reason

Trevor Noah, New 'Daily Show' Host, Criticized for Tweets About Jews and Women

This is silly and inane. It’s comedy.. the same people offended by this would have an annuerism if they heard the Martha Stewart segment from the Justin Bieber roast… he’s a comedian not a candidate. And good comedians have always pushed the the envelope further than the particular current generation was comfortable with..

Trevor Noah, New 'Daily Show' Host, Criticized for Tweets About Jews and Women

Reports: Video found in Germanwings wreckage

IF this is true , a big if, it’s chilling.. and it does make sense it could be true, as we know people film everything … if someone did film this I wonder if they thought they’d live to sell it or just wanted to document a tragic demise of a metal cylinder filled with human lives….

Reports: Video found in Germanwings wreckage

Facebook accused of tracking all users even if they delete accounts, ask never to be followed

…..even if you delete your account. I said yesterday that privacy is dead. This is the very thing privacy activists warned of a decade ago and the world laughed. And joined the Matrix, forever.

Facebook accused of tracking all users even if they delete accounts, ask never to be followed

Pesticides on fruits, veggies linked with poorer semen quality

People should have listened to the tin foil crazies years ago.. they may have had some stronger sperm about now.. eat organic or have less kids I suppose..

Pesticides on fruits, veggies linked with poorer semen quality

Northern lights? Asteroids? Military strikes? the possibilities seem endless but there’s got to be an explanation as to why mystery lights are popping up all over Russia..

More: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/03/30/mysterious-lights-over-russia-are-turning-night-into-day-and-nobody-seems-to-know-where-theyre-coming-from/

1,000-year-old onion and garlic eye remedy kills MRSA

I have family members that at swear by garlic. . Recently I used the remedy to treat strep throat. It worked.. I believe it.

1,000-year-old onion and garlic eye remedy kills MRSA

» Nationwide ‘Emergency Alert’ Test Causes Panic and Confusion

» Nationwide ‘Emergency Alert’ Test Causes Panic and Confusion

No question about it: Martha Stewart was the funniest roaster on the Bieber special last night

No question about it: Martha Stewart was the funniest roaster on the Bieber special last night

Ready to take the gray pill? (really, both pills pictured are gray.)

Michael Abrash, chief scientist from Facebook-owned Oculus reveals the illusions at the social network’s annual F8 conference that make him think virtual reality is about to be real

A tectonics plate simulation..

But what about the other land masses that have fallen below the ocean level…

Monday, March 30, 2015


These were TIME covers from the late 90s and early 2000s..

How times changed.

Judging from those news stand editions, you know that the people of the time, those crazy humans, cared about privacy and wanted to protect their information. Fast forward to the modern age.. Privacy is so 2000 and late.

Now people tell researchers that aren’t worried much about government eavesdropping or their digital life being known to the world.. As a matter of fact, the common consensus is, if we’re not doing anything wrong, why worry?  Why so serious..

Here is how the Kansas City STAR reports it and why it is troubling to privacy activists (they still exist?): 

Americans - more than Web users abroad, experts say - have come to accept a semi-public digital life. Private businesses make billions of dollars from sweeping up the crumbs of information digital users leave behind. In exchange for all that secret data, private businesses offer a relatively seamless and low-cost Web experience most consumers prefer.
Privacy software can be expensive and is almost always clumsy. And the government wants in: Citing security concerns, the authorities seek “backdoor” access to email accounts and phone records.
So privacy experts are stepping up efforts to convince consumers of the need for digital privacy. A fundamentally private Web won’t be a reality, they say, until ordinary Americans demand broad protection from government and business intrusion into their phone and computer use.
"If anyone in society is going to have privacy, then everybody has to have privacy," said Alan Fairless, CEO of SpiderOak, a company that offers encrypted data storage for consumers.
Some early-adopting digital-savvy consumers have started to seek out and invent privacy protection tools, he said. That work may eventually trickle down more broadly to less tech-handy cellphone users and Web surfers.

The future is now.
Privacy is dead.

Arizona Lawmaker: Church Attendance Should Be Mandatory!


Arizona Lawmaker: Church Attendance Should Be Mandatory!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnKFQl5FCLM?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Someone mixed the Teletubbies with the opening of AMERICAN HORROR STORY. Fright ensues.

Though some may say the actual Teletubbies are more frightening..

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98lOJGTe1M0?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

3 charged in selling heroin from day care premises

Shamokin-dop and jumpin rope.
Stay classy Northumberland County..


3 charged in selling heroin from day care premises

Why Some Children Think They’re More Special Than Everyone Else

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuLl5XD57zU?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Why Some Children Think They’re More Special Than Everyone Else


Burning Questions We Still Have After Watching ‘Going Clear’

Mainly: Why was nothing mentioned of Katie Holmes? 

All logical questions…
The documentary was a strong declaration of truth against Scientology.. But there are still a number of things people would love to know. Including these burning questions listed in the link..

Allegations of satanic worship and child abuse involving the late firebrand Tory MP Enoch Powell have been handed to staff investigating the VIP pedophile sex ring alleged to have operated in Westminster in the 1980s.

Allegations of satanic worship and child abuse involving the late firebrand Tory MP Enoch Powell have been handed to staff investigating the VIP pedophile sex ring alleged to have operated in Westminster in the 1980s.

NSA SHOOTING: CBS News has confirmed the suspects were two men dressed as women. They also report cocaine and a gun were found in near the suspects’ car. Heavy police presence remains in the area and southbound traffic on 295 is backed up approaching NSA. The ramp to the NSA is sealed off.

