Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the target of today’s shooting in Arizona, is alive.. Reports in the confusing aftermath of the violence at the Safeway store where the Representative was having her public event said she was dead. Reports later gave official word that while she was shot in her head, she was alive.. Doctors have publicly stated they are hopeful her condition will continue to improve.
The situation was much worse for six others who are dead tonight, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl who was born on September 11, 2001..
Police are urging Congress members to take safety precautions in the aftermath of the violence..
The gunman was ID’d today as Jared Loughner.. he is 22, was in the military, and has a history of web-presence. His online vidoes and Myspace ramblings are sure to be looked at closely by authorities as they investigate the madness in Tuscon today. Not only were his words rambling, but he appeared to be obsessed with mind control..
As for the 22-year-old killer, he said he acted alone and authorities, not believing him, are looking further into leads and other possible suspects tonight .. The intentions of why he killed are still developing. Reports in the aftermath said that the shooter, Loughner, shouted ‘damn Democrats’ as bullets fired.. other reports that another person in the crowd shot back at Loughner .. Arizona is an open carry state.
And politics, without question, is now playing a role in the shooting and the aftermath. NPR reporting tonight that some are wondering if political banter played a role in the violence. It seems to the age-old question.. how much talk is too much talk and how many people are adversely affected by rage over political beliefs.
The federal judge killed today was appointed by President Bush. The Congresswoman targeted was a Democrat..
Let the debate begin. But let the crime also be punished.
And prayers are abundant tonight for the survival of Congresswoman Giffords. Prayers as well for those injured, and those killed..
The nation shocked.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The events of the day, summed up in the best way I can do it
This just made chills run up my spine..
Christina Greene, the 9-year-old killed today in Arizona, was born on one of the most important days in our nation’s history:
Born on September 11, 2001, Greene was excited about the political process
The persons dead tonight are gone from earth, and their families now are left to grapple with the aftermath of madness.. But I cannot stop thinking about the significance, in some strange way, of a product of 9/11 being killed during an act of domestic rage..
Of all the events today from Arizona, this is the most tragic in my mind..
9-year-old victim of deadly rampage identified | | Tucson, Arizona
The identity of the 9-year-old tragically killed in this morning’s deadly rampage is Christina Taylor Greene. Family says she was vibrant, excited about life, and she was the “best daughter in the world.”
NPR, Reuters, CNN and other major news orgs incorrectly declare death of Rep. Giffords
And lots of blogs, websites, and other news outlets picked it up ..
Mistakes happen. But this was a major massive huge blunder..
NPR, Reuters, CNN and other major news orgs incorrectly declare death of Rep. Giffords
Meanwhile in New York City..
Portuguese TV star slain, castrated at NYC hotel
A celebrity Portuguese television journalist was found castrated and bludgeoned to death in a New York City hotel, and his companion, a male model who had recently been a contestant on a Portuguese reality TV show, was in police custody Saturday
Jared Loughner was obsessed with mind control
Was in the military..
Appears to have rambling incoherent thoughts..
Various political beliefs..
Jared Loughner was obsessed with mind control
xxx Earlier reports were wrong xxx
Rep. Giffords is out of surgery and in critical condition with a single gunshot wound to the head, hospital says.
xxx Earlier reports were wrong xxx
Rep. Giffords is out of surgery and in critical condition with a single gunshot wound to the head, hospital says.
So far no one else appears to be involved in Congressman Giffords’ assassination..
MUST READ: Eyewitness report of Gifford assassination
Adrian Chen at Gawker:
The event was very informal: Gifford had set up a table outside the Safeway and about 20-30 people were gathered to talk to her. The gunman, who may have come from inside the Safeway, walked up and shot Gifford in the head first. According to Rayle, who is a former ER doctor, Gifford was able to move her hands after being shot.
After shooting Gifford, the gunman opened fire indiscriminately for a few seconds, hitting a number of people, including a kid no older than 10 years old. Rayle hid behind a concrete pole and pretended to be dead. When the gunman apparently ran out of ammunition he attempted to flee, but a member of Gifford’s staff tackled him. The Rayle helped hold him down while waiting for the sheriff to arrive, about 15-or 20 minutes later. 30 minutes later the EMS came. Rayle said he was “stunned” by how long it took medical help to arrive.
