Saturday, October 31, 2015

How the Brits see the America zombie craze

Halloween is over.. Of course for those who read this website, you’ll know that the spirit of Halloween lasts all year regardless of the calendar.. 

In the light, I was perusing some British fishwrappers and discovered some interesting commentary from Donald Macinnes in the UK INDEPENDENT and some not so kind words about America’s craze with zombies–and how dislike of the British culture being so accepting of it..

From the article,

I first noticed the bloated US obsession with the 31st day of October many years ago, during one of my annual trips to visit my sister in Florida. I tended to travel there in late autumn, mainly because the climate is at its most tolerable then, with the late summer hurricanes having abated and the mosquitos taking a breather from all the raging sucking.

Every year, I got more and more amazed at the scale of the American approach to Halloween. Unlike in this country, where it took a distant back seat to fireworks fight, the Guy Fawkes-free calendar in the US meant Halloween was the be-all-and-end-all – certainly until the next holiday, Thanksgiving, trundled into view in late November.

It’s gets meaner. Really. Written as only a Brit could write,

And things didn’t end with ringing someone’s doorbell. Now kids get a handful of responsibly sourced tofu treats just for turning up, but we had to do something to earn our fun-size Mars bar – maybe sing a song or tell a joke. I would tend to have one joke ready that I would trot out at every door.

And while this incarnation of Halloween may not have swollen the coffers of Tesco or Aldi quite as much, at least we had our dignity. I’m joking, of course.

A big giant ouch.

Of course cruel or not cruel, it does not matter.

As a matter of fact, right now as I write this brief post, my personal Facebook feed is filled with my friends’ photos of their barhopping.. adorned with the most ghoulish of attire, sexualized in nature, they are gratifying themselves at a watering hole of their choice and carelessly drinking the night away. Their makeup is running but that’s the point: It’s the makeup of blood, zombies, and gore. 

Yes, America is filled with the nightmares of Elm Streets around the world. But most of those pastimes of Halloween are borrowed. Let’s not forget where bobbing for apples comes from..where Samhain comes from..where all of the customs and traditions come from. Not America. We’re the melting pot. We get them from everywhere else. 

Including you Britland.

So don’t let your tea run cold. And we can have our zombies.

After all England.. you have your problems, too.

Cleaning the Halloween table off for the family picture. It’s November after all.. 

Vatican exorcists have condemned the celebration of Halloween saying the festival is the equivalent ‘of singing hosannas to the devil'. Rome’s chief exorcist, Gabriel Amorth, has warned of a danger to young people at Halloween, because of the increase in occult activity, which fuels insomnia, mental illness; depression and suicidal thoughts in children, he claims.

While there is lots of the Church can focus on.. they are paying attention to this..

Be back later. I have to try to get my son’s DARTH VADER costume on without ripping.. I will attempt go sing hosanna while I do.

Vatican exorcists have condemned the celebration of Halloween saying the festival is the equivalent ‘of singing hosannas to the devil'. Rome’s chief exorcist, Gabriel Amorth, has warned of a danger to young people at Halloween, because of the increase in occult activity, which fuels insomnia, mental illness; depression and suicidal thoughts in children, he claims.

More on the live Blumhouse Periscope Halloween movie..

Apparently for some, it was too hot to handle and too scary to hold on their mobile.

From PC MAG: (note: This was written October 30 during the actual live scope)

Oscar-nominated horror producer Jason Blum, known for films like Insidious and Paranormal activity, is taking his talents to the small screen this Halloween. And, we’re not talking TV — he’s bringing his brand of horror right to your computer, tablet, or smartphone via Periscope. Blum on Thursday night debuted his latest project, a horror film called Fifteen, on Twitter’s live-streaming platform, and it was apparently way too scary for some people.

The film — Periscope’s first-ever live horror event — was briefly taken down after being flagged, but Blum just announced on Twitter that it’s back up for us to enjoy this All Hallow’s Eve.

The 20-minute flick follows a masked serial killer who broadcasts his crimes via the Periscope app. Sounds pretty grisly and awesome, right? You can watch ithere.

People scared.
Too much for a venue where most film themselves talking way too close to their faces.

Love it.

More relics of my childhood and Ayden’s new *old* toys acquired..



This is the first LIVE PERISCOPE horror movie.. Blumhouse presents ‘FIFTEEN.’

And this, my friends, is the future of horror.. movies.. streamed live. I hope to theaters though eventually. I still enjoy a larger screen for my frightful delights..

This is how THE VERGE described the short SCARE-I-SCOPE: 

What’s most clever about Fifteen is that it blurs the line between fiction and reality by making Periscope a plot device unto itself. In the world of the film, Truman is a serial killer that live streams his crimes, and what we as an audience watch as Fifteen is actually his ninth broadcast; he’s become so notorious in the fictional world, that a radio station in the short actually breaks into its broadcast to inform listeners that he’s begun streaming. Of course, given that it’s all coming from the Periscope account of a prominent movie production company there’s some awkward references to passwords being easy to hack to justify it all, but it’s nevertheless an intriguing (and somewhat disturbing) experiment for horror fans — even if Truman comes off a little hammy at times.