NSA SHOOTING: CBS News has confirmed the suspects were two men dressed as women. They also report cocaine and a gun were found in near the suspects’ car. Heavy police presence remains in the area and southbound traffic on 295 is backed up approaching NSA. The ramp to the NSA is sealed off.


FORT MEADE, Md. (AP) — 12:20 P.M.
A senior defense department official says the two men who tried to ram their sport utility vehicle through a gate at the National Security Agency were dressed as women.
The official says Defense Secretary Ash Carter has been briefed on the situation, which is being investigated by the FBI.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the case is still developing.
FBI spokeswoman Amy J. Thoreson says the scene is contained and that it does not appear to be linked to terrorism.
Authorities say at least one of the men in the car has died.
This, to me, is the most promising therapy I have seen in my career, period

Dr. Henry Friedman, a neuro-oncologist and deputy director of the Brain Tumor Center at Duke University, on a CBS 60 minutes that treating CANCER with POLIO may be working..

THINK BEFORE YOU SELFIE.. A tourist had to apologize for taking hers at the site of the deadly gas explosion in New York City..

But it wasn’t just her.. she was just adult enough to say sorry.

Lots of others have not..

Just a few more Germanwings things that don’t make much sense to me

I recently wrote up a bit of my confusion over the standard story being issued on the Germanwings crash.. I am apprehensive about accepting the narrative at this point. I am not offering up any theories of my own, I am simply adding a mixture of doubt and logic to this whole thing..

From a distance, we have a perfect story.  A mentally unstable pilot breaks up with his girlfriend a day before—the same girlfriend who now says he had dreams about planes crashing. Then he locks out his fellow pilot and he crashes a plane, murdering 150 people, into a location in the Alps he supposedly enjoyed visiting as a child. 

There is no letter, though. No motive. But we do have a great set of audio files of people screaming and a pilot using an ax, we are told, to chop away at the door while screaming “My God” … The crash takes 8 minutes. Scratch that. Eighteen. Wait. No. Seven. . Well, pick your own on that. 

It glides into the hell on earth, leaving behind a dead metal cylinder of humanity. A tragic story. But we have a villain.. An evil pilot who was hellbent on killing all the innocent souls that day.

This flight recording from the moment of impact is the latest bit that has me a little perplexed.. We seem to know the full extent of the horror that day.  A German newspaper BILD is releasing a transcript of the ‘recording’ though admitting the recording hasn’t been released and they haven’t heard it.  Andreas Lubitz, though, is busy crashing the plane while co-pilot Patrick Sondenheimer, now relieved from his bathroom trip, is busy trying to crash through the door. 

This is the flight audio recording, we are told, that finishes this story and gives us the inside view of what occurred. 

There is another piece of the puzzle, however, missing. And it’s a big piece that provides the scientific and industrial evidence as to how the plane crashed: The flight DATA recorder was found. But it was missing a memory card. AS The AP reported last week:

Confusion surrounded the fate of the second black box. French President Francois Hollande said the casing of the flight data recorder had been found in the scattered debris, but was missing the memory card that captures 25 hours’ worth of information on the position and condition of almost every major part in a plane. Jouty refused to confirm the discovery.

Confusion, indeed.

A few days later, an aviation website reported this:

The BEA has yet to hold a follow-up briefing on the investigation and it fell to the European Cockpit Association to remind the world that investigators have yet to find the aircraft’s flight data recorder, analysis of which could prove vital to confirming the facts.

Was the memory card taken? How was it missing? We haven’t gotten much more word on this.. Instead we have seen the public trial and verdict on the pilot.. 

I am not arguing that he did not do it. I am not saying he is an innocent patsy.. I am not pretending that people didn’t die.. I am not attempting to begin a conspiracy theory. I am adding a little bit of cold water to a burning hot public feeding frenzy.. that is it.

And I will also add this: 

If a pilot was going to intentionally crash a plane, there are two things that don’t make sense. 1) He would have had to crashed the plane while being alone.. the notion that he was alone only occurred since the co-pilot had to urinate. Are we to believe that if both pilots would have stayed put that day, this crash would not have happened? And 2) If a suicidal pilot was going to crash a plane, would have truly have done it by doing a steady descent into the alps for over ten minutes? Or wouldn’t he have just ..well..crashed the plane?

To me, these are perplexing questions that, in the heat of the moment, few are asking and none are addressing. 

Instead, we have the tale of Germanwings Flight 9525. 

His Story. 

Griffith University and the University of Tokyo in Japan conclude: Quantum entanglement is real

Griffith University and the University of Tokyo in Japan conclude: Quantum entanglement is real

Sunday, March 29, 2015

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9wt_4ToaT4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Russia unveils a flying house project.

Take that Marty McFly.. we’re skipping cars and going right for the abode.. 

'ISIS' hacks Pennsylvania Dutch Creamery website

Trickling Springs Creamery overcame many obstacles since its inception in 2001. The small business made it through the recession, distributing now to 14 states. “Today, we ship from Florida to Connecticut. And, as far west as Ohio,” Trickling Springs Creamery Marketing Manager Joe Miller said. Facebook fans of the company first noticed the hack March 7, when Miller was on a work trip to California. “Well, that’s the first thing that goes through your mind. It’s like, “What in the world is going on? Why would they target us?’” Miller asked. “It made us aware that even a small company like ours has to be aware of the security on our website.” Trickling Springs Creamery asked its vendor to take the website offline. They added security measures to make it harder to hack again. “Of all the turmoil going on in the world, you don’t think of any of that. It’s very peaceful [here in Chambersburg],” Miller said.