The man was young, mid-to-late 20s, white clean-shaven with short hair and wearing dark clothing and said nothing during the shooting or while being held down. He didn’t look like a businessman, but more of a “fringe character,” our source said.
MUST READ: Eyewitness report of Gifford assassination
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and six others died after a gunman opened fire at a public event on Saturday, the Pima County, Ariz., sheriff’s office confirms. The 40-year-old Democrat was outside a Tucson grocery store when a gunman ran up and began firing indiscriminately. The suspect was taken into police custody.
This weekend was the first break of the new Congress..
Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head — CNN reporting that no conditions are known yet.
No motive is released yet, but the shooter is in custody according to initial reports from the scene, as reported on CNN //
According to Mike Brooks of CNN, no threats against Giffords were known..
CNN REPORTING ON THE SHOOTING IN ARIZONA:A couple of victims with gunshot wounds have arrived at Northwest Medical Center, according to spokesman Richard Parker. “They’ve been coming in the last 10 minutes. I’m not sure of the severity of their injuries,” he said. Ogan said the motive for the shooting is unclear. “We’re just trying to sort this out right now,” he said.
NPR now reporting that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D - AZ) was shot outside a grocery store in Tuscon, AZ.; CNN reports "several people" were shot.
U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot outside a grocery store in Tucson while holding a public event, an eyewitness reported Saturday.
Giffords, who was re-elected to her third term in November, was hosting her first “Congress on Your Corner event at the Safeway in northwest Tucson when a gunman ran up and started shooting. At least five other people, including members of her staff, were hurt, according to Peter Michaels, news director of Arizona Public Media.
Giffords was transported to University Medical Center in Tucson. Her condition was not immediately known.
Michaels said Giffords was talking to a couple when the man ran up, firing indiscriminately, and then ran off. He was tackled by a bystander and presumably taken into custody.
NPR now reporting that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D - AZ) was shot outside a grocery store in Tuscon, AZ.; CNN reports "several people" were shot.
Baby-swinging videos freak out parents, the Internet
Maybe it’s a elaborate hoax.. But either way YouTube is beginning to pull the video whereever it shows up on its site.
Top of the morning .. slightly.
Cher — Gypsies Tramps and Thieves
Chris Isaak — Somebody’s Crying
my mom was pregnant w/my brother when MLK was shot, RFK was shot and my dad was in Vietnam. riots were happening in cities and america seemed to be falling apart. she reminds me of this when i start to get anxious. this too shall pass
MUST READ RED ALERT: DOJ subpoenas Twitter records of numerous WikiLeaks volunteers
The information demanded by the DOJ is sweeping in scope. It includes all mailing addresses and billing information known for the user, all connection records and session times, all IP addresses used to access Twitter, all known email accounts, as well as the ”means and source of payment,” including banking records and credit cards. A copy of the Subpoena served on Twitter is here.
The Subpoena was court ordered, signed by a federal Magistrate Judge in the Eastern District of Virginia, Theresa Buchanan. It states that there is “reasonable ground to believe that the records or other information sought are relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation.” It was issued on December 14 and ordered sealed — i.e., kept secret from the targets of the Order. On January 5, the same judge ordered the subpoena unsealed at Twitter’s request in order to inform the users of the Subpoena and give them 10 days to object; had Twitter not so requested, it could have turned over this information without the knowledge of its users. A copy of the unsealing order is here.
MUST READ RED ALERT: DOJ subpoenas Twitter records of numerous WikiLeaks volunteers
Friday, January 7, 2011
I didn’t like the NIGHTLINE story one bit about the rash of bird and fish deaths.
The previews of the show made it look like they were going to take the strange activities seriously. Instead what we got was a mocking story about how conspiracy nuts are blaming HAARP and nothing bad really is happening.
Ok, fair enough. There may be scientific evidence that backs up the notion that nothing bad is happening. And for God’s sake, I am having a child this year, so a bad thing happening is the last thing I want to have happen!
But I also think some rather strange things are occurring. Arguably, thousands of birds dying around the globe at one time, along with potentially … millions? *how many fish in a ton?* fish dead around earth, are things that people should think a little deeper about than just ignoring with a dismissive tone..
