Saturday, February 12, 2011


A mystery illness hits the PLAYBOY mansion..

Report: NY Dept. of Labor issues safety violations against #’Spider-Man’ Broadway musical: More..

Bad night at the PLAYBOY mansion..

Bad night at the PLAYBOY mansion..

Win one for the libertarian? Ron Paul wins at CPAC

Win one for the libertarian? Ron Paul wins at CPAC

I’ve said it before and will say it again: Any Saturday night you’re waiting for a pregnant wife to pop is made better by famed British cooks of the 90s TWO FAT LADIES.

It’s not the 4th of July, but it’s Saturday. Go to the park.

Have fun.

Chicago — Saturday


Happy Saturday. Or something.

Dramatic image: There is a hole in the sun, and it’s leaking plasma into space.. NASA ready to keep a close eye on coronal holes as they are right at the start of the space weather chain that is expecting to begin soon..

The New York POST encapsulates the dramatic conversion of power from Mubarak to the ‘no one yet’ in a cover of Hosni in a mummy wrap. Good pun. Got to love the New York POST..

Stay off the crack, drink chocolate milk and enjoy every moment - that’s all I’ve got

Charlie Sheen’s advice to students as reported here: Charlie Sheen warns students off drugs and to stick to chocolate milkshake

I think we all can agree with Charlie Sheen’s milk advice. Although I don’t expect to see him on a milk ad any time soon, unless they let him put the white around his nose rather than his upper lip.

Friday, February 11, 2011

It’s been a long day.. Longer night.

Heavy-minded events took place after the 8pm hour this evening.. a death in the family and a potential death for a family pet. Friday night lights a bit dimmer this evening.

Here’s hoping everyone in Tumblrland and the rest of the world too had a fantastic day and has an even more fantastic night..

And until this website should happen to update again, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.

RIP family member Richie.. Time for rest after a trying life.

And I hope Bailey the dog gets better soon, too.

Some other news bits of interest from the day

So much for that: Kill switch given to “DO NOT TRACK” internet privacy bill in the House despite support from key players in Congress.

Foot bone shows: We walked 3.2 million years ago.. MORE.. A foot bone from a species made famous by the 1974 discovery of the specimen called Lucy had arched feet like modern humans

"Hoax" in the Holy Land: "Proven fake"

Chandra Levy’s killer sentenced: 60 years..

6.8 quake: Chile..

Governator returning to acting..

Video infant baby monitors being recalled after death of two children..

Science works on a modern approach to finding an ET..

The new Madonna song Lady Gaga song released BORN THIS WAY..
Does Gaga owe debt to Madonna?
Our Lady of Gaga?

She’s just being Miley: Cyrus to host Saturday Night Live..

UPI: Billy Joel is shrugging off remarks made by his old touring buddy, Elton John, who called him an alcoholic coasting on fear and laziness

The upcoming CELEBRITY APPRENTICE looks like an absolute train wreck..

…and the Donald wants to run for president..?

Any news on the baby!??!!?

Thank you for asking, friend..

We’re entering into crunch time.. Any time within the next two weeks..

Tonight, I literally felt a hand, or foot, pushing through my wife’s stomach.. It amazed me at how strong this kid is.

We’re in for it.

Maybe there'll be an app for that? Scientists Work on Plan to Call ETs

Maybe there'll be an app for that? Scientists Work on Plan to Call ETs



A blast from the past! So happy I came across this little memory of the late 90s glory of LATE NIGHT WITH CONAN O’BRIEN and the guy who had bullet proof legs..


This Happened

 The Michelle is too damn Bachmann

The Patriot Act is literally the destruction of the 4th Amendment. That’s what it’s all about.