'ISIS' hacks Pennsylvania Dutch Creamery website

CounterPunch investigates: Cancer and Infant Mortality at Three Mile Island

CounterPUNCH has an interesting article running about the THREE MILE ISLAND anniversary.. and some disturbing historical facts that often go unpublished, even with 20/20 radioactive hindsight.. Such as this, 

David Lochbaum of the Union of Concern Scientists estimates between 40 million curies and 100 million curies escaped during the accident. President Carter’s Kemeny Commission estimated about 15 million curies of radioactive gas was vented from the containment building, including 43,000 curies of krypton-85 [2] — which stays in the environment for 100 years — and 15-to-24 curies of radioactive iodine-131. [3] (A curie is a huge amount of radiation — 37 billion disintegrations per second.) The NRC later admitted to several “deliberate but uncontrolled releases” of the cancer-causing gases. Estimates of these airborne releases are mere guesses, because half of the outside radiation monitors were not working, and of those that worked, a large number of them went off-scale.

And this

Approximately 400,000 gallons of highly radioactive cooling water leaked from the reactor into “containment” areas. This water was secretly dumped into the Susquehanna River, a source of drinking water for nearby communities. [5]Later, about 2.3 million gallons of radioactively contaminated cooling water were allowed to be “evaporated” into the atmosphere.[6]

And finally,

On the third day of the venting and dumping, half the population within 15 miles — 144,000 people — fled the area. By this time the bulk of the airborne radiation gusher had already been spewed and was drifting on the wind. Yet the Kemeny Commission ignored all data on the effects of wind-borne radiation, even though the wind blew 6-to-9 mph toward upstate New York and western Pennsylvania. [7]

The Counterpunch article points out that in 1980, (the year of my entry into the world) Pennsylvania State Health Department authorities reported a sharp rise in hypothyroidism in newborn infants in the three counties downwind from the reactor. And this: “The data actually shows more than a doubling of observed cancers in areas near the partial meltdown, including lymphoma, leukemia, colon and the hormonal category of breast, endometrium, ovary, prostate, and testis. For leukemia and lung cancers in the six-to-12 kilometer distance from TMI, the number observed cases was almost four times greater.” 

This has also been my problem with anniversary shows and remembrances.. The truth of what occurred that day is rarely presented in a true light.  Sure, it was a problem that came from no where and became a crisis within minutes.. and yes, perhaps, who can be prepared for that. 

But that argument is not solid.. Who can be prepared?

If you build a number of nuclear reactors near big population areas and major water sources, you should have a plan to be ready. And also officials should be honest about the very real dangers to the living conditions after a crisis like this does happen..

And we sure should hope nothing like this ever happens again.

CounterPunch investigates: Cancer and Infant Mortality at Three Mile Island

Three Mile Island: 36 years ago

Three Mile Island: 36 years ago

Drugs squad accidentally gets locals high while burning marijuana mountain

Some time in the future, I picture towns doing this annually not in anger but celebration..

Drugs squad accidentally gets locals high while burning marijuana mountain

Documentarian rejects Scientology objection

Everyone with HBO should tune into this tonight at 8pm

Documentarian rejects Scientology objection

This is from a TWEET from NBC NEWS “INVESTIGATES” ..

Could be wrong, but I sure think this feels like a promotion of killing people .. 

Either way, NBC NEWS ‘investigates’ did its due diligence to see the fastest methods for the government to kill people. Thanks ..

Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

I heard about McClelland before.. Years ago actually. I dug up an old link here where people are actively doubting his story—and even giving some evidence that they felt showed he was not even an astronaut like he said..

This new DAILY MAIL article doesn’t really contain new information, it’s just recycled stuff from about 7 or 8 years previous.. 

Can someone, anyone, please share information as to whether this man was ever even employed by NASA?

Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

Gov’t Report: Plutonium at 1,000,000 Bq/m3 was detected in ocean off Fukushima — “Contaminated waters will be transported rapidly to east” across Pacific — This is “the most important direct liquid release of artificial radioactivity into sea ever known” — Scientists: “Remember, its not just cesium that’s released”


Gov’t Report: Plutonium at 1,000,000 Bq/m3 was detected in ocean off Fukushima — “Contaminated waters will be transported rapidly to east” across Pacific — This is “the most important direct liquid release of artificial radioactivity into sea ever known” — Scientists: “Remember, its not just cesium that’s released”

Threat of ground incursion looms over Yemen

And not only a ground incursion, but a regional war .. and I still say World War III of sorts. It just won’t play out in the same fashion the other two did.. And quite frankly it may already be occurring. So much of this theater is just that.. a big chess game that we are told is checkers..

Threat of ground incursion looms over Yemen

Germanwings co-pilot had dreams about plane crashing, report says

But we are just finding out so much about Lubitz so quickly, aren’t we?  The problem I have with all of these stories is that unnamed people are being quoted and we are not finding the true source of the information. Where does it come from? Family? Friends? The EX?  I am not trying to cast too big a shadow of doubt—I believe in conspiracy but also know that not everything is one, so i am trying to be cautious but sensible.  But here is a quote from the FOX NEWS story that gets me into the caution zone:

The New York Post reported that the German newspaper Bild quoted an ex-girlfriend saying that Lubitz “would wake up in the middle of the night screaming, “We’re crashing!”
“When I heard about the crash, one thing that he said kept going through my head: ‘One day I’m going to do something that will change the whole system, and everyone will know my name and remember it.’ ” the woman told the paper, according to the Post.
“I didn’t know what he meant, but now it makes sense,” the woman added.
The Post also reported that French TV channel iTELE reported Lubitz and another girlfriend of seven years shared an apartment in Dusseldorf and planned to get married next year. However, the channel had said Lubtiz’s fiancée ended the relationship the day before the crash.