Halloween terror: ISIS claims responsibility for Russian plane crashing in Egypt’s Sinai desert with 224 people on board!!

A developing story

Halloween terror: ISIS claims responsibility for Russian plane crashing in Egypt’s Sinai desert with 224 people on board!!


President Obama and First Lady Michelle look like they had an amazing time giving out candy to trick or treaters.. And a mini-pope

Now could be a fun time to visit the DESTINATION AMERICA Facebook page..

The amount of comments on various threads about last night’s botched live EXORCISM tells the story.. there is anger, “lols” .. all of the rest. Read away and enjoy this Halloween day:

I still can’t believe in my right mind that the station billed this for a year, plugged it hardcore for months, and for the past 2 weeks, we were even greeted with religious folk who came and said beware watching the show live because you too can conjure demons. Was anything conjured? Anything more than advertisements each and every 5 minutes? It was unabashedly ridiculous.. and I will stop giving it air time on this website now, too.

DESTINATION AMERICA: LIVE EXORCISM. Now joined in the Geraldo Rivero LIVE TOMB UNVEILING annals of broadcast botches..

Today, Halloween, another day when life as we know it could have ended.. changed.. potentially would have been the start of a mass extinction event.. and in another timeline or multiverse, a parallel place, that could be happening.

Luckily here in this timelime, the dead comet with the skull face is narrowing MISSING Earth instead of hitting.

And you read that right. A dead comet. With a skull face. For Halloween and space standards, that mixture can’t get creepier.

From the AFP:

A massive space rock that will shave by Earth on Halloween looks like a dead comet with a skull face, NASA said after gaining a closer look at the spooky space object.

Astronomers initially thought the object was an asteroid when they spotted it in early October, and named it Asteroid 2015 TB145.

But using the US space agency’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, experts “have determined that the celestial object is more than likely a dead comet that has shed its volatiles after numerous passes around the sun,” NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said in a statement late Friday

Scientists have also spotted an eerie skull-like resemblance on the face of the rock, based on radar data from the National Science Foundation’s 305-meter (1,000-foot) Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

No danger of hitting earth.
But maybe this should perk us up a bit, if not scare us. We should start getting to know the unfriendly skies more than we do.. we should get to know the threats that lurk. One day, perhaps on a Halloween of the future, a skull faced-dead comet could slam into our lives..

REVIEW: 'Exorcism: Live!' fails to drum up demons

The ST LOUIS dispatch writes the review that I failed to have time to write.. but I concur with the words of Gail Pennington:

“What you are about to witness is a live presentation that may contain graphic and disturbing scenes,” Destination America warned. “Our experts are trained professionals equipped to deal with dangerous situations. Do not attempt this at home. Viewer discretion is advised.”

The only disturbing scenes, though, were cheesy re-creations. And although some viewers, following along on Twitter, reported being frightened, any real tension was quickly diffused by repeated commercial breaks.

Members of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers team from the channel’s “Ghost Asylum,” asked how the “Exorcist” house ranked among “scariest places in America,” declared it “No. 1, especially with demonic activity. We’ve never experienced this level of demonic hopping.”

“We’ve rassled with some demons before, but this is the Devil,” one said.

But the special was all talk and no action. Viewers were asked to believe that Wraith Chasers felt the presence of evil and heard a female voice in the attic. Psychic medium Chip Coffey, who entered the house with a Ouija board for a seance, reported “fast communication” with the spirit world, and a flickering candle flame. He shut the seance down just as it might have become interesting.

There was one personal reason I stuck with the show until the end.. The priest from the ‘Old Catholic Church (not the real Catholic church, FYI) looked a lot like a friend of mine. It was a stunning replica of him, actually. 

That enough held my interest. Besides that, I felt bored beyond belief.. there was nothing scary, nothing creepy, and nothing at all entertaining about the show, save a couple of strange wide-eyed one liners from Chip Coffey. Otherwise.. a failure. 

REVIEW: 'Exorcism: Live!' fails to drum up demons





Friday, October 30, 2015

Destination boredom

Without question, tonight’s DESTINATION AMERICA live exorcism was the biggest bore and waste of time I have ever sat through.. pitiful.. poor.. awful.. 






There is something really creepy about songs from 1915 around Halloween.. especially when you really, really listen to the words of GASLINE GUS AND HIT JITNEY BUS..

Mystery bright spots could be first glimpse of another universe

This could be the beginning of everything strange and bizarre, wonderful and amazing. From the NEW SCIENTIST report,

THE curtain at the edge of the universe may be rippling, hinting that there’s more backstage. Data from the European Space Agency’s Planck telescope could be giving us our first glimpse of another universe, with different physics, bumping up against our own.