Ron Paul CPAC 2011 (via evilteabagger)

My range of emotions after listening to BORN THIS WAY, Lady Gaga’s new song released today

  1. Is she saying “I’m a donut with Jay” or “I a bonus with hay” ?? .. Oh BORN this way.. got it..

  2. I wonder if Madonna knows she took her 1980s style..?

  3. Eh.. not the best song..

Within minutes.. I’m whistling BORN THIS WAY and saying, “Damn you Stephanie, you have a song stuck in my head again! Damn you!”

That's all folks?

Vice President Suleiman says Mubarak has stepped down from presidency

Good Friday morning

It's not just humans that have regional accents.. Apes do too

It's not just humans that have regional accents.. Apes do too

Be at peace throughout the long night.. Goodnight all.

Three Little Birds — Tracy Chapman

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Your head may hurt trying to understand the situation in Egypt

Mine does. But as the best I can describe, this is what occurred today:

News from Egypt was instantly interesting today when rumors surfaced that Hosni Mubarak would resign as President.. confimed later by Leon Panetta of the CIA.. Later in the day, Mubarak did NOT resign but instead, the Vice President of Egypt told protesters to go home.. Nothing to see here. Keep moving. Until Friday, when protesters in Egypt plan a large demonstration on Hosni’s palace. The ball is in the military’s court now..
Now.. why? Well that’s anyone’s guess.

News from 2011 (not 1911, as they didn't have cars. But apparently the same mentality as some do in 2011)

A fight is brewing in Mississippi over a proposal to issue specialty license plates honoring Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, who was an early leader of the Ku Klux Klan..

Trump America..? He's thinkin...

Donald Trump hints that he may run for president!
The hair to decide by June..


Lady .. Gaga. .. what were you thinking!?

We seem to be caught off guard on this one..

NBC: Intelligence officials ‘scrambling to try to determine exactly what this all means’…



The chess match goes awry as US officials are taken by surprise at developments in Egypt tonight

The chess match goes awry as US officials are taken by surprise at developments in Egypt tonight

Egyptians in Tahrir Square hold up shoes in protest as a response to Mubarak’s speech, February 10th 2011

Photo via NPR

The gloves—in this case shoes—come off

Full transcript of Mubarak's speech

Full transcript of Mubarak's speech

CNN's John King reporting said White House was not expecting Mubarak to stay

Congressman: Mubarak just 'lit the final fuse'

Congressman: Mubarak just 'lit the final fuse'

AFP URGENT Obama will meet with his national security team at the White House Thursday after Mubarak speech, Robert Gibbs said

The ball’s in Barry’s court

Insult to injury!

Egypt’s vice president tells protesters to go home!!!


As expected, major anger building in Egypt as protesters digest Mubarak’s decision to stay

Mubarak to the world: To hell with what you think



Will he stay or will he go?!

Huge amount of confusion in Egypt over the fate of Hosni Mubarak. And the nation itself..

Down with a dictator: Egypt State TV says President Mubarak to address nation tonight amid reports he'll step down.

Egypt's Mubarak may step down

Egypt's Mubarak may step down

Third eye blind...

Remember that professor who implanted a third eye in his head? Extreme pain is leading him to take it out..

Third eye blind...

Iceland's volcano set to blow its top again.. It may dwarf last year's event

Iceland's volcano set to blow its top again.. It may dwarf last year's event

Massive gas explosion last night in Allentown

Massive gas explosion last night in Allentown

Goodnight all..

Bruce Springsteen - I’m going down

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The latest animal die off comes to us from the sunny state of Florida

Fish kill Florida: Still a mystery..
Fish are the latest animal apocalypse..

You are what you eat, even when you're not quite sure what it is you're eating

Two studies confirm what people assume: 1) Students’ IQs are affected by their diets.. And 2) diet soda affects diets, and even could cause strokes..

Strokes rising fast in youth and middle aged populations..
…rise tied to diet sodas..

Another study concludes that a poor diet leads to a student’s lower IQ..

While the search for life continues on Jupiter's moon, the question of whether other life is visiting earth continues here

While we are looking for ‘them,’ maybe they found us..?