So how convenient. Suddenly when a big crime is committed, we are told by this EX that she broke up with him a day prior.. And we also have been told as a child he loved this area of the ALPS. And we also know that he was DREAMING about crashing a plane now.. All of this added up together sure sounds like the perfect story book beginning and ending …

I think this girlfriend story is a little sketchy. Don’t get me wrong, again, I am not trying to create rumors where there are none.. but I would think investigators should be asking more about this EX.. asking why the breakup happened. If it did. Asking more about those dreams. If they did.. 

And if someone is speaking about ‘doing something everyone will remember,’ or something of the like, the partner usually queries a lot more about that than this girlfriend apparently did.

And now pilots are going to have to sign away their medical information on a regular basis to a corporation to ensure something of this nature will never happen again.. I guess Andreas Lubitz will be remembered for that…

….but I keep pondering the ‘we’re crashing!!’ dreams, and they are peculiar.  I have reservations about buying into the storyline at this point—at least as it is being presented by the supposed ex-girlfriend of 24 hours.

And let me ask something more.. in our information age where everyone tweets and tumbles and Facebooks into the night, where is the social media presence of Lubitz? Or this girlfriend?

Germanwings co-pilot had dreams about plane crashing, report says
For God’s sake, open the door


  • Operation Jade Helm will see 1,200 service members including Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines in July.
  • Soldiers armed with blank rounds will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado for 8 weeks.
  • The so-called Realistic Military Training has some residents fearful the drill is a preparation for martial law
  • [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y2JtYnwvB8?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

    Start your Sunday with energy..


    Given history, I suppose it’s amazing I even got the chance to read SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK when I was a kid in the 90s. I was doing more reading on the upcoming documentary being made on this and learned something I never quite knew previously: This was among the most banned book of the 1990s..

    Cody Meireck describes it best, 

    The interesting thing that I have been encountering as I begin to talk about this documentary is the question of how I can “bill” the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series. It is listed as the most banned book between 1990-1999 and remained at #7 in 2000-2009. It was #1 on the list for several years in the 1990s. In the 21st Century there are a number of other books that have taken the mantel for most frequently banned… Harry Potter is often up there, and recently the book And Tango Makes Three is often high on the list because of the presence of a homosexual couple (animals though they may be). So although Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is no longer top on the list, for the last 25 years that the American Library Association has been compiling a list, it has been a major title on the list. The original books are over 20 years old at this point, and yet they still show up on the lists amongst more widespread and known books such as Harry Potter and Huckleberry Finn. That says something.

    I remember the moment I got my first SCARY STORIES book.. it was during grade school when a book fair truck came and set up in the school gym.. I found this black book with a skull on it and somehow was attracted to the concept and stories.. It became a treasure for me and then, with each new one, I would buy them up for the collection. 

    The most amazing part, given history of book bans, is that I bought my SCARY STORIES book at a Catholic school book fair!  The same Catholic school that suspended me for a day for bringing a fake Freddy Kreuger glove to class in fourth grade for our field trip..  

    I suppose the school’s nuns couldn’t be aware of every book that was sold. And even more, I ponder if the book seller was secretly trying to fight the pop culture movement at the time to hide these books from kids.

    If it wasn’t for the SCARY STORIES books, my appreciation of the paranormal and even love of drawing perhaps would never have blossomed. I bet there’s a lot of 90s kids in the same boat as me because of this series..

    Saturday, March 28, 2015

    The creepy blanket at 3am

    Let me first explain what this is.. Late at night, if you’re perched at the right place in my bathroom, this is a view directly into my bedroom.. There is a piece of blanket stuffed into the closet which pokes out. Quite frankly, perhaps my laziness has equaled this, it has been there for a long time.. Too long. As a matter of fact, each night at 3am when either nature calls or some other noise of the house startles me awake, I make my way to the bathroom and see this blanket.. The more I stare, though, the less it is looks like a blanket.

    See, this blanket has been scaring me for months. With the darkness of night shrouding the room and just the faint glow from a nearby night light, this little piece of blanket starts it morphing. It looks at first like a witch, sort of staring at me.. If you look long enough, it begins to change into a smiling old hag, almost with a knowing cackle on her face as she sees me have a heart begin to race.. A few times it turned into a man, posing as though he was taking his final photo of life. There was a time when it appeared to be a wolf.. Another time it was simply a blank figure but yet somehow had eyes that were staring at me, almost winking with each second I gawked back..

    Sure, I know this is all a figment of the wild night time imagination—when your reality suspends for a little as you take walks between the here and the dream world there.

    But each time this is so realistic that I need to check this blanket prior to attempting to regain the sleep world. Regardless of my knowledge, my distinct knowledge, that this is a blanket, my deep fear of the shapes it poses as forces me into a nightly check.

    I maintain sanity, let me explain.
    I maintain reality..
    But in the dangerously dark night air, the shapes that objects take can piece your imagination and scare you to the bone.

    A few minutes... I just can't do this television..

    I watched the Kids Choice awards for a few minutes—enough time—to get a taste of the modern generation.. I’m not going to complain like some old fogey.. Instead I’ll say what annoyed me about these awards is the very things that annoyed me as a kid myself when they were on: the endless and senseless teen girl scream that echoes through the house for the duration of the event. I don’t know if the producers are piping it in or if it’s just how shrill it really is.. But the noise never changes.. 

    Even back to the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. That scream. That mind penetrating scream..I also thought to myself about the famed green slime tradition. Do kids today even know where that comes from? Do they know YOU CANT DO THAT ON TELEVISION? .. They know Marc Summers from a cooking channel, not Double Dare. They never saluted their shorts.. They never knew how to sing a song for Hey Dude. 