That’s the tentative conclusion of an analysis by Ranga-Ram Chary, a researcher at Planck’s US data centre in California. Armed with Planck’s painstaking map of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) – light lingering from the hot, soupy state of the early universe – Chary revealed an eerie glow that could be due to matter from aneighbouring universe leaking into ours.

This sort of collision should be possible, according to modern cosmological theories that suggest the universe we see is just one bubble among many. Such a multiverse may be a consequence of cosmic inflation, the widely accepted idea that the early universe expanded exponentially in the slimmest fraction of a second after the big bang.

Read on if you comprehend.. 

Some people I speak to about these subjects, particularly those who don’t take well to science ruining certain religious principles they have grown up with, hate the concept of multiple universes. But regardless of our acceptance or not, certain truths still exist. 

There have long been many people who have believed in such things. And these strange and spooky things…? Well they come closer to being true..

Amazing times.

Mystery bright spots could be first glimpse of another universe

Destination America: An exorcism

Some are opposed… others are non-believers. Regardless, the live television exorcism set to premiere tonight–Halloween Eve 2015–is making a number of headlines.

The WASHINGTON POST profiled hell night 

 in an article about the DESTINATION AMERICA live show..

Emily Yahr wrote,

All reality TV producers have to prepare for worst-case scenarios when they air a live event. Jodi Tovay’s worries are a bit more unusual, because she is sending paranormal investigators into a house they believe is infested with demonic spirits.

“The worst-case scenario is that one of these entities will attach to someone,” Tovay said. “It is dangerous.”

Luckily, Tovay says, the physical symptoms are usually obvious when an evil spirit attaches itself to a person: nausea, scratches, superhuman strength. A team of paramedics will be on standby, as will police. She’s ready.

But if you believe that exorcism is real, that demons are not just imaginary devils of our wild antiquated religious imagination, then how can anyone be ready? How could one prepare for the battle against evil. All while the rest of the world watches..

More from the POST report,

Welcome to “Exorcism: Live!” airing at 9 p.m. Friday on Destination America, a cable channel owned by Discovery Communications. The two-hour telecast tasks a clergyman, a psychic and the team from the network’s “Ghost Asylum” series to go into the spooky suburban St. Louis home that inspired “The Exorcist” book and movie. Ghost hunters insist that the house is filled with a dark, sinister energy, and “Exorcism: Live!” is determined to cleanse it.


 prepares witnesses to the live event for the story.

Maryland’s famed Roland Doe–the subject of reality who was played by the fictional Linda Blair’s Reagan in THE EXORCIST horror movie–traveled back and forth between the state and St. Louis in the 1940s. The house Doe stayed at in Missouri is the house where Destination America will attempt to propel out demons tonight. Even more, Doe underwent an exorcism on the second floor of the home. The rumor, the legend, the story: The house has been possessed every since then by an evil entity..

The Washington POST story points out something that many have thought of–and something Destination America has bragging rights about:

The most thrilling aspect for Tovay is that this will be live. No one can accuse them of manipulating anything, she said — a criticism often leveled at paranormal shows.

“We can’t fake it on live TV. We can’t fake evidence or pump in sound effects. The drama is unfolding right in front of you,” Tovay said.

But what about the people (okay, lots of people) who believe that this is all completely made up? Long, the clergy member who will accompany the group, is used to that. He just doesn’t have time to worry about it anymore.

“I’m not here to prove that demons exist. I am here to help families who know they do,” Long said.


The St. Louis DISPATCH gave an interior look into the house. 

 Peeking into the hallways and lighted home, it’s actually remarkably lovely.. Even the aged basement and attic are both well maintained. A visual peer would prove no spirits, no devils, and no darkness besides the normal shadows that would accompany any sundown.  The exact opposite of what we are being told by psychics and priests, ghost hunters and television executives.

But some are not so kind.

Pre-reviews are coming in. Without the event able to have taken place yet, we are relying on the mystery that will unfold. VARIETY for one is not impressed..

Columnist Brian Lowry labels the event a stunt.

 From his article:

Discovery group president Henry Schleiff, who counts Destination America among the networks he oversees, along with the higher-profile Investigation Discovery, has a bit of P.T. Barnum in him, but he’s much too polite to ever suggest that those people tuning in expecting to see glasses fly around the room might be suckers.

As for the likelihood that “Exorcism Live!” will deliver anything dramatic enough to require steam-cleaning the carpet, he says, “I don’t think we will have Geraldo Rivera and the empty vaults,” referring to the much lampooned but highly rated 1986 special devoted to opening Al Capone’s “secret” vault, which spurred a wave of copycats before the trend cooled. “The people we’re working with really believe in this,” Schleiff adds, noting that much of the public does as well.

Not kind words. There are equally unkind words from other pundits in the online peanut gallery.

