Saturday, July 23, 2011


This one goes out to my mother-in-law, fighting for her life in a hospital bed.. her favorite song and my wife’s sudden reminder of times gone by..

Amy Winehouse found dead..
A life cut short..
Troubled diva..
Sold more than 5 million albums..
Flashback: In June, Winehouse was booed while on stage in Serbia after she stumbled and appeared to forget lyrics to her songs..
And now tonight, after all the online jokes, after all the barbs at her expense, she was found dead at her home in North London ..
…and now joins the ‘27 club’ with Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain..
Funeral workers carry out her body..

Peace out, earth. From my family to yours.. have a safe Saturday night. Little Ayden in the middle wishes it too. Just in his own language.

No more rehab

Singer Amy Winehouse was found dead at her apartment in London on Saturday, the UK Press Association reported. She was 27.

you seem to not think the shooting in NOrway was a radical shooting from an extreme conservative? i think it was. I could be wrong, of course, but I think we need to start looking at people closer who have certain political beliefs

…starting ‘looking’ at persons of certain political beliefs? .. And editing them? Censoring them? … Oh boy. Here we go.. 

Listen, first of all, without question, anyone who shoots kills maims or destroys is insane to a degree and .. even some people with political beliefs are extreme. I get it.. And yes, this disgusting creature could have been an extreme conservative. I get it ..

But deep down, there is something else at play here.. Something deeply disturbing in my mind about humans themselves. They are capable of things many others cannot even think of.. Holocausts, killing sprees, torture camps, terrorist attacks, mass shootings.. Killing of innocent children.. all disgusting, vile, and rejected by humans as a whole. 

I don’t know if I am answering your question or even if you asked one, anonymous, but I certainly think that the killer is a killer first and political believer second.

Eyewitness accounts offer chilling information about Norway shooting

Some chilling accounts coming out about the island of death, Utoya.. Survivors tells how he played dead before the gunman shot him in the back.. .. one said “I could hear his boots and feel his breath’.. Another said that the gunman yelled ‘we all must die’.. Even more horrid, it was open season on the innocent: Gunman had 30 minutes for killing spree before SWAT team arrived.. Norway’s Prime Minister said, “My childhood paradise was transformed into hell”.. MORE.


Muslim = terrorism
Christian conservatism = extremist
Killing = killing

ME: Amen.. The media was quick to trounce on Muslims, ,and now Christians.. Ugh it’s frustrating, especially with an island soaked in blood. Just … wow. I have a headache at the thoughts of how murderous humans can sometimes be.

Shameless plug.. but..

I have lots of coverage at today on the Norway nightmare.. a true act of horror, terror, and violence .. Utoya Island became an island of death.. prayers with the nation.. And will someone, somewhere, ever be able to explain why human beings are capable of the most atrocious acts of anyone in any animal kingdom.. ? In the animal world, it’s kill or be killed. In the human species, it’s kill TO KILL.. 

We are, perhaps, more ‘animalistic’ than animals ….

Very chilling image.. if true, the killer standing among his dead on Utoya Island..


Front page, Aftonbldet (published in Sweden), Saturday 23 July 2011.

This newspaper, from Norway’s neighbor Sweden, has a front page photo purportedly of Norwegian terror suspect Anders Behring Breivik, standing among the bodies of his victims on Utoya Island, where the massacre of at least 80 people — including children — took place.

I’m not certain how this image was acquired but nevertheless: it’s utterly terrifying, and terribly sad.

(Front page via the Newseum)

NORWAY LATEST.. a dark day in the nation-- and quite frankly on earth

HORROR IN NORWAY: 90+ are dead ..
Sky News*not Murdoch’s* report that people who ‘believe in the New World Order’ are responsible..
Suspect a farmer..
Amateur video shows a chilling aftermath of Oslo bombing..
Cops say attacks do not appear to be linked..

Norway Killer: Anders Behring Breivik.. a freemason?
Before Breivik was named as the shooter, media rushed to blame attacks on Muslim..
PDF version of Breivik’s Facebook page..
Report: The first thing he did was to shoot the ‘cutest girl he saw’..
Who is the suspect..?
Man with knife detained near Norway’s Prime Minsiter!
Cops label suspect a right wing extremist..
Cops investigating second suspect..
Norway’s Prime Minsiter’s words after attacks..
Deadliest attacks in Norway since World War II..
Witnesses suggest a second gunman at the youth camp shooting..
Why Oslo?
Home grown plot..