The UFO hoax? CBS news reports on the holy land UFO sighting and video..
Another website offers ‘proof’ of UFO at the Dome..

Croatia sees fireball..

What will happen on April 13, 2036? The Russians say an asteroid collision with earth.. NASA says not..


Just a few FCC related news links of the day — one a repeat from yesterday..

FCC ties broadband to Obama jobs agenda..

FCC crackdown begins today: They are looking for cellular and GPS jammers..

The FCC has also set the stage for nationwide presidential alerts.. coming to a digital device near you..

Shaking in the South: What is it?

Booms in the South: what is shaking the Southeast of the United States? .. a town in Arkansas is getting a dozen earthquakes a day..



Perhaps an urgently important read: Global stock exchanges unite!?

CNBC reports it:

Germany’s Deutsche Boerse is in advanced talks to buy NYSE Euronext, and the London Stock Exchange has agreed to buy Canadian stock market operator TMX, as exchanges globally look for ways to boost their markets and cut costs

Perhaps an urgently important read: Global stock exchanges unite!?

The tale of the shirtless Congressman..

According to reports tonight, a Congressman has left his post red faced and .. apparently bare chested.

FOX news reports it like this:

Rep. Christopher Lee resigned from office Wednesday after a report claimed the married Republican congressman sent a shirtless photo of himself to a woman on

More here:

Rep. Chris Lee, R-NY, Resigns After Shirtless Craigslist Photo Surfaces

I have taken a decision to cancel the move to ‘winter’ time starting from autumn of the current year

A quote from President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia, as reported by Russian news agencies.

Sure the cold war is over.. but I just love how Russian news agencies re-report what Medvedev said.. He decided. He canceled. So sayseth the shepard, so sayseth the Pootie Poot.

Additionally, Dmitry Medvedev’s hatred of daylight savings time didn’t stop there.  He went on,

This really disturbs the human biorhythm. It’s just irritating. People either oversleep or wake up early and don’t know what to do with the hour.

So here we have the President of Russia, concerned with his citizenry oversleeping—which does somehow rank up there with former President and soon to be President Putin’s call for Russians to have sex to get the population back up again.

President D’s words STILL didn’t stop there. He went on,

We will have prolonged daylight and I think this will be healthy for our country. People have asked me for this several times. And I’m not talking about unhappy cows or other animals who don’t understand the time change and don’t understand that the milkmaid is going to milk them at a different time.

While Russia’s problems don’t revolve around crises regarding oversleeping and daylight savings time, the President’s choice to address it with such fanfare heralds back to the old days of Red vs America tensions..

This would never happen here.. now would it? Maybe this is why the FCC is going to test broadcasting the President of the United States on all digital devices: He, too, will one day apprise the populace of such important affairs.

If sarcasm doesn’t come across well in text, I’m note: I am being sarcastic.

VIA website saucy:

“Russia Drops Daylight Savings Time”

 Interesting.. Russia now has one of the easiest time zone maps to understand in the world—even with the immense size of the nation.

And why, you ask, did Russia decide to get rid of something they have been doing since the Cold War days of 1981? “Potential stress and illness” of course..

President Dmitry Medvedev, and therefore Vlad the impaler Putin, made the call..

The day the Wifi music died: Activision pulls the plug on GUITAR HERO

The day the Wifi music died: Activision pulls the plug on GUITAR HERO

Americans stock up on light bulbs before government ban begins

Americans stock up on light bulbs before government ban begins

Life in a post winter Schuylkill County PA..

I suggest this: Bury roadkill in potholes. You’ll never run out of either one..

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, recovering from shooting, regains ability to speak — asks for toast, aide says.

CNN news alert

It's happy hour--legally--in Pennsylvania

It's happy hour--legally--in Pennsylvania

Patriot Act extension fails in the House.. For now

Patriot Act extension fails in the House.. For now

Third hand smoke...?

Third hand smoke...?

