Saturday, December 12, 2015
Pro Trump people are getting nasty..
Anti Trump people are getting nasty.
Effigies of him are now being beaten and beheaded in weird fits of rage.. all the while those opposed to him decry the rage at his rallies.
I want this election to be over as soon as possible. Maybe it’s the most important in history (though we hear that every four years) but it certainly will be the most divisive and potentially unhealthy for the nation..
The Bell Chronicles
A documentation of the final quitting of Art Bell.
Art Bell fans are about to light up in rage, anger, sadness, grief, and whatever mixture of emotions they could conjure at the latest Facebook post from the talk show host: He quits.
From Bell,
I am sorry to have to announce this but I will not be on Tonight or any other night, yes I am going to hang it up. Whoever this crazy person is, they are not stopping and it has come to the point that we as a Family do not feel it is worth the risk. While I think the person or persons are after me, my Wife and now my Daughter are really scared, the other night after the latest incident my Daughter was off in the corner of her bed scared to death as the Police cars came screaming up. I will not put my Family through this. As you all know I dearly love what I do but not at the expense of never ending Terrorism. I want to thank those of you who have shown so much support and it has been my joy, short as it has been to have cracked that Mic open for a last time. This was a Family decision. The girls stuck with me and still would but if one of them were harmed because of what I love doing my life would be over.
This message comes after a series of threatening encounters with an unknown man popping shots onto Bell’s property.
The HORROR REPORT has followed this story as it developed..
And now tonight, this Friday which would normally be reserved for open lines, is going to be without Art Bell. In his place: His producer Heather Wade..
There will be a live show Tonight and while I know people hate change, Heather my Producer has decided to give tonight’s show a try! I would ask that you give her a fair listen before you decide thumbs up or down. She is really really good at what she does.
And with that.. a whimper and not a bang, the MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT program is done. Short lived.. very popular–big stations picked him up and even Clyde Lewis got bumped down from 5 hours to 3.. Coast to Coast AM, though seemingly the weak contender, wins by default..
The Art Bell generation is aging and the new crowd that was introduced to his show over the past few months have suddenly lost a new favorite.
Speaking of Lewis, the Bell re-re-re-retirement has had an effect on Ground Zero. From Lewis,
Art Bell has resigned from Midnight in the Desert. The whole Ground Zero team wishes him the best in the future. In light of this news Ground Zero will go back to 5 hours a night on KXL. (We will post any other updates as needed)
MIDNIGHT riders unite.. this is one sad night.
As ‘Rick Deckard’ on BELLGAB writes tonight,
Damn. Looks like I’ll be going to sleep while listening to Art Bell reruns… forever.
So long, Art Bell. You’re much loved and will be much missed.
Stay safe. Stay happy. And enjoy your family.
Merry Christmas.
There are some Facebook fans calling Bell to task tonight over the allegations that shootings have occurred on his property. One poster wrote, “ On /r/artbell (reddit) they are saying there is no proof of any of these shooting incidents. No police reports, nothing.
I am a huge fan, have been since '95. I am disappointed with this announcement.
Can you explain why you made no police reports about these incidents?” Bell responded directly, saying, “I did, several times at the Nye County Sheriff Dept."
Another message from Bell posted after the original two talks about refunds for subscribers,
Midnight in the Desert
So, I made my decision after my Wife told me about my Daughter today. She was really scared.
Everybody who wants refunds will get them.
Heather will do a show Tonight with I think a Time Traveler.
Perhaps I will come and do a random show when Heather needs a break if you give her a chance. I just can not keep a routine that puts my Family in danger.
# # # #
Art Bell had one more post on the entire matter.
Heather Wade appeared hosting Midnight in the Desert last night. She sounded like herself–those who may have heard her before on Midnight or even on Bellgab’s numerous past podcasts as ’(Redacted)’ already knew what she sounded like. Her guest was troubling, however. He was not able to complete a thought almost a sentence. He was a supposed time traveler from the future but was guarding his secrets. He seemed to be filled with bunk. Suddenly, around an hour into the program fraught with technical issues, Bell called in to greet the new host. He appeared to be giving her an on-air reassuring–and listeners too.