The truth is, we don’t know what will happen until tonight. If producers are planning up some trick to ensure we get our money’s worth, then it’s yet to be seen.. Or on the other hand, if reality will prevail and either nothing at all (if that’s your reality) or something strange (if that’s your reality) then we will have something to talk about on Halloween morning.

And if nothing else, Destination America has already won.  The buildup has been spectacular–almost a year long, I heard about this first months ago back in the spring time warmth, long before the leaves changed to their vibrant colors of death.  The network has conjured up attention from mainstays of media and alternate sources as well. They won. Even if they don’t conjure demons or ghouls..

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

An Unknown Manmade Object Is Headed for Earth's Atmosphere

“Earlier this month, an object called WT1190F​ was spotted on a trajectory that will bring it right to Earth. It came here from far beyond the moon, and its hollow nature and cylindrical shape suggest that it’s not an asteroid of meteorite, but human-made. It won’t cause any major problems on the ground, but there’s still something troubling: Astronomers don’t know what the heck it is, or why it’s only now coming up on their radar. ”

But it is almost certainly human made .. Maybe a remnant of an old rocket or the Apollo missions. And soon it will hit the planet earth..

An Unknown Manmade Object Is Headed for Earth's Atmosphere

An Unknown Manmade Object Is Headed for Earth's Atmosphere

“Earlier this month, an object called WT1190F​ was spotted on a trajectory that will bring it right to Earth. It came here from far beyond the moon, and its hollow nature and cylindrical shape suggest that it’s not an asteroid of meteorite, but human-made. It won’t cause any major problems on the ground, but there’s still something troubling: Astronomers don’t know what the heck it is, or why it’s only now coming up on their radar. ”

But it is almost certainly human made .. Maybe a remnant of an old rocket or the Apollo missions. And soon it will hit the planet earth..

An Unknown Manmade Object Is Headed for Earth's Atmosphere

Horrifying times for making Hollywood horror movies?

This article details the apparent lack of interest in Hollywood horror.
The article is right..
The newest PARANORMAL ACTIVITY flick is a sure sign of the big budget failures..

But there’s hope. And it’s not Hollywood. Independent horror makers (and all genres for that matter) are sorting things out and spicing things up far stronger than the known actors guild and pious studios ..

There’s hope.
Just look beyond what’s spoon fed and find your own meal..

Horrifying times for making Hollywood horror movies?

The little town of Bloomsburg PA making national headlines and breaking news.
The runaway blimp. Where will it land..

Massive power outages in PA may or may not be from the runaway blimp.. Bloomsburg University cancels classes

From the AP: Witnesses reported seeing the blimp drifting between Jerseytown and Turbotville, a sparsely area north of Harrisburg. Its tether was snapping power lines.
The local electric utility, PPL, reported about 20,000 customers without power in the area, although it was unclear how many could be attributed to the blimp. Bloomsburg University canceled classes, citing a “widespread power outage.”

More.. The Pentagon says that the blimp is now descending..

Massive power outages in PA may or may not be from the runaway blimp.. Bloomsburg University cancels classes

Video of the runaway blimp over Bloomsburg PA

Video of the runaway blimp over Bloomsburg PA

The blimp on the run is now attacking by nature.. It’s not harmlessly drifting but instead, according to the reports like this one above, causing power outages..

F16s are tailing it, we are told..
Tether on the run.
Blimp on the sky..
Runaway blimp never coming back

Blimp on the run!!! Pennsylvania sightings of escaped military blimp floating over the state!!

Blimp on the run!!! Pennsylvania sightings of escaped military blimp floating over the state!!

Video shows a bar stool falls on its side without anyone near it

<b>Filmed in Cato bar in Singapore’s Chinatown district, the vision depicts three men sitting inside the venue when a bar stool begins to wobble back and forth.
The CCTV switches to another angle, which shows the stool rocking about more forcefully until it eventually topples over, startling the men who rush over to inspect it.
But the scene turns truly spine-tingling when a tiny white ghost-like figure appears to emerge from the back of the bar, scampering quickly past them.</b>

Video shows a bar stool falls on its side without anyone near it

Video shows a bar stool falls on its side without anyone near it

<b>Filmed in Cato bar in Singapore’s Chinatown district, the vision depicts three men sitting inside the venue when a bar stool begins to wobble back and forth.
The CCTV switches to another angle, which shows the stool rocking about more forcefully until it eventually topples over, startling the men who rush over to inspect it.
But the scene turns truly spine-tingling when a tiny white ghost-like figure appears to emerge from the back of the bar, scampering quickly past them.</b>

Video shows a bar stool falls on its side without anyone near it

Video shows a bar stool falls on its side without anyone near it

<b>Filmed in Cato bar in Singapore’s Chinatown district, the vision depicts three men sitting inside the venue when a bar stool begins to wobble back and forth.
The CCTV switches to another angle, which shows the stool rocking about more forcefully until it eventually topples over, startling the men who rush over to inspect it.
But the scene turns truly spine-tingling when a tiny white ghost-like figure appears to emerge from the back of the bar, scampering quickly past them.</b>

Video shows a bar stool falls on its side without anyone near it

Sugar Is Definitely Toxic, a New Study Says

First meat and cancer.. Hot dogs and human DNA.. And. Now the sacred cow and holy grail of Halloween buckets across the world: Sugary candy..