Is this guy for real? A leading advocate of Obamacare told NPR yesterday that Americans who refuse to pay for health care should be forced to wear gold stickers on their foreheads and refused emergency hospital treatment

Is this guy for real? A leading advocate of Obamacare told NPR yesterday that Americans who refuse to pay for health care should be forced to wear gold stickers on their foreheads and refused emergency hospital treatment

A comment from my sister on my thought last night

I think you have it all wrong.

Richie spoke. Knew people from childhood and knows people now. Calls people by name. Liked to take rides in the car. He called them beely rides. He adored his father and mourned his loss more than anyone. He likes blankets with satin. He liked peanut butter when he was young…still does. He used to love to sit in the sun in the yard. He loved the way the sun felt. Still loves to be taken outside in the sun. Loves one of the aids at the home he lives in and waits for him to arrive every day. He never knew he lived? Really?

Maybe he hasn’t lived like everyone else. He doesn’t have a car payment or a mortgage he can’t afford. He doesn’t go everyday to a job he despises. If he doesn’t like someone, he doesn’t deal with them. He doesn’t have to fake it….or kiss but to be liked nor does he care if he is liked. He is a human being with all the feelings you and I have, (bet on that) without all the social garbage that makes us assholes.

Most “normal” people like to think people like Richie are without emotion, without thought process, without knowledge or tangible things and events. But other cases where a person who is affected but can communicate tells us differently. There recently was a 9 year old girl who has never spoken and most thought was so severe that she never would. Someone handed her a communication device. She immediately began ttyping and telling her parents things. Things she remembered from childhood, things she liked and things she didn’t. She taught herself to read at an early age…when the experts thought she was not learning a thing. She was “living” and she knew it. But the experts tell us she wasn’t “living”.

If you ask those who knew him, those who took care of him before and those who take care of him now what they think of him…..he has touched their lives. Touched them because he was handed a plate of struggles and keeps on keeping on. He has an inner strenght that nobody can explain. He is cranky, yet funny. He has withstood alot of things that those who “know thy were alive” couldn’t, yet he continues living and loving. Most of “those who know they were alive” would be suicidal at best. He has touched many lives and most won’t forget him. He has brought the best out in people; their caring, their sympathy, thier happiness at his happines. Will the end of your days be the same? Will you have brought the best out in the people in your life? Or will you be the lonely man who never knew he lived? Just some food for thought.

My thoughts last night ..

…May have been wrong. I need to think on it more.. Thanks to my sister who opened a new door of thought on the lonely man—who may never have been lonely to begin with..

Breakfast: How healthy is fast food oatmeal

Breakfast: How healthy is fast food oatmeal

Second asteroid in 5 days to pass by earth today

Second asteroid in 5 days to pass by earth today

Pink in the morning the Coal Speaker takes warning.. Happy Wednesday world.

Have a dream.
Hopefully a good one.

Goodnight all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Who will be there when the lonely man dies?

Death is a strange thing … Life perhaps is stranger.

Forgive me for this strange post, but a few personal developments today have my mind racing, and writing thoughts is helping..

The boy was born without the understanding that he was born. Who was there when he was alive?

A life of sadness now over.. who will be there when he dies?

It was not his choice to be without understanding. It was not his choice to be alone. And it certainly was not his punishment. But what do you make of the man who does not even know he is alive? And when that man succumbs to the fate that we all meet, and he does not even realize he ever lived, will he be near an angel from place and time when he expires from this planet? I certainly hope he does..

I never knew the man who is dying, but he never knew me. And he never knew himself. I certainly hope that we are united in love and spirit and one day, in another plane of existence.  I understand that unity cannot happen on this planet.