Then Bell wrote this on Facebook this morning,
I think Heather did a amazing job given the short notice, connection problems and a Guest who was tough. She will return Monday with a great Guest and I think those of you who are considering cancelling should give her a couple of more days before deciding. In my view she has one of the more pleasant voices on Radio!
On another note it may be that after some time if you stick with it I may be able to show up now and then. While I understand I could have some Guard out there it is not a road I care to go down again, I did that Years ago and hated it for the same reason anybody who has ever been under Guard would easily understand, it’s really intrusive.
I was prepared to go on, threat or not but after a sit down with my Wife about what life has been like since all this started for her and most of all Asia, it just seemed selfish of me to keep doing it so I could have fun under current circumstances. I also want to say the Sheriff’s office has been doing a wonderful job, they have a big valley to protect.
The comments section on this post
showcase anger and sadness mixed together in the style reminiscent of the other times Bell quit. Despite his assurance that he’d come back to do an occasional show if 'time travelers’ stick around, Keith Rowland has already posted instruction on how to quit and get money back. Major radio affiliates like KXL have already dropped MIDNIGHT.. Most likely other big players who recently picked up the show will do the same thing.
The only take I can personally have on this: It seems too late to make any comeback after this. At this point, the show is Midnight with Heather Wade. It may be wise to take out 'the desert’ portion since she’s from the West’s undisclosed location. It may also be inventive to try to get other Bellgab.com users involved with the program. Calling MV? Jazz? others?
And when Wade needs a night off.. Bell may be the relief and give an open lines here and there. But with him gone as the headliner of the program, the audience that gets built will have to be more organic. Bell’s name brought back big players and opened the door for huge numbers in ratings. Heather Wade will not have that immediate advantage. And in some ironic twist, thought she and others on Bellgab have long been critical of George Noory and how he got his gig after Bell left Coast in the early 2000s, she may face the same hostile audience.
The ball is in her court now. The HORROR REPORT has personally wished her success in this venture and publicly does here, as well.
Given the circumstances of everything, going from producer to host may not be a simple task..
Full moon set for Christmas 2015–the first time since 1977. It will also not happen for a long time to come..
It will be full at 6:11 a.m. EST on December 25th, according to Fred Espenak with NASA. A Christmas full moon will not happen again until 2034.
December’s full moon is called the Full Cold Moon, or the moon before yule.
And it will make for a good scene as Santa Claus crosses the sky with Rudolph guiding his sleigh..
Friday, December 11, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
A few things on my mind
GOP preparing for a brokered convention!!
Maybe the ‘ark’ was a spaceship..? An article asks the question: Did Life BEGIN on Mars?
A theory of parallel universes.. maybe they are existent directly on top of ours?
This one may rock everything you think you know: According to a hacker who is facing a ten-year legal battle after breaking into NASA computers, the United States has a fully operational fleet of Space Warships. Gary McKinnon, firmly believes that he came across the ultimate information that proves the US have a secret space program operated by the navy with fully operational warships that operate in Space
San Bernardino shooters practiced for a year in advance to act..
Farook got a loan for $28,000 before shooting..
Family lawyer doesn’t believe official account, of this OR the Sandy Hook shooting..
Norovirus suspected as 80 Boston college students become ill at Chipolte.. and not just in Boston:Seattle is also reporting a breakout, sickening at least 200.. A whole lot of Norovirus lately..
The reasons that KRAMPUS defied the odds and became a quick box office horror hit for Christmas..
Predictions: Smartphones will die in 5 years..
The voice of Charlie Brown arrested and sentenced..
BURT REYNOLDS hits hard: Charlie Sheen ‘got what he deserved’..
ANONYMOUS declares Friday to be ISIS trolling day..
