Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Americans Confused About Cancer Risks

Well when a new study comes out daily refuting the previous day’s study about what causes cancer, should there be any confusion as to why there is confusion to begin with!? Honestly, navigating through the realities of what and how to eat is difficult..

Studies about what cause cancer may actually cause cancer, according to a new study.

Americans Confused About Cancer Risks

Monday, March 30, 2015

This, to me, is the most promising therapy I have seen in my career, period

Dr. Henry Friedman, a neuro-oncologist and deputy director of the Brain Tumor Center at Duke University, on a CBS 60 minutes that treating CANCER with POLIO may be working..

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Monsanto Weedkiller Is "Probably Carcinogenic,"™ WHO Says

And as a result, MONSANTO is dismissing the new study linking one of its popular products to cancer..

Which is to be expected..There has been along controversy about this. Heck, there is still a controversy about Agent Orange—created of course by the same folks who now give us GMO food and products to kill the bugs that used to feast on growing plants.. 

While doing some searching for other peer reviewed science that may back up these most recent WHO findings, I found this article from 2013 appearing in the HUFFINGTON POST, lashing out at those who are critical of Monsanto based on ‘bad science.’   I wonder how much more ‘bad science’ has to happen before we listen.. before the butterflies stop dying.. before cancer rates start falling.. and before we eat good honest food again..

Monsanto Weedkiller Is "Probably Carcinogenic,"™ WHO Says

Monday, September 30, 2013

Even cancer is getting political! The federal government wants to redefinethe term “cancer” so that fewer conditions qualify as a true cancer.


With respect to the definition of “cancer,” downgrading some conditions as no longer being “cancer” can and will used to justify reducing “unnecessary” screening tests (e.g., mammograms for women between ages 40-49). Mammograms can now detect the condition known as “ductal carcinoma in situ” (DCIS), which would no longer be called a cancer under the new proposal

Even cancer? Disease? ….is anything in this land of our land NOT political!?

Even cancer is getting political! The federal government wants to redefinethe term “cancer” so that fewer conditions qualify as a true cancer.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dying 2-year-old son to be Pa. couple's best man

Every now and then a story actually makes me tear up. This is one of them.. I could not imagine the prospects of losing a child, especially to leukemia.. The AP dispatch reports it this way:

Two-year-old Logan is the son of Sean Stevenson and Christine Swidorsky, of Jeannette. The couple had planned to wed next year, but decided to move the ceremony up to Saturday so the boy, who has leukemia and other complications, could participate.

The boy has already lost one kidney and has a mass on his remaining kidney. He has Fanconi anemia, a rare disease that often results in cancer. Doctors last week gave the boy two to three weeks to live.

Swidorsky says, “We want Logan in our family pictures, and we want him to see his mother and dad get married.”

Again, as a parent, I have so much empathy for these two adults watching their innocent young toddler succumb to such a disease.. 

I cam so sad to read it.. but at the same time so heart-warmed to think of how much joy this will bring this young little brave man.

I have said this before and will again, I don’t know for sure if there is a God above or a devil below, but I will be doing my best version of praying or at least sending positive thoughts towards these three as they share the bond of matrimony with a child who will soon be gone from this natural earthly dwelling..

Dying 2-year-old son to be Pa. couple's best man

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Can you hear me now?

Not so shocking, but interesting that the WHO is coming to grips with piles of science that has already sounded alarm bells over cell phone radiation.. It may cause cancer … May. World Health Organization has declared the radiofrequency electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones to be “possibly carcinogenic to humans..

Some don’t agree that cell phones are possibly carcinogenic..

Thursday, March 10, 2011

....something more to worry about

Health officials alarmed at cancer rates in our modern age: According to numbers released today, the number of cancer survivors in the United States is increasing by hundreds of thousands a year, and now includes roughly one in 20 adults..