Peace if you go tonight.. And I hope you are greeted by faces you may remember.. people who knew you your entire life but people you never knew…

A new survey of British kids show they are happier living their lives online and without real social interaction

A researcher quoted in the DAILY MAIL article said, “It’s easier to be who you want to be, because nobody knows you and if you don’t like the situation you can just exit and it is over”

Is this what the children of the world have come to? Say anything you want online! Talk to strangers! No holds barred.. Be yourself. Of course in being yourself you’re by being someone else that doesn’t exist. Your new personality is more fun than your own! Who cares what genes you were born with, you can make your own! The world is at your fingertips..

And none of it is real.

If this British survey is true to form and is accurate in its portrayal of life of a British teen (and presumably an American teen, too) then something is going awfully awry.. The net is fine. I blog on here and share some thoughts too.. But within day my wife and I are going to be parents. The baby can come at any time. And the last thing I want to do is strap a laptop on his waist and set him up with a Facebook page. We’ll see how long we can persevere on that one I guess..

A new survey of British kids show they are happier living their lives online and without real social interaction

Slick: Does Saudi Arabia have as much oil as they say they have?

WIKILEAKS: USA fears Saudi oil may have been overstated by 40%…

A cable that Wikileaks released shows that the United States is fearful that Saudi Arabia does not have the oil reserves necessary to keep oil prices down..

Within recent weeks the price has soared.. and now the Wikileaks document, as reported by the GUARDIAN in London, is sure to unsettle many people with the prospects that Saudi Arabia has overstated its reserves by, according to the report, as much as 300 billion barrels, or 40%

If you so choose, you can READ MORE AT THE GUARDIAN..

I read MAD magazine religiously through my high school years .. Stopped at a certain age. But the latest cover of Alfred E Neuman as Justin Bieber makes me want to read it again

Egypt protests draw biggest crowd yet

The protesters are not backing down, still speaking out, and want Mubarak gone.. Mubarak isn’t gone.  .  . And the crowd gets loud. What’s next..?

First most insurance companies stopped paying for circumcisions, now this! Police officers in Louisville, Kentucky find crack hidden in a man's foreskin

And you’d think he would have hidden his crack within a crack.. Or someone’s rack. .. .

I’m confused.

Get the cops a rabbi!

First most insurance companies stopped paying for circumcisions, now this! Police officers in Louisville, Kentucky find crack hidden in a man's foreskin

But would the son of God use an iPhone? I picture him more of a Droid owner..

Either way, Catholics are now able to confess their sins in the 21st century.. in style. Yes, indeed, there’s an ‘app’ for that.. Maybe they will be able to get a live webcam to Limbo to see all those unbaptized babies!! oh..wait..! The Pope shut down Limbo in 2006.. And that was long before APPs and wireless confessions.

The holy rolling Pontiff shuts down limbo and we Catholics can now confess its evil doings all with their thumbs.

Now that’s progress.

Unfortunately, some may try to open their Catholic confessional app but get their hacked iPhone porn apps by accident..

But would the son of God use an iPhone? I picture him more of a Droid owner..

NASA tells us what is wrong with what we drive even though they can't get it up.

It’s a strange world where NASA can tell us with confidence what caused all of those problems with Toyotas, but still can’t get its own Discovery off the ground..

Michelle Obama said that the President finally stopped smoking

I just wonder if they will use the new FCC-approved presidential emergency broadcasting to communite the message from America’s leader..?

Michelle Obama said that the President finally stopped smoking

It’s the dead of winter.. But I sense warmth is on the way.. Good evening everyone.


House debate tonight on Patriot Act extension that Obama wants.. Vote also expected tonight..

Murdoch's THE DAILY reports: Huffington POST staff in a huff after $315 million sellout

Murdoch's THE DAILY reports: Huffington POST staff in a huff after $315 million sellout

Rotten apple: NYC continues with bedbug infestation..

Rotten apple: NYC continues with bedbug infestation..

If you're a Romanian witch making predictions, you better get it right.

They could be FINED under a new law for wrong prognostications ….

It’s not easy being a Romanian witch.

If you're a Romanian witch making predictions, you better get it right.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I’d say no introductions were necessary..