Cousins of dinosaurs lived more recently than previously thought..
Images show how dolphins see people..
“IDENTITY” is the word of the year..
The sun is capable of ‘devastating’ super solar flare..
Truth about the socialite who chose death over growing old and ugly
At 50 she was worried about getting fat and wrinkled. Instead of aging she chose death..
Truth about the socialite who chose death over growing old and ugly
42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks
Sadly the Gulf War 1 baby incubator incident is not included, even that was not as the paid agent testified it was.. Also not included is ‘Syria Girl’ who never was a girl at all..
42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks
Here is a dose of the paranormal when you most need it..
Spooky moment TV presenter watches glass of water move across table during live broadcast .. The host claims there was no obvious explanation for the movement of the glass and admits he ‘felt strange’ in the moments beforehand
It’s weird..
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Tonight feels like the type of night for a song.. for a war time song.. for a battle-ridden bloodshed-shedding song.
Life during wartime.
The Talking Heads..
The 80s..
Those were the days.
This Facebook post tonight from Seph Lawless, December 9 2015. He’s my favorite photographer as of late.. his work is amazing.
This image of ‘Main Street USA’ looks a lot like the coal region of Pennsylvania… a lot like the area I live in currently. Quite a bit ..
Just look at the lost hopes and dreams in this photo. Just put yourself in the former relic that existed–a relic that turned into a brick and mortar nightmare.
Seph Lawless is the priceless photog who captures these moments.. these images.. these pictures.
You really should consider following him.. https://www.instagram.com/p/_FrmSgmzbx/
GET READY!! An early morning missile test over a remote part of New Mexico is expected to produce a contrail that will be visible across the Southwest on Thursday, and authorities says they’re preparing for a flood of phone calls and emails from curious onlookers.
The last time? Reports of UFOs.. people thinking nuclear war began.. World War III.. Donald Trump’s hair. You name it.
This time there is a warning..
My box of nostalgia
I really have one. I wonder if you do, too?
This box of nostalgia is both healthy and unhealthy.
I searched through it tonight. I have memories dating back 20 years. I have some others more recent that were put in there..
Just recently, there has been a major shakeup in my life. My son’s day care is closing at the beginning of 2016. We are now searching for a new one that will be in our lives until he starts Kindergarten in September. But for now, it is a complete mess of chaos along with a dose of sadness, melancholy zeal for the past, and hope for the future..
In times like this I always turn to my box of nostalgia.. one tucked away on a shelf in my house.
Things change quickly. And suddenly. And without remorse..without justification, often. And without mercy.
That is how I feel about the change right now in my life..
The change..
The nostalgia..
And the old dusty box of old documentation of a life that was.. is.. and somehow will be.
This is my time machine.
Don’t call me crazy. I know you have one, too.
Salvation Nation Army Carneys
I went to the grocery store tonight to pick up a few things for dinner.. As I meandered around.. it was typical. I could not really find anything of interest. Most products were too expensive. I haven’t eaten meat lately so nothing looked appealing. I ended up getting a sandwich at a shop up the street.
But as I left, I heard the Salvation Army bell ringer outside clanging his tiny bell in the cold. I prepped my dollar bill, as I often do, and pre-folded it to ensure that there’d be no problems placing it into the tin basket.
As I got close to him, I stopped for a few seconds. The store placed the Salvation Army person directly next to one of those horrendous machines that eats your dollars and, with the promise of a claw, will try to give you a large stuffed animal. Chances are you’ll never win. Chances are you’ll waste money..
And someone did.
I was taken aback a bit by sight, however.
Think about this: Not only was the Salvation Army bell ringer juxtapose to a wasteful machine of cheaply made slave products, but at the moment I was placing my money in his basket, a woman and her very young child were attempting to win prizes. They couldn’t. They never would have.
Instead, in only the few seconds I was watching and slowly trying to come to grips with what I was seeing, they dropped about five bucks into the machine.