From TIME:

But proving that the rise of the chronic diseases was actually linked to higher sugar consumption is a challenge. Dr. Robert Lustig, from the department of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, who has made a name for himself publishing books and research addressing the question of sugar’s effects on the body, wanted clearer answers. Now, in a paper published Tuesday, he and his colleagues believe they have come up with the definitive evidence that sugar, as Lustig says, “is toxic.”

Of course this isn’t the first time sugar has made the don’t eat list.. Katie Couric gave us a sugar free challenge a year ago.

But this week the war on food, or at least food-lite, is evident..

Go veg.

Sugar Is Definitely Toxic, a New Study Says

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Samhain practice run. Success. But I’ll need more force for the real day.


The Bell Witch Story from Ground Zero News

You can also read more on the story here..

Monday, October 26, 2015

A mysterious chunk of space debris will hit Earth off the coast of Sri Lanka on November 13. Scientists have no clear idea what it is, other than that it is likely artificial in origin, and have dubbed the object WT1190F.


“It’s a lost piece of space history that’s come back to haunt us,” Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told Nature.

Detected by the Catalina Sky Survey, an observation lab at the University of Tucson, the alleged piece of space debris initially puzzled observers. But astronomers then went back through the lab’s past images from telescopes, and noticed that it had been present for quite a while.


What could it be?

November 13.. some lucky or unlucky water (not land) will find out near the coast of Sri Lanka..

A mysterious chunk of space debris will hit Earth off the coast of Sri Lanka on November 13. Scientists have no clear idea what it is, other than that it is likely artificial in origin, and have dubbed the object WT1190F.



And now the late night fringe is coming closer to George Noory’s COAST TO COAST AM empire.. the same city that now houses the Coast, the post-Bell edition, is going to be joined by Bell himself..



And LA is among those now served..

All beginning Monday October 26, 2015. TONIGHT.


WAR! Industry rebels ahead of WHO report declaring red and processed meats ‘cause cancer’ - including sausages and bacon

The food war is about to get mean..

A WHO report is going to label certain processed meats to be as bad as smoking..

The food industry is fighting back early.

While industry groups are preparing for a damaging blow to consumer confidence as a result, The North American Meat Institute (Nami) has accused the IARC of “dramatic and alarmist over-reach,” CNBC reported.

Nami president Barry Carpenter said: “Red and processed meats are among 940 substances reviewed by IARC found to pose some level of theoretical ‘hazard’.

“Only one substance, a chemical in yoga pants, has been declared by IARC not to cause cancer,” he claimed.

Yoga pants.


And the food industry:

It’s about to get mean.

WAR! Industry rebels ahead of WHO report declaring red and processed meats ‘cause cancer’ - including sausages and bacon

Before you take another bite if that hot dog, you may want to read this.

A shock report is making cravers of the highly unhealthy “food” like product think twice: There are reports that HUMAN DNA is being found in the meat.

The source of this: A real and valid group, quoted by actual news agencies..

You are what you eat. Perhaps to the extreme in the case of hot dogs..


Clear Foods, which “uses genomic technology to analyze the world’s foods at a molecular level, ingredient by ingredient,” released a report recently that it said was designed to look at the accuracy of the content labels of several major hot dog brands.A new report, however, adds extra meaning to the phrase “you don’t want to know how the sausage gets made.”

The company analyzed 345 hot dog and sausage products from 75 brands and 10 retailers, and said they found “human DNA in 2% of the samples, and in 2/3rds of the vegetarian samples.”

Additionally, 10 percent of all vegetarian products appeared to contain meat.

The reporting continues

Despite some of the shocking findings, Clear Foods reports “there are a number of hot dog manufacturers, large and small, that are producing high-quality hot dogs with integrity.”

Butterball, McCormick, Eckrich and Hebrew National were among the major brands that received top scores from Clear Foods. Gardein was the top specialty or regional brand.

That’s fine. They can produce the higher quality.

You know.. I think I will just continue by 20-year-tradition (I admit I ate them during the early years) and avoid this ‘food.’ And also reinforce my son’s 4 and a half year tradition of not eating them as well.

Human DNA, eh?


People wish they could be Oscar Meier wieners, I guess somehow we got the chance.



UK DAIL MAIL, linked here, reports:

  • Battling howling winds, driving rain and icy temperatures, thousands of migrants today marched into Slovenia.
  • Photographed from above, the refugees formed a single column as they crossed into the country from Croatia.
  • It comes as Slovenia’s Prime Minister warns the EU will break up if leaders cannot agree on how to deal with crisis.