The scene of terror: Smoke rises from buildings in Oslo, Norway, at the scene of a large explosion which tore apart several buildings..

An employee at a Norwegian agricultural cooperative told CNN that the man identified in media reports as the suspect in Friday’s attacks bought six tons of fertilizer from her company in May..

Graphic images..

Shock attack.. Reports that island shooter dressed as a cop..

Scene of horror: The moment the bombing hit..

Island of the ded: This is the little island of hell on earth in Norway.. the site of the youth camp were kids were shot in dead..
Eyewitnesses describe a war zone on Utoya Island..
The island stained with blood..
The Prime Minister was set to visit the youth camp on Utoya Island..
Youth Camp island turned ‘into hell’..
Island Paradise turns into violence..

Hell with planking.. try this: Owling

It’s a hoot.
*Bad pun*

Hell with planking.. try this: Owling

This is the site of true horror in Norway… the island of the dead..


Indeed, people are strange.

Friday, July 22, 2011

A 32-year-old Norwegian man is in custody, officials said, after two attacks earlier in the day that killed at least 17 people — attacks police said are linked.

CNN news alert

Also noteworthy on a bad Friday

Almost everyone I know today was wearing red. Maybe the heat made them (and me) wear the color, or because of the heat I noticed more .. And speaking of heat? It’s freaking hot..

Just a bad Friday

100+ degrees everywhere.. Boehner withdrew from debt talks with Obama.. And Oslo became a bloodbath. Bad day for earth..


Metisse - Boom Boom Ba

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Apparently Lady Gaga is hiring someone to build a website…. If only I would have continued with computers instead of business..

Borders just emailed a 'farewell'

And with that, books —at least the paper version—appear to be dead.. Site Amazon will still send them.. And Barnes will carry a bit longer. But Borders closing is big.. And guess what? We’ll miss paper. I swear we will. Goodbye paper. Though the trees will soon breathe a half sigh of relief.

Does belief in paranormal require a belief on God?

Specifically ghosts?

FYI to Art Bell fans

He’s back in Pahrump, NV. The home in the high desert .. No news on radio but more than a few would love hearing him again..

Just outrageous!

Outlandish.. Unbelievable! Almost sophomoric! Maybe even unseemly! Perhaps even over the top.. All of that and more!


Fear not. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Politics of compromise? House GOP defies veto threat as 'gang of 6' propose $1 trillion in new taxes..

Politics of compromise? House GOP defies veto threat as 'gang of 6' propose $1 trillion in new taxes..

Comments? ... Suggestions? ... fun ideas

What does everyone out there want to sea on this website?

Murdoch whistleblower who was found dead 'feared for his life'

Murdoch whistleblower who was found dead 'feared for his life'

Pretty sick world: A teenager killed his parents with a hammer-- and then posted party plans on Facebook while their bodies remained in the house

Pretty sick world: A teenager killed his parents with a hammer-- and then posted party plans on Facebook while their bodies remained in the house

Oh this is just horrible.. A woman grows a nipple on her foot.. And not on purpose.


Quite possibly my favorite Billy Joel song — and maybe the one I hear the least.

Goodnight all.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm wondering?

Can you tell the morality of a nation by which? 1) it’s religious leaders, 2) the wars it chooses to fight or 3) the way it treats its prisoners?

Hello new followers

Stick around.. You may eventually see something you like..

I need some more thoughts sent my way.. Please all


Billy Joel

Angry Young Man

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My favorite part about summer is when local forecasters play up the inevitable summer heatvwave… 90s?! 100s?! it’s July. Yep. Enjoy

Well that sucked

Japan.. I guess you deserved it


Me sure thinks Obama likeys the soccer?


POTUS is live tweeting the game.

damnit! 1 -1


President Obama and his family watch World Cup soccer final. 

Photo via official White House photographer Peter Souza


Sure, it’s Rebekah Brooks that got arrested over the Murdoch phone hack scandal.. but 9 Americans out of 10 will sadly think that Carrot Top got fired from his AT&T spokesman job..

SOLO’S HOPE: This is it.. The USA (at least my wife and I) watching women’s soccer..

Japan vs USA. Today


I always wonder: Are films like this prep work for the real thing? …

Anger over Netflix price hike: Phones ringing off the hook at company..
Loyal fans angry over increase..