    And they never knew that Dave Cut it out Coulier had an ‘experience’ with Alanis Morissette in a theater but still played Finders Keepers on Nick.

    All this nostalgia.
    Screaming kids.. But no mind for the history of generations who screamed before them..

    As they said, blue skies, Barfy burgers..girls!

    Crash pilot was psychiatric patient, planned big gesture

    He was on meds, as predicted.. He was also planning something do everyone could remember his name.. And ‘change the system,’ as his girlfriend Maria now recalls.. Lots of recollections are going to be occurring now and people coming out of the word work on this guy..

    Crash pilot was psychiatric patient, planned big gesture

    Just when you’re happily shopping for a shirt, you turn around and the friendly mannequin is mistaken for Slenderman.. not a creepy pasta but an actual occurrence …

    Major publisher retracts 43 scientific papers amid wider fake peer-review scandal

    This one goes out to those who told me that peer-reviewed papers should never be doubted .. the Washington Post gives us lots of information that may inspire a lot of doubts. At this point, the only thing real is Truman…

    Vaccines anyone?

    Major publisher retracts 43 scientific papers amid wider fake peer-review scandal

    Science explains why hipsters grow beards

    Primal sexual urges or just another bandwagon to jump on.. as a cleanly shaven blogger, I have my opinions but no scientific research to counter this official study explaining why our modern male species has the urge to grow facial hair. Now what I really really want to know is why hipsters stop bathing and cleaning their beards regularly….a little counterintuitive to that sexual prowess thing, no?

    Science explains why hipsters grow beards

    Good morning. A view from my jeep window.. supposedly in spring.

    27-year-old Ken Gruno went missing in December, 2014. He was one of many young man who seemingly go missing after leaving bars in this country.. And just like many other men, he was found—this week—in a pond floating..

    Detroit FREE PRESS reports,

    The Flint Journal and Detroit News say that the body found Thursday morning is that of 27-year-old Ken Gruno. The pond is in Forest Township, just outside Otisville and about 12 miles northeast of Flint.
    State police Lt. Ryan Pennel says Gruno was carrying identification. He says there are no signs of foul play.

    Only days ago, a story was published about how his mother hoped he was still alive.

    A January article described the strange circumstances that surrounded Gruno’s mysterious disappearance.. He was at a holiday bar-go-round with friends.. This from M LIVE:

    Grainy security footage from a nearby bank shows him standing outside, said his parents, who have seen the footage. He is standing in the street talking to people in cars that are coming by. Then, he calmly starts walking away. He walks west down East Wilson Road. He walks farther and farther into the darkness and eventually disappears entirely.
    To his family, it makes no sense. The 27-year-old was home from Christmas break, preparing to start his second year of classes studying computer science at Wayne State University in Detroit.
    His mother said there’s no indication of why he left. They’re desperate for clues, but so far have found little more than rumors and bogus leads.

    It should go without saying that the SMILEY FACE KILLERS Facebook page has certainly latched on this case..  

    'A boy like so many others': Shocked reactions from those who knew Germanwings co-pilot

    'A boy like so many others': Shocked reactions from those who knew Germanwings co-pilot

    Friday, March 27, 2015

    Police investigate complaints of drone following children!


    Well, of course the creepy perv route hasn’t been officially taken yet, but it’s sure the first thing to pop into my mind.

    Sometimes I wish we could go back to 2002 when mainstream media denied drones were coming and called those saying they were kooks and conspiracy theorists.. Those were the days..

    If I become president, I will declare that all drones operated by perverts must be equipped with brown curtains. Because every van I ever saw with brown curtains certainly exemplified filth and a deplorable human being to me..

    Police investigate complaints of drone following children!
    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VavdCpewQbA?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

    This is a video of Terrence McKenna describing his DMT Trip .. It’s a rare audio clip, and not presented in an form of an endorsement of his words.. But just take a minute and listen to how he describes it.. The air pumping out the room, edges sharpening, colors jumping up.. and then after one more enormous hit, it separates the ‘intrepid from the casual,’ as McKenna said..

    McKenna describes colors racing together and forming a slowly rotating place..

    I have always been fascinated by McKenna.. and this video. Thought I’d share it on a cold early spring night..

    The capital of Sierra Leone has turned "eerily quiet" at the start of a three-day national lockdown aimed at accelerating the end of an Ebola epidemic in the worst affected country.

    The capital of Sierra Leone has turned "eerily quiet" at the start of a three-day national lockdown aimed at accelerating the end of an Ebola epidemic in the worst affected country.

    The big political news tonight: Hillary Clinton wiped her server clean *(come on, who didn’t see this coming? )* The bigger story to me: POLITICO found the most unflattering photo of Hill they could find for their story..

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovKw6YjqSfM?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

    Monsanto may get the WHO to retract the Roundup cancer link study, I don’t know but they are not going to do anything to win the hearts and minds of the purchasing public with performances like this..

    Pilot Used an Axe: Final Moments on Germanwings Plane Sound Pretty Horrifying

    The other pilot slamming into the cockpit door with an ax…. people screaming as they saw their peril.. this is like a horror movie and I sure can’t even contemplate what it’s like to be a family member or friend of one of the tragic souls who perished in this mass murder event..

    Pilot Used an Axe: Final Moments on Germanwings Plane Sound Pretty Horrifying

    Documentary Explores Classic Books 'Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark'

    Excited by this one! I still own the books and always found them to be some of the most creative and creepy stories I never read. And they are just as good as an adult as they were when I was young. I would love to see how these were created and just how far reaching they were. I bet money they inspired a number of younger people to explore their artistic abilities just by trying t I emulate the haunting sketches in the book..
    I will be following this..