Five dollars that could have been used for something else. For..perhaps…the Salvation Army?
I am not shilling for a charity, not at all. And you may have your own personal griefs with whatever organization is asking for cash this time of year. That said, I dare add this to the mix: Regardless of whatever your belief would be on the charity, the chances are you’ll get more bang for a buck by giving it to the needy than you will to a machine that will spit out nothing but false promises of prizes never to come.
I just cannot get over the irony of someone wasting money in a foolish venture without reward, and a bell ringing clanging lazily away while seated in a chair next to the machine.
I almost said something–something either sarcastic or pointed. Nasty words almost jumped from my tongue. But it was not appropriate. Instead.. I figured it was as good a time as any, so I put in my dollar and then searched my pockets for some more change, and found a $5 bill. Instead of putting it into a machine to get a heavy stuffed animal a claw would never get a grip on, I dropped it down in to the Salvation Army bucket.
And I thought of this..
Here is how YOU can donate to charity this time of year>
My KRAMPUS review
KRAMPUS has been getting negative reviews.. nasty tomatoes thrown from some critics, even. Both professional and amateur movie reviewers alike have presented a mixed bag of thoughts regarding this film. But I never care about reviews until I actually see a film for myself.
There are a few Christmas films that stand out to me in my short life. SCROOGE comes to mind.. The GREMLINS is next – notice the pattern of creepiness? This movie, KRAMPUS, may have rattled my mental list of movies and given me a new favorite.
It took me about five minutes into the film before I decided that I absolutely loved KRAMPUS.
KRAMPUS opens with a scene of people hurling themselves into a store, striking down fellow shoppers over products, trampling over people, all the while ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ plays in the background. The scene is reminiscent of any you see on Black Friday. Even this Black Friday, which paled in comparison to online shopping, still featured images of people knocking down displays and fighting over toys and cheaply made slave products from third world nations.
The immediate political commentary from KRAMPUS is obvious. You think there is a war on Christmas? There is. And you’re the ones beginning it, shoppers.
The movie features a drinking workaholic father played by Adam Scott. A panic-ridden most likely nerve-pill-popping-mom that Toni Collette effectively plays. There are other family members, a grandmother who knows legends, and a drunk aunt who decides to tag along with the family rejects for Christmas. There is humor. There is darkness. There is fear.
Things get set into motion when the child protagonist, superbly played by Emjay Anthony, rips up his note to Santa Claus and gives up the Christmas spirit. In doing so, he joins the rest of his immediate and extended family who have already done so. A blizzard sets in.. As does Krampus with his demented pack of creatures and elves.
The rest is horror and action, humor and sarcasm. The movie points you in a direction, and then pulls the rug out from under you. Without giving away anything further, the ending is impressive and conclusive. And it swerves you away from what you thought the film ended was, giving it the feel of either the final scene of JEEPERS CREEPERS or a TWILIGHT ZONE that was never made.
I listened to radio host Clyde Lewis last night describe his thoughts about seeing the film, and he said something that struck me deeply: He think that Krampus is the ‘Santa Claus we deserve” in America.
Think about that for a moment.
Is it possible that we do deserve Krampus during this time? Just yesterday, news outlets showed images of a person dying in the streets of New York City while a woman, watching, walked by and continued eating pizza like it did not matter. Shootings are common. Seasons beatings are happening. There is a war between cultures in America. There seems to be a sudden and immediate sense that we are divided and simply concerned over material possessions.
….so do we deserve Krampus?
The legend of Krampus is not new. Despite his sudden emergence in pop culture, he has been around for eons of time. I have written about him extensively for years. The horror that gripped populations in Germany for centuries can be attributed to Krampus. A sudden clang on the roof top and pounding knock on the door insinuated that Krampus arrived at a home to take away a bad child and send him or her to the fiery pits of hell. The gnome creatures who were the lower pawns of Krampus would sniff socks and shoes to see which ones were clean versus not. The unclean kids would have a strike against them immediately.