NIGHTLINE’s story may as well have not been aired. Instead of making fun of people who think the end of the world is coming, maybe it would have been more beneficial to ask questions over what we are 1) doing to our environment, 2) what the Gulf oil spill did to the Gulfstream, and 3) what pollution could potentially be doing to harm the earth.
But I guess serious stuff isn’t funny. After all NIGHTLINE is competing with Leno and Letterman..
NIGHTLINE is somewhat mocking people fearing the bird and fish deaths
I don’t like the tone NIGHTLINE is taking..
I think “Aflockalypse” is a ridiculous term..
But I also think there is something strange going on in the world.
And yes, maybe people quoted 2012 prophecies but that is fiction for the most part. The bird death and fish death around the world is REAL! It’s happening.
As much as NIGHTLINE right now is making light of the fears, I think it’s tone is over the top..
And yes, a rational explanation may arise from the recent deaths. Cold, fireworks, etc. etc.
But all at one time … it’s somewhat odd for this all to happen all at once..
Fluoride through the years
Or information that you’d rather not know, as the news so often consists of tidbits and facts that make life much more miserable than they should be.
But miserable as it all could very well be, we’re stuck on earth in the system. So enjoy the Matrix.
From the world called earth, circa 2011: Fluoride was considered a glorious bounty from God himself only a few years ago. What child doesn’t have a vague recollection of horrible-tasting fluoride tablets being given to them in grade school? Some kids were lucky enough to have “cherry flavored” fluoride. And that’s not to mention the water supplies being filled with the tooth decay ‘preventative.’ So many years.. so many cavities later.. and what today have we been told? “There is too much fluoride in the water.” As a matter of fact, it’s so much so that the government is going to cut down the amounts put into water supplies. Now if only someone can ask the tough question: Is there too much fluoride in our toothpaste?
x x x
The cautionary tale for a Friday night
CNN reminds us that winning a lottery doesn’t guarantee happiness..
Thank you CNN, ruining another Friday with a Debbie Downer story.
8000 turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree
Strange blue stain showing up on yet more dead birds
8000 turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree
This is America: A spy drone (the kind employed in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) are being deployed to the streets of Florida
Spy drones in Florida to be the first in the nation — and will no doubt set a precedent for other police departments to follow..
Oh.. and the ACLU APPROVES!
This is America: A spy drone (the kind employed in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) are being deployed to the streets of Florida
It’s Friday.
It’s Russian Christmas Eve.
Unemployment just went down to 9.4%..
Sure there’s lots of bad out there, but look up and say hello to life.
Morning news, for those who dare to read it
And it’s a white Christmas Eve in many parts of the Northeast, including Coal Speaker headquarters
Shift in earth’s magnetic pole affecting Tampa’s airport..
What happens to our cyber life after we die in real life? The New York TIMES has more..
Military death ray? The end of the world? Chemical testing? Rumors fly over bird deaths worldwide..
MORE birds to the ground..
Bird is the word: Mystery continues..
Bird is the word, fish is the dish: Where the deaths occurred so far:
New Zealand
Speculation increases over whether death of John Wheeler III was murder..
Friend of Wheeler discusses death..
Case gets more baffling..
New York City braces for a half a foot of snow—no where near the blizzard of late 2010’s totals.. Another storm system is expected to impact the area early next week..
Another snowy winter weekend predicted for the Northeast..
Cracked Apple: Mac App store has been giving away pay apps for free..
Gaga brings Polaroid back from the dead: Unveils Polaroid sunglasses camera..
Trailer revealed for John Carpenter’s THE WARD..
Most anticipated movies of 2011..
Horror film SIBLINGS shoots in Pittsburgh..
Thursday, January 6, 2011
This Superstock image from appears to answer my question on the maps, along with my friend who messaged me that the name of the map type in question from an earlier post tonight was topographical maps. They were the ones with the humps. The humps the humps the humps. The lovely latitude and longitude bumps…
Thanks for helping me stroll down amnesia lane, K.S.
Nothing to see here! Keep moving! No squawking
Nothing to see here part 1: Maryland fish die-off due to natural causes..
Nothing to see here part 2: Sweden bird deaths were due to ‘natural causes’..
Other explanations from animals deaths around the world from officials have told the citizenry: Don’t be fearful, nothing to worry about.. all natural.. including 40,000 + dead fish in England—those deaths supposedly from extreme cold..