    Documentary Explores Classic Books 'Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark'


    Plugging a 1986 Mac Plus into the modern Web


    p>I love this article. . I tried the same myself with a 1997 HP.. I was surprised how well it worked but how awfully slow it was.. though there’s also a big difference between 97 and 86..

    Speculation: Germanwings jetliner catastrophe: The first antidepressant drug-induced mass murder of the skies?

    Speculation: Germanwings jetliner catastrophe: The first antidepressant drug-induced mass murder of the skies?

    "Michael Crowley in POLITICO writes: "Barack Obama faces a slew of Middle East crises that some call the worst in a generation, as new chaos from Yemen to Iraq — along with deteriorating U.S.-Israeli relations — is confounding the president’s efforts to stabilize the region and strike a nuclear deal with Iran."

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pkVLqSaahk?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

    West may be caving on the Iran deal.. Adding some some more straws to the camel’s back: Saudi Arabia wants nukes. But will still not let women drive.

    And this is the world we live in.

    "Michael Crowley in POLITICO writes: "Barack Obama faces a slew of Middle East crises that some call the worst in a generation, as new chaos from Yemen to Iraq — along with deteriorating U.S.-Israeli relations — is confounding the president’s efforts to stabilize the region and strike a nuclear deal with Iran."

    Feds Financing System to ‘Automatically Detect’ Cyberbullying

    Feds Financing System to ‘Automatically Detect’ Cyberbullying

    Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz behaved like a 'mass spree-killer'

    Either all of this information is coming out conveniently fast or its just how fast information can come out…? Nonetheless, some facts presented are chilling in light of messages I I got last night of peklle theorizing that this was an MKUKTRA operation..

    Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz behaved like a 'mass spree-killer'

    The National Power Grid Is Under Almost Continuous Attack, Report Says

    The National Power Grid Is Under Almost Continuous Attack, Report Says

    KISS' Gene Simmons, WWE team up to make horror movies

    Readers of this website will know that many times over I have said that professional wrestling and horror movies during any given period of time exemplify the generation growing up at that moment. And now we see professional wrestling and horror movies joining together in a pop cultural phenomenon to truly exemplify our current time

    KISS' Gene Simmons, WWE team up to make horror movies

    No Murder Charge For Woman Accused of Cutting Baby From Womb

    I sense this is going to set off quite a raging debate about when life begins… in this matter, we certainly know when life ended. I am very disheartened that n I murder charge will be levied. This crime was heinous and premeditated, and a child was extracted from a mother to be. And killed.

    No Murder Charge For Woman Accused of Cutting Baby From Womb

    Thursday, March 26, 2015

    'Gas-Related' Explosion Destroys Three Buildings in New York City

    'Gas-Related' Explosion Destroys Three Buildings in New York City

    Do you think the pilot who crashed the plane was Mkultra?

    Fascinating you should ask.. had this very conversation with someone tonight. I suppose anything is fair game and possible.. 

    Either way.. This was mass murder. Not suicide. 

    Meerkat allows livestream of your life

    People saw THE TRUMAN SHOW and never thought it’d be real.. it is.
    But Jimmy Fallon is wearing one. So jump on the bandwagon, too.

    Meerkat allows livestream of your life

    Agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration reportedly had “sex parties” with prostitutes hired by drug cartels in Colombia Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/dea-sex-parties-colombia-report-116413.html#ixzz3VVjwbi1q

    Agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration reportedly had “sex parties” with prostitutes hired by drug cartels in Colombia Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/dea-sex-parties-colombia-report-116413.html#ixzz3VVjwbi1q

    Today’s daily doodle.. a puffy and ply Ted Cruz. I don’t think America is ready for his jelly. His politics are to Cruzilicious for us baby.

    This is how a baby in the womb reacts with a mother is smoking..

    COSMOPOLITAN magazine published the photo.. They perhaps didn’t expect the anti-abortion responses they got en masse, including these chosen few:

    • So…how about their reaction when they’re aborted+ripped to pieces? Does that “disturb” you? 
    • Let me see if I get this straight: according to Cosmo smoking while pregnant is bad, but abortion is just fine? 
    • So which is it, just a mass of cells that can be destroyed at will, or a small human with feelings? Can’t be both 
    • They should show how the baby reacts when they are being murdered. 
    • Holy Crap, These fetus-thingies are alive!!!11!!1 
    • Because this is the internet. And speech is free. And COSMO’s Twitter became very political.

    The explosion and collapse were reported at around 3:20 p.m. at 7th Street and Second Avenue Thursday afternoon.

    Thirteen people were injured, the Fire Department said. Three people were in critical condition. Two of them were rushed to Bellevue Hospital.

    Amazon says the FAA is so slow, the delivery drone it approved is already obsolete

    It is very interesting, that our Founding Fathers came up with a system of checks and balances, and an amazing way that divided government must, somehow and someway, be forced to work together as the clock approaches midnight.. But the Founding Fathers weren’t living in the tech age.. 

    I read this VERGE article by Ben Popper with great interest. 

    The government moves slow. 
    Very slow..
    Our modern age is moving at a fever’s pitch.. One way or the other the future is coming.. 

    Amazon says the FAA is so slow, the delivery drone it approved is already obsolete

    It may not happen but it’s sure worth seeing. If this particular weather model run from yesterday proves true, it will be a white Easter with a potential blizzard along the East Coast..

    Yes, you read that right.