We know him already here on planet earth.


So .. what is that big green aura at 1 minute and 18 seconds into the video anyway?

I’m sure just an optical illusion.. a trick of a camera.. a glare of a window. But something about it with its strange ghostly presence gives me the creeps..

So .. what is that big green aura at 1 minute and 18 seconds into the video anyway?

Reuters wrap on Huffington Post deal: AOL Inc will buy Arianna Huffington's influential website for $315 million, looking to the high-profile liberal pundit to rescue it from the dustbin of Internet history

Reuters wrap on Huffington Post deal: AOL Inc will buy Arianna Huffington's influential website for $315 million, looking to the high-profile liberal pundit to rescue it from the dustbin of Internet history


Strange signal sparks ideas of alien life..

Freed Google exec helped cause upraor in Egypt..

Scientists in Britain have successfully tested a vaccine which could work against all known flu strains, the Guardian newspaper reported Monday..

Super Bowl sets record: 111 million people watched the Green Bay Packers beat the Pittsburgh Steelers — and maybe turned off the TV during the halftime show..

Why were Super Bowl commercials ‘extra violent’ this year?

Claim: The Church of Scientology is being investigated by the FBI over allegations of human trafficking..

Superstorms on earth blamed on pole shift..

Crusades continue: The Catholic Church releases document on how to convert witches..

Weeks after Wikileaks said they would reveal UFO cables, not much gets revealed.. besides more on the Raelian Cult..

Freak wave kills Canadian couple..

Horror director Rob Zombie with LORDS OF SALEM this spring..

US fast food caught in immigration crosshairs..

Good luck to my readers in El Paso .. I’m reading news of your water problems.. I’m hoping things get better quickly for you out there, a whole coast away from me..

Out in the West Texas Town of El Paso, they fell in love with a drop of water

Judging from some notes, reblogs, and an email I got today, the situation in El Paso tonight appears to be quite desperate.. There was some snow melt today, I’m told, but also some more leaks were discovered. What has not changed today however is the following:

  1. Businesses still shut down due to water problems

  2. Car washes not washing.

  3. People who have water being told to boil water..

  4. And lots of people desperate.. As one reblog of an earlier Coal Speaker post said:
    Hope they can lift the restriction soon. I am really sick of “camping” in our own house.


 I think the beginning of the warning should start with “HAIL TO THE CHIEF”


111 million people watched the Green Bay Packers win the Super Bowl last night.

And that must be very embarassing for The Black Eyed Peas and Christina Aguilera.

Damn you Check Engine light.. With your orange haunting presence.. Damn you..

Oh and by the way, it wasn't 400 turned away from the Super Bowl last night

It was 1,250..

Someone out there somewhere? A newly released NASA image suggests maybe..

Deal of the day: AOL is buying the Huffington Post for $315 mil

Deal of the day: AOL is buying the Huffington Post for $315 mil
What so proudly we watched at the twilight’s last reaming.

This land is dry land: Water shortage grips El Paso

This land is dry land: Water shortage grips El Paso

The game is over..
The Packers won.
The time for calm music is here..

Until this blog updates again, goodnight all.

Eva Cassidy — Over the Rainbow

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Are big polar shifts causing massive superstorms? Some say yes..

Are big polar shifts causing massive superstorms? Some say yes..

Interesting Salon article on Ronald Reagan's deep thoughts about UFOs .. but not AIDS, apparently.

Interesting Salon article on Ronald Reagan's deep thoughts about UFOs .. but not AIDS, apparently.

So how many football parties out there keep GLEE on??

Packers 31-25 Super Bowl champions.

Cheese is in 2011


Not even Kim Kardashian can sell me’ ShapeUps..

The Steelers last stand

Two minutes left..

Steelers get half a miracle.. Touchdown

Do they have another one in them?

7 minutes to go.. 28-25 Packers holding by a thread..

28-17 Packers..