The end times are near? Well, for many animals they are.. but other rumors fly..
911 calls document people’s reports on Louisiana bird deaths..
x x x
MORE: Flocks of birds dead in Tennessee.. /// Google maps to track bird deaths.. /// More bird deaths reported in Louisiana.. /// It’s raining blackbirds.. ///
...Calling all 25-30 year-olds
If anyone out there ages 26 - 40 reading this remember the different names of maps we had to study in grade school geography, I literally forget it all, send me a message
Here's a list of things kids born in 2011 will never know of
Fax machines maybe.. Video rental stores sure.. But forgetting friends is a part of life, as is a watch. And sometimes a hand written sentiment is much more meaningful than a blog post or a tweet.
I think some of these tech-related futurists are a little off, but for the most part correct.
I’d miss the paper maps if I was a kid in the future. They don’t know what they’re missing. I remember in the 7th grade, it was a big deal to get a map that (name escapes me) was able to be touched with mountain ranges and land masses having a feeling on the fingers. That was technology as a geography student in the early 1990s. My child Ayden will laugh at me one day, as he plugs in his pinky finger to do his homework on his whoknowwhatPad.
Of course the progression of humanity into a world that knows of no 20th century items depends on a progressively improving economy.. And so far in ‘11 I am not seeing that.
Here's a list of things kids born in 2011 will never know of
Midnight on the East Coast, night begins to take hold over America..
Edison Lighthouse: Love grows where my Rosemary Goes.. But nobody knew but him.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
40,000 crabs dead on England's beaches
Fireworks are not to blame. Instead the working theory is hypothermia. And while that is a working theory, other theories are rampant as the worldwide plight of fish and birds seemingly continues.
40,000 crabs dead on England's beaches
Chris Isaak — Somebody’s Crying
Tara: What the f&* is Mother's Oats!?
Me: Oatmeal
Tara: No, I have my teeth.
Later in the night... Tara: Why can you just say oatmeal?
Photo of the day from washingtonexaminer of a rather large (as so noted throughout the blogger community tonight) gavel being exchanged between Pelosi and Boehner—a Boehner not pronounced like it’s spelled:
Taking a side on HUCK FINN
Scholar reissues Huckleberry Finn minus the “N”-word
This is causing huge debate nationwide tonight.. the decision to publish a new edition of Mark Twain’s novel Huckleberry Finn without the ‘n word’ within has brought up old wounds, and fresh debates over what is censorship and whether it’s right.
In my opinion, the obstacle of looking at history is that we look at it within the prism of the current time. In this instance, that seems to be occurring.
I believe, as much as I know some will be offended in literature classes, Huckleberry Finn should stay in tact as it was.. If we begin this now, the proverbial “slippery slope” comes up in my mind. And changing novels of a classic nature because of some not so historically good words about African Americans doesn’t seem like the right choice.
I believe we should keep Huck as it was.. Let Finn stand and be judged based on our current events, and an intelligent and true look at the words of the book within the context of that time.
Retracted autism study an 'elaborate fraud,' British journal says
But now what? The mystery surrounding autism isn’t going away. This study of a study will only complicate an already complicated fight over what exactly causes autism and what doesn’t.. While the ‘hoax’ of the vaccine link to autism is now being widely reported, what about the other question of WHAT CAUSES AUTISM AND WHY IS IT SKYROCKETING.
Retracted autism study an 'elaborate fraud,' British journal says
Update on the life of Lady Bailey
Dogs hate vets… But you’d hate your temperature taken that way too..
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Scary news of the earth just keeps getting scarier
The results of a three-year study have been released showing the United States has seen a massive drop in the bumblebee population..
Similar drops have taken place in Europe and Asia..
So now birds, fish, and bees, are all dropping like flies.. Which only promises to invigorate fly population..
Birds dead: Louisiana
..the same type of bird dead in Arkansas..
Another state?! Kentucky woman reports dead birds in her yard
But…..don’t be alarmed, it’s only a few
Another state?! Kentucky woman reports dead birds in her yard
Birds of a flock die together?