    Not much confidence is in the model at this point.. but April is still a time when snow could fall—never discount the chance of it occurring by fluke.. April showers.. rain or snow. Hopefully May flowers will follow.

    Two Termite Species Fall In Love And Give Birth To Super Termites

    Two Termite Species Fall In Love And Give Birth To Super Termites

    She’s just being Miley: Cyrus Instagrams her wisdom teeth.. I sense there was a lack of wisdom in her. Now I can tell it’s all gone for sure..

    Knoebels made the DRUDGE Report. A worker was struck at the park today during testing of a new anticipated roller coaster.

    Not the best reason to make news.. and hopefully the worker is fine and recovers..

    At this time, testing of the coaster has stopped … and I an sure media calls are now deluging the offices of Knoebels. .

    More here: The AP reports: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_ROLLER_COASTER_WORKER_STRUCK?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-03-26-12-24-52@

    George Noory sucks maximum ass.

    My God does he ever..

    I can’t even describe how much he sucks.. how each second of programming exudes this fraudulent verbal diarrhea.. how he took a show that was created to be one of the coolest things on earth by Art Bell and practically halfway flushed it down the toilet before pulling it back up and reusing it again.

    Yes, he sucks.


    Also, good luck with your ‘toes’ thing.

    The gut feeling on autism

    This is something that people have been saying for years–and with autism in my family, I have seen it too.. 

    Now a study is coming out to document what many parents (often called crazy) have been saying: Autism is tied to higher gut disorders for children.. 

    Compared to those with typical development, children with autism were more likely to have constipation and diarrhea when they were ages 6 months to 18 months, and more likely to have diarrhea, constipation and food allergy/intolerance when they were ages 18 months to 36 months, the researchers said… 

    And just to spice up the argument and tension a bit: Common infant vaccines are tied to rise in risk for bowel complications..

    The wired brain of tomorrow is coming sooner than you think

    Google may be planning something big for your brain! A microchip to heal the world!? I have said many times, for better or worse, that this is the future: The phone will trend to implantable devices. 

    We will become one with the internet, and become it, giving it life.. we will also have the ability to search our body for the problems… if we are sick, we can perform a search and find the ailment. Eventually we will be able to print new organs. 

    This is all coming faster than expected–as outlandish as it sounds, it really is not science fiction. 

    The true question: Will the rich keep the spoils for themselves or allow some goodness to spill out? Or will human beings, for the most part, ruin the goodness that all of this will bring by perverted it with power, greed, gluttony, and murder?

    The Pope and the President

    Pope Francis is visiting the White House this September when he in the United States..

    For purposes of posterity, here are some photos of previous presidential and pontiff relations..

    Robot eat Dog world

    The future is now.. robots are replacing human beings in most lines of work. The service industry and manufacturing base is collapsing.. Even actors may be replaced by digital versions.. And now this: Goodbye guide dogs.. Robots on reins about to take their work..

    The co-pilot identified..

    Catholic priest, ex-EWTN TV host, fathered child; he’s now in custody fight, accused of abuse

    My grandmother watched this quite often when I was young.. I recall this priest’s face from my early days. Thankfully, as a child, I didn’t know him personally..

    According to prosecutors, screaming could be heard on the audio recording only in the last few minutes, and death was instantaneous for those on board when the plane crashed.

    Whether that is true or not, perhaps we’ll never know.. It certainly is easier for humans to digest the idea that death is unknown rather than an 11 minute knowing of the doom to come..



    Dramatic news today as more and more news sources are beginning to report that Germanwings Flight 9525 was most likely taken down on purpose..

    New research reveals why animals don’t get schizophrenia and humans do

    Think this: Bigger brains. Bigger problems.

    New research reveals why animals don’t get schizophrenia and humans do

    Wednesday, March 25, 2015

    Germanwings Pilot Was Locked Out of Cockpit Before Crash in France

    And you thought the Flight 370 was a mystery..

    Germanwings Pilot Was Locked Out of Cockpit Before Crash in France

    Attention all teenagers

    There must be an epidemic today of teenagers crying online, on Twitter and Facebook, about the Zayn One Direction nonsense. Keep in mind, the internet never goes away now. All of your tears will come back to haunt you five years from now when you wonder why you cried about this..

    I’m very happy the internet wasn’t popular with Hootie and the Blowfish broke up..

    I have yet to find the person that will disprove my theory

    People who drive white vans that have curtains on the windows are always crazy

    Huge asteroid is on near-collision course with Earth..but it will miss.

    Even more troulbing: This fire in the sky is about to skim past Earth this FRIDAY—THIS FRIDAY—at 23,000 MPH..

    It will not hit us.. But it’s relatively close and will be viewed by professional and amateur astronomers alike..

    It’s also a huge reminder—in size and meaning—of how much is beyond us that can endanger this planet.

    While we argue about useless memes and toil away with trouble, the danger lurks in our galaxy. It can strike at any time. So far we’ve been lucky.. But you sure would think by now we would have found a way to find these threats and do something about them …

    Huge asteroid is on near-collision course with Earth..but it will miss.

    Germanwings plane crash: New information suggests that the descent took 18 minutes, not 8

    A lot of initial reporting on the Germanwings flight crash in the French Alps has been discredited as more information has surfaced.. The initial report yesterday that a mayday distress call was placed was wrong.. And then another issue was reported, that the descent of Flight 9525 took 8 minutes. Instead, new information suggests, it took 18!

    John Lichfield with the UK INDEPENDENT reports this for history:

    The French environment and transport minister, Ségolène Royal,  said that the crew of the Airbus A320 had stopped responding on radio at 10.30am yesterday when the aircraft was over the Mediterranean.
    The aircraft slammed into the sheer side of a mountain in the French Alps soon after 10.48am. For those 18 minutes, it gradually shed height from 28,000 feet to less than 2,000 feet without transmitting any form of distress signal.