  • MORE..
  • Nine days after Hungary’s move to seal its southern border drove unprecedented migrant flows into tiny Slovenia, Prime Minister Miro Cerar sent out a dramatic call to fellow central and eastern leaders in Brussels for emergency talks.He said: ‘If we don’t find a solution today, if we don’t do everything we can today, then it is the end of the European Union as such. If we don’t deliver concrete action, I believe Europe will start falling apart.'Since October 17, more than 62,000 migrants have arrived in Slovenia, with some 14,000 still passing through the country on today alone. Cerar said Croatia, which has already seen some 230,000 migrants pass through since mid-September, was still waiving migrants through into Slovenia without alerting Slovenia authorities.
  • Nbc news reporting in full:

    KABUL — A magnitude-7.5 earthquake hit northeastern Afghanistan on Monday, killing at least 72 people there and in neighboring Pakistan.

    “More [deaths] are expected,” the Pakistani province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Chief Minister Pervez Khattak told state TV about three hours after the incident. At least 48 deaths were confirmed there, along with 554 injuries.

    The victims also included around 12 girls who died while trying to flee their school in Afghanistan, a official told NBC News. Some of them were crushed in a stampede. Twelve more deaths were confirmed throughout the country.

    No better time than Halloween week to visit the ‘island of misfit dolls’ 

    It’s a real place in Mexico that lots of people every year seek out. I would imagine being there during the creepy week we’re in would be among the best times to acquaint yourselves with the statues of strangeness..

    The story of the island:

    A half century ago, a little girl drowned off a small island hidden deep among the canals of Xochimico. The island’s only permanent inhabitant was a hermit named Don Julián Santana Barrera, who despite having a wife and family, chose to live alone on the island. Soon after the girl’s death Barrera fished out one doll after another from the canals. Convinced that this was a sign from the evil spirit, Don Julian Santana began hanging them on trees to protect himself from evil and calm the spirit of the dead girl. Soon Don Julián had made the entire island into a shrine.

    Santana did not clean up the dolls or attempt to fix them, but rather put them up with missing eyes and limbs, covered in dirt. Even when dolls arrived in good shape, the wind and weather naturally decomposed them over time creating a gallery of eerie and ghoulish faces. Don Julian Santana lived on the island for 50 years before his death in 2001. He was found drowned in the same area in which he believed the little girl had died.

    And the creation still exists.

    Sun-damaged and all.. Creepy dolls across the land.

    An artist in Ukraine uses the placeholder the statue of Lenin used to be on to showcase Darth Vader..

    Here is an original report, you’ll have to use your computer translator to read.. Unless of course it’s your native tongue.

    The point: In April, Ukraine ordered all Soviet era statues and ‘stuff’ to be destroyed or removed. Or both. 

    Oleksandr Milov, the sculptor of the new statue, said this to the  AFP news agency: 

    “Honestly, I did not like the idea of destroying it, so we decided on a more flexible solution,” he said, adding that they were planning to install a Wi-fi router on the statue’s head so that he can “communicate with the other Siths.”

    And this reporting from a FUSION article:

    It’s just one sign of the presence of the Force in Ukrainian politics, theInternational Business Times reports. Apparently, the conversion was sponsored by the country’s Internet Party, which is led by a candidate called—you guessed it—Darth Vader, who is running in Odessa’s mayoral elections. The site writes that Vader has been spotted campaigning around town:

    The main candidate of the Internet Party of Ukraine, named after the legendary Star Wars villain Darth Vader, is campaigning in Odessa, cruising through the town on a black van to the sound of the Imperial March from the saga. The Sith Lord often seen flanked by his loyal storm troopers and Chewbacca is the official candidate of the party which has become known for its theatrical public stunts.Vader and storm troopers were recently seen waving at passers-by from atop the van as flames shot up at the helm of the vehicle. “When I am appointed to my position, I will distribute free accommodation as a first policy,” the man dressed as Darth Vader said.”

    The Darth Vader movement.

    I don’t quite know what to make of that.

    Sunday, October 25, 2015

    As Halloween approaches.. some good places to find stories..

    @sixpenceee is one of the best sites online.. 

    Found out tonight that the site has an accompanying forum that is filled with much of the same the site has to offer, if not more.. 

    No disclaimers included. Judge accordingly which is out of this world and beyond it..

    This is a screen shot from Zak Bagans on Periscope Saturday October 24, 2015..

    It’s proves two things: 1) You should join periscope and 2) you should follow Zak Bagans.

    We have previously talked about 11B-X-1371… and days later it’s no less creepy than it was then.

    Clyde Lewis did a particularly good show on it a few last week.. You should give it a listen if you have the chance., His follow up a day later was also good, including Jordan Maxwell into the conversation.

    Otherwise, check out, the site I go to when I need to get on top of the current MEMES floating around the net. While there is not much on there I did not know at this point, there certainly is a good bit of information for newcomers to this topic..  