When I was in grade school, our class put our shoes outside the classroom as a tradition. We heard bells and when we checked there was candy in all of our property. Little did we as kids know what the opposite conclusion to our lives would have meant…
Krampus is a figure of lure that has been around for as long as stories about this time of year go back. Christmas was not always about Christ. Cultures, instead, utilized scary ghost stories around camp fires to watch the night until light arrived. They always shunned away evil spirits from their homes by lighting candles in every room. Throughout time, the darkness in December both depressed and annihilated hope within people. Thankfully the modern age features blinking lights and gigantic air-filled garden ornaments of Charlie Brown characters to keep us semi-normal.
In history, Krampus was a natural effect of fear of the lack of light. He would arise at this moment when the dangers of darkness were most present. As time went on, he became a bargaining chip. Kids were afraid of their punishment for being bad because of the horrid things Krampus would do to them, parents most likely often threatened them with the Krampus treatment for unruly behavior. Thankfully for the psyche of children as a whole, Santa Claus eventually rose to greatness and gave us the hopes and dreams of the season. Up on the rooftop, click click click, Krampus was replaced by ole’ Saint Nick.
Now that I saw the film, I read through some reviews of the movie. They were unkind and often, in my opinion, unfair. They also seemed to not understand the legend of Krampus or the meaning of the season that he actually gives.
I will never forge the scene in the GREMLINS when the little creatures were involved in a fight that included a blender while DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR played on a record. KRAMPUS had about four scenes that will stand out to me now, in the same nostalgic way GREMLINS did.
Even more, KRAMPUS is somewhat like NATIONAL LAMPOON’S CHRISTMAS VACATION meets JEEPERS CREEPERS. When the extended family shows up, they bring with them dysfunction and chaos. Fighting ensues, family quibbles turn into battles. And when the Christmas spirit, once strong, is gone, it gives rise for darker forces to enter.
There were moments of KRAMPUS where I got sentimental alongside of times where I got genuinely freaked out by the characters on display. There are times it was more like a dark fairy tale, a grim scene followed by a series of unfortunate decisions by the family. By the end, even though we do not get to like this family—I don’t think it was meant to be like that—we still are rooting for the main child. The one who suddenly regains his holiday spirit while staring into the endless hole to hell.
I have long believed—and have written a number of times—that Christmas is potentially the most paranormal of all seasons. Think of the reason so many celebrate: Jesus Christ, the savior of mankind, was born of a virgin in a stable, with people following stars in the sky to bring the new kind gifts. There is nothing at all more paranormal than that.
One of the most famous stories of all time for this time of year is A CHRISTMAS CAROLE, featuring ghosts of past present and future Christmases.
KRAMPUS, which in my opinion, does all the right things, has brought a new form of celebration into the season. You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout, and I’m telling you why. Not because Santa Claus is coming with gifts, but because if you lose the reason for the season, the spirit of the time, and the deeper feeling of helping humanity and caring for others, then you will be greeted by the king of darkness and the one who capitalizing on the decreasing Christmas spirit. Krampus.
And it won’t be pretty.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Why was President Obama standing during his Oval Office address?
Lots of theories floating around online about his today.. Standing = power? The resolute commander in chief?
I thought the stage looked strange.. Obama looked tired. The curtains behind him crabby and dull.. And he seemed uncomfortable standing..
For me it didn’t work..
Why was President Obama standing during his Oval Office address?
Monstrous baby galaxies spotted in dark matter by ALMA
Ordinary matter makes up only 5% of the universe and rest is still undetected. Using numerical simulations, it has been predicted that the rest of the ordinary matter might be located in large-scale structures that form the ‘cosmic web’, but a new study has presented new hypothesis showing where majority of these ordinary matter is found.
Monstrous baby galaxies spotted in dark matter by ALMA
Sunday, December 6, 2015
This news from Saturday night in London.. a knife attack in the city being labeled a terrorist incident.. MORE..