    This information is also being reported: The French interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, said that so-called “black box” had been damaged in the crash but was “usable”. .. For some reason, I hesitate buying into this at this point. With the number of times official stories have already changed, I wouldn’t doubt a change in this factoid either.

    At this point, the results from yesterday’s crash are horrific.. one family last three generations of people. A school lost 16 of its best and brightest children.. The heartache extends to the United States with news that two passengers on the doomed flight were from here..

    And a few more things of note as well:

    Three generations of one family dead in plane crash..
    Mystery: What happened on Flight 9525?
    Two people from the United States were on flight..
    Weather an issue in search ..

    Germanwings plane crash: New information suggests that the descent took 18 minutes, not 8

    Three generations of a family die in Alps plane crash

    Three generations of one family — a schoolgirl, her mother and grandmother — were on the Germanwings plane that crashed, according to a town outside Barcelona.
    A statement from Sant Cugat del Valles town hall didn’t provide their names.
    The girl was a student of a middle school for children aged 10 to 11 at Santa Isabel school in Sant Cugat.
    "The students are very affected. The teachers are trying to help them any way they can," said a woman who answered the phone at the school. She refused to give her name or comment further.
    —By Associated Press writer Jorge Sainz in Madrid.

    Three generations of a family die in Alps plane crash

    The Big Bang glitch: A shirt circuit at CERN

    The Big Bang glitch: A shirt circuit at CERN

    Tuesday, March 24, 2015

    Two stories to make you feel very very small

    Just when you think your plight in the grand scheme of things matters a bit, news comes along to give perspective to just how tiny we all are. Today, two examples exist in science news, presented for your review:

    Maybe JUPITER is planet x!? There is new information to suggest that the early solar system was made up of giant super earths. And then Jupiter came along to smash things into pieces.. A theory for now, but certainly amazing when considering the mighty explosion something like this could have made..

    And this other tale, a little closer to home: The huge Australian impact of an asteroid was so large that it caused cracks to the earth’s core..

    When considering the history of our universe, and the ever-changing space around us, it’s pretty amazing that we are even here. That somehow we evolved into the creatures of habit we have.. and somehow still survive in a very hostile existence.. 

    We are somehow alive..

    No matter how big of planets of the past crashed and asteroids smashed.

    Of course all of that could easily happen again..

    A rescue helicopter flies over wreckage of a Germanwings Airbus A320 plane that crashed between the towns of Barcelonnette and Digne in the French Alps.

    There is nothing left.. The plane, according to all reports, has been obliterated..

    The US executed 20 Molly Maguires in biggest federal executions ever

    This is a good read about worthwhile history of the coal region.. The area I am from is going downhill fast.. Vacant streets and empty storefronts. We are a mere dilapidated replica of the wealthy area we once were decades ago. But there is still reason to be proud .. even if I move from this area soon—and for my family and me, it will be the best choice when I do it—there will still be these proud roots in my heritage. A place where workers rights began in the United States. Where the government’s injustices were seen in black and white.. with coal soot on top.. 

    The US executed 20 Molly Maguires in biggest federal executions ever

    Parts of California only have one year of water left


    NESTLE keeps taking California water.. 

    Parts of California only have one year of water left

    Cruzing to a bruising

    I don’t put much stock in the chances of Ted Cruz becoming our next president.. But his candidacy will lead to lots of fun and jokes.. Already has.. 

    But there is one thing that makes a bigger difference to me than him even being from Canada: 

    After 9/11, he stopped listening to rock music.

    Hunter Schwartz with the Washington POST reports,

    In an interview with CBS News Tuesday, Cruz said he grew up listening to classic rock, but became a country fan after 9/11 because of how musicians responded to the attacks.
    "I actually find this intellectually curious, but on 9/11, I didn’t like how rock music responded, and country music collectively, the way they responded, it resonated with me, and I just have to say just at a gut level, I had an emotional reaction that said these are my people," he said.
    Country music was very patriotic following 9/11. Songs like “Only in America” by Brooks & Dunn, “Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)” by Alan Jackson, and “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)” by Toby Keith were all hits on Billboard’s Country chart.

    The POST article goes on to point out the rock songs that became popular after 9/11, like Bruce Springsteen’s THE RISING, Wu Tang Clan’s RULES, and Neil Young’s LET’S ROLL..

    It’s not being said, but I think this whole Cruz quote is based off of what happened to the Dixie Chicks. Remember that fiasco? Freedom fries eating American burned their albums to protest their protesting of the Iraq war? Let’s be honest… there were two periods after 9/11: 1) The initial unification of America and chance to change the world. 2) The Iraq war run-up.. Which America is Cruz talking about?

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pojL_35QlSI?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

    10,000 US troops will be remaining in Afghanistan through the end of this year, clearly no drawdown will take place as earlier promised

    President Obama said this is not a return to combat..
    He also said that he will bring troops home by the end of 2016..

    The troops were slated to leave Afghanistan very soon, but now that Afghan president asked for troops to stay longer, the United States has agreed.. 

    The war goes on. We just stopped it war.

    At a press conference, the airline said the plane was last inspected yesterday and that the pilot was very experienced, with years of service and thousands of hours of flying time.

    Another intriguing part of this crash.
    Inspections are thorough.. no company wants a crash on their record.. And this plane was inspected one day before this tragedy…

    At a press conference, the airline said the plane was last inspected yesterday and that the pilot was very experienced, with years of service and thousands of hours of flying time.