    One point that is new information for me from only a few days ago:

    • On October 21st, Twitter user @Exen pointed to the now-abandoned Zofiowka Sanitarium near Otwock, Poland as the location where the video was filmed.

    Debate continues.. what is the video? A threat? a test? a terrorist? or a movie/game ad?

    Time will tell.. 

    Maybe depending on what the conclusion it, we don’t want to know.



    This headless make-up tutorial done by Sarah Mudle is fantastically creepy. You can watch it here. 

    A shocking GIF.. and a truly cool way she did it..

    Take a peek and consider it for your Halloween scares:



    The week before Halloween, and all through the box, not a horror flick was stirring, and it took a knock.

    The makers of PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 238947, or whatever one we’re on now, had some high expectations. Those hopes fell flat after real box office numbers potentially showed Paramount/Blumhouse that it could very well be time to move on in horror..  The full weekend take for the GHOST DIMENSION could be around $6-7 mil–rough when the studios were publicly saying $12 mil with private hopes of more.

    The STEVE JOBS biopic also seems to be flopping.. 

    ROCK THE KASBAH never took off.

    But what did take off for weeks: THE MARTIAN, a clear dominant factor in this seasonal box office and potentially one of the best films (if not the best) of the year, according to many people.

    As usual, I am late for the party. I did not see the MARTIAN yet, but plan to today .. if that doesn’t work out, I will simply take a day off of work and see if alone! Not only do I want to, but I got extremely excited when Art Bell said that they chose to use his bumper music in the soundtrack.. Picture an astronaut stuck on Mars with ABBA’s WATERLOO playing? That is excitement only a theater can provide..

    DEADLINE reports the top 5 (STEVE JOBS is 6)

    1). The Martian (FOX), 3,504 theaters (-197) / $4.3M Fri. (-31%)/ 3-day cume: $15.1M (-29%)/Total cume: $165.5M/ Wk 4

    2). Goosebumps (SONY), 3,501 theaters (0)/ $3.8M Fri. (-48%)/ 3-day cume: $14.7M (-38%) /Total cume: $42.9M/Wk 2

    3). Bridge of Spies (DIS), 2,811 theaters (0)/ $3.3M Fri. (-39%)/ 3-day cume: $11.3M (-26%)/Total cume: $32.5M/Wk 2

    4). The Last Witch Hunter (LIONS), 3,082 theaters / $3.7M Fri.* / 3-day cume: $9.5M /Wk 1

    5). Hotel Transylvania 2 (SONY), 3,154 theaters (-379) / $2.18M Fri. (-35%)/ 3-day cume: $8.5M (-33%) / Total cume: $147.8M /Wk 5

    Officials squabble as underground fire burns near radioactive waste dump in St. Louis area

    And you thought CENTRALIA was a big story!? That town only had a little around 2,000 people when the government forced all to move because of an underground mine fire–mine included. 

    And with the personal history I can pen about a town on fire, it’s with particular interest that I read this story from the LATIMES written by Matt Pearce.. 

    Giving all credit to Pearce for his words describing the troubling situation, this:

    A fire is smoldering beneath a landfill in a densely populated suburb of St. Louis — and it has been there for five years.

    Underground landfill fires, or “smoldering events” as some officials call them, aren’t rare. What makes the fire at the landfill in Bridgeton, Mo., so unusual is that it’s less than a quarter of a mile from a large deposit of nuclear waste — with no barrier in its way.

    The radioactive legacy of St. Louis’ role in the World War II atomic weapons program has unleashed Cold War-style nuclear paranoia in the area, as some residents debate what kind of gas masks to buy or whether to move away.

    When you read more on the subject, you realize that state, local, and federal officials are not in agreement whatsoever about what type of threat this would hold for St. Louis and if it even poses a threat at all.. Sort of like Centralia’s story, scientists and residents are arguing over whether the underground fire is even moving..

    More from Pearce: 

    Even if the underground fire eventually burns out without any problems, the radioactive dump could cause trouble, according to Ed Smith, the safe-energy director for the Missouri Coalition for the Environment.

    “Either the government puts together a plan for the removal of the radioactive material in a way that is done as safely as possible,” Smith said, “or at some point in the future, I can say with some confidence that a flood, fire, earthquake, tornado, what have you, is going to move this radioactive material and other contaminants at the landfill in a way we cannot control.”

    I am not an expert. Never claimed to be. But I will say this: The fire will not burn out. History of underground fires sort of showcase that.

    And this fire, so close to radioactive materials, needs broad attention in a quick manner.

    …because what’s the alternative…..

    Officials squabble as underground fire burns near radioactive waste dump in St. Louis area

    DATELINE STILLWATER OKLAHOMA: A tragic day as a parade ends with a fatal crash..