Top of the fourth. Steelers need a miracle

This story made me feel very upset.. It was the 80-year-old's dream day.. Thrown out by the NFL

This story made me feel very upset.. It was the 80-year-old's dream day.. Thrown out by the NFL

So Eminen drives a Chrystler..whatta know..

The mighty comeback?

21-17 Packers still ahead..

A talking facebook car? can’t wait to hear a message from a girl who wouldn’t bang me in high school as I crash into a wall.

An observation on Twitter from Howard Stern

Well.. They did better than I could. If that means anything..

Now the robot head dancers to the rescue.

I think they should sing..

Where's the love?

Hope they find it after I find my remote..

I wonder if George W Bush is singing along..!

Usher to the rescue!!

..with strange performance art.

Let's get it started in here..

Or let’s end it.

Hey when did the NFL start doing karaoke during the Super Bowl halftime show?

Thank God for Slash

But a shame Fergie can’t keep up. I’m actually wishing Christina Aguilera was back ruining the National Anthem..,

For a second I thought American Idol was on instead of the Super Bowl

I only realized it was still the game when the Black Eyed Peas were not kicked off the stage..

21-10 at the half

The Steelers score—it’s about time..

21-3 Packers lead.. Blowout potential beginning to occur unless the Black Eyed Peas inspire a big Ben comeback..

Sorry but Roseanne being hit by a log isn't funny..

What happened humor..?

The commercials may be the worst I've ever seen..

Except of course the kid in the Darth Vader costume starting the VW Passat..

Watching the Steelers tonight is like watching the Redskins..

Cheeseheads going crazy

Two touchdowns .. Green Bay ahead.. Could this be a blowout??..

And by the way, those listening close heard what they thought they heard: Christina Aguilera did mess up the National Anthem..

And by the way, those listening close heard what they thought they heard: Christina Aguilera did mess up the National Anthem.. predicts a Packers win predicts a Packers win

Star spangled ugh..

Christina Aguilera.. Please

400 Super Bowl fans sent home because of unsafe seats!

400 Super Bowl fans sent home because of unsafe seats!

The UK INDEPENDENT reports on the mystery of a mummy’s Chinese travel ban..

And as for tonight's game..

The Green Bay Packers have been predicted to win, some say by 2 and as much as 10 by others. Steelers lose by 10? Either all of the prognosticators are correct or the fix is in.. We will see. Not that football is like pro-wrestling or anything

It's officially noted.

Shopping in a grocery store in the dead of winter on a post-stuck-in-the-house ice storm Sunday brings out that special touch of insanity in people.

A Reuters image of a snow bank as it obscures the logo for Super Bowl XLV outside Cowboy Stadium in Arlington, Texas February 4, 2011..

Texas doesn’t feel right with cold and snow — but the Steelers and the Packers should.

Super Bowl tonight.
Commercials too.

All the trouble in the world..

This weekend, it’s back to Tunisia..

Bloody Sunday: Student at Ohio's Youngstown State University killed, 11 others wounded in off-campus shooting, officials say.

Developing story

2011 CQ1 was a close call for earth

The earth almost had a possible significant impact from an asteroid on February 4 .. While these events occur all of the time, the troubling aspect of this most recent earth-danger was that it was only noticed hours before potential impact. Richard Kowalski at Mount Bigelow Observatory near Tuscon, Arizona found it, and quickly notified the rest of the scientific community.

The name: 2011 CQ1. It was small, only 6.5 to 10 feet across — but that still could have caused serious problems for wherever on earth it would have struck.

Some other sources for the news:

Space: Tiny Asteroid Zips Close By Earth
Universe Today: Small Asteroid Just Buzzed Earth

…with all of our modern technology and our advanced knowledge, we only notice a possible earth changing event hours before it hits.. Wow.

Introducing the cartoon me, hard at work, with the dog watching. Soon I’ll be adding a baby stroller to the picture.


Bad Moon Rising — CCR