It’s now 5000 blackbirds over a large 5 or so Mile radius that are dead in Arkansas. But the story continues to get more mysterious.. The birds died, we’re told, of massive trauma. Their insides, including their livers, appear to have been decimated.. And so far it only appears to be one type of species of birds…
The mass fish death is being blamed on overpopulation.. The mass bird death is being blamed, on.. Fireworks? Hail? Secret government testing on blackbird livers….?
And all the while nervous residents in an ever expanding area of Arkansas look to the sky and worry about what made minced meat of thousands of birds..
The Moody Blues — In Search of the Last Chord
Monday, January 3, 2011
California Supreme Court says arrestees' cell phones can be searched without warrant
Relying on rulings from the 1970s, the Court ruled that defendants lose their privacy rights for any items they’re carrying when taken into custody.
California Supreme Court says arrestees' cell phones can be searched without warrant
Are you rapture ready?
If not, get there by May 21, 2011, when the world, apparently, will end…
This, at least, according to a loosely organized Christian group trying to get the end of days message out through billboards, RVs, the internet, and whatever other means of communication exists in 2011.
But if the end doesn’t happen on 5/21/11, don’t think for a second that the prophecy is wrong.. . Oh no, no no.. As one supporter says, it just means that if you’re still here after 5/21 you have not been raptured.
"If May 21 passes and I’m still here, that means I wasn’t saved. Does that mean God’s word is inaccurate or untrue? Not at all"
Are you rapture ready?
Good evening
I’d like to think that every sunset tells a story.. Each glimpse of a dark red and orange hue ending a day is a sign from somewhere else of something.. Whether we know or don’t sign what the deep colors above mean, we can imagine and dream.
And as the stars begin to show themselves for a nightly spectacle, so do hopes, fears, laughs and tears.
Perhaps the deeper colors of a sunset mean deeper are humanity’s thoughts and collective prayers. If so, tonight’s beautiful goodnight to the day’s solar cycle means humanity has been doing some very deep thinking today.
Umbrellas in the desert?
Has science figured out how to create rain in dry lands?
And even if it did, should we assume creating weather is a good thing..?
Umbrellas in the desert?
The bird is the word
As can be expected, lots of people are anxious over what killed birds in Arkansas..
A great read for anyone in Pennsylvania and beyond
The NEW YORK TIMES profiles the battle in the Keystone State about who should run the liquor business: The private industry that wants it or the government that has it.
Arkansas update
It’s 100,000 dead fish in the Arkansas River, exceeding my expectations of ‘thousands’ ..
The bird drop: The Arkansas mystery deepens
One said: ‘Something out of a movie’ with Hazmat officials tight lipped about the bird deaths.... Scientists are admittedly not sure what caused the 2000 or so birds to leave their normal routes to die on the ground, but don’t expect to chalk it up to paranormal. Their working theory so far is lightning or hail, or some other weather experience..
Until official word comes from officials claiming the have the word. Arkansas will be watching the sky—and now the water, too. Just yesterday news of thousands of fish dying along the Arkansas River only furthered the intense speculation over what could be killing thousands of animals in the state..
Sunday, January 2, 2011
It's not just birds, now it's fish too: The mystery deepens over dead animals in Arkansas
While studies are being conducted to determine what exactly is killing thousands of birds in Arkansas, now comes news of dead fish lining about 20 miles of the Arkansas River..
It’s not horror movie material yet, but residents of the towns affected are beginning to wonder what is in the air.. or on the land..
The developments:
MORE THAN 1,000 BIRDS FALL FROM THE SKY IN ARKANSAS..Authorities investigate the mysterious bird deaths.. Report says the birds showed physical trauma, as though they were hit by lightning or hail.. another said that New Year’s fireworks may have caused them to die of stress..
And it’s not just birds falling from the sky in Arkansas.. Dead fish line the banks of 20 miles of the Arkansas River near Ozark..
Birds and fish die en masse..
Blackbirds and dead fish: What is going on?
Because when it snows, the incidents of gay activity decline?
PAT ROBERTSON APPARENTLY THINKS SO. He said recent heavy snows are God’s doing “to punish Americans who were planning to drive to do something gay”..
How not to use Facebook in school: Don't post images of yourself with a human placenta
Especially if you’re a nursing students. Which is exactly what nursing students did. And now they’re not nursing students anymore
How not to use Facebook in school: Don't post images of yourself with a human placenta