    # # #

    As the Associated Press dispatch reports: 

    STILLWATER, Okla. (AP) — Lawn chairs, blankets and water bottles were strewn in the street and bodies remained at the scene as Oklahoma State University fans walked past an intersection where a woman had plowed her car into a homecoming parade crowd hours earlier and killed four people.

    Some lingered Saturday to look at the aftermath that also included a gray car with a smashed side and shattered windshield, and a crumpled motorcycle. Dozens more were injured in the collision that sent some spectators flying through the air.

    The driver is suspected of being under the influence, and investigators were awaiting results of blood tests to determine if she was impaired by drugs or alcohol.

    And this: 

    Three adults died at the scene and a 2-year-old boy died later, Stillwater police Capt. Kyle Gibbs said. He said 44 people were injured.

    Adacia Chambers, a 25-year-old Stillwater resident, was arrested on the DUI charge after the morning crash

    x x x

    Not to take anything away from the victims of this tragedy, but I remember one that was narrowly averted when I was a younger child.. Around the age of 8 or 9, I remember being at the Ashland PA ‘ABA parade’ on a cool September night, standing at the top of town in rows of people near the May’s Restaurant. I have a vivid memory of a car going too fast in the parade–it was actually one of the cars IN the parade.. the car was coming straight for the crowd that I was standing in but made a sharp turn to the right at the last minute.. It was later found out that the man driving the car had a heart attack and someone who was a passenger took over at exactly the right moment. So right that if it did not occur, I may not have been typing this blog post right now..

    I can only imagine the suffering that these families are going through–especially when a 2-year-old passes away from the moronic choice a drunk driver made by getting into a car and plowing into a crowd of people. It’s disgusting..

    May the collective consciousnesses of all who are thinking or praying for them shine on them.

    Actress Maureen O’Hara dead at 95..


    She appeared in five of director John Ford’s films including How Green Was My Valley, Rio Grande and The Quiet Man, has died. Awarded an honorary Oscar last year, O’Hara was 95 and died at her home in Boise, Idaho

    More from her movie past:

    She appeared opposite John Wayne in the aforementioned Ford pictures Rio Grande and The Quiet Man (Steven Spielberg replicated their famous kiss in E.T. The Extra Terrestrial ) as well as The Wings of Eagles, McLintock! and Big Jake.  She also starred in the original 1947 Christmas classic Miracle On 34th Street

    As Kinsey Rowe writes in DEADLINE on the death reporting,

    Although several of the movies O’Hara starred in were nominated for or won multiple Academy Awards, she was never nominated. The Academy rectified that oversight with the honorary Oscar presented to her at the 2014 Governors Awards ceremony in November. She made her final major public appearance then to accept the long overdue honor. It was a night to remember.

    And she was an actress never to forget..

    Video shows blasts at nuclear waste dump site that shut down U.S. 95!


    The report being linked is from the Las Vegas REVIEW JOURNAL in Sin City..  Reporter Keith Rogers writes,

    A video of Sunday’s explosions that preceded a fire in a state-owned radioactive waste trench at the US Ecology site 10 miles south of Beatty shows white smoke emanating from the soil before the ground erupts, shooting debris and more white smoke into the air.

    The 40-second cellphone video, released Thursday by the Nevada Department of Public Safety two days after the Las Vegas Review-Journal had requested it, was taken from a berm atop Trench No. 11 overlooking the soil cap of Trench No. 14.

    Trench No. 14 is where containers of low-level radioactive waste were buried in part of a pit the size of a football stadium in the 1970s.

    Think about this for a second before reading on..

    And now some more words from Rogers’ excellent newspaper reporting on the subject:

    State Fire Marshal Chief Peter Mulvihill said Tuesday investigators don’t know yet what caused the “energetic burning” in that pit Sunday but whatever caught fire below the surface of the unlined, clay terrain “definitely burned very hot.”

    The state’s public safety team decided to allow the fire to burn itself out instead of trying to douse it because they didn’t want to put water on any material that might be reactive to water, fearing that could potentially exacerbate the problem.

    But as usual..
    Nothing to see here.
    Go about your business.
    IT’s all under control.

    Of course it wasn’t going to be released until an information request from a newspaper made it happen.

    All good, all well,
    All is fine in nuclear hell.

    Police: Suspect kept mother's body in South Carolina motel for 7 weeks

    PSYCHO real version: 

    As being reported in several publications including the linked USA TODAY story:

    A Pleasant Valley man has been accused of strangling his mother, and then keeping her remains in a Pleasant Valley motel for seven weeks before moving her body to a small town in South Carolina.

    The gruesome details came to light during a state police press conference Saturday at the Troop K headquarters in Millbrook.

    Police are alleging that the crime occurred on August 16.. 

    “I find it hard to imagine,” state police Capt. John Ryan said, “the circumstances that would lead a son to strangle his mother, but also to live with the body in a motel room and then travel several states away and dump her like trash.”

    Police: Suspect kept mother's body in South Carolina motel for 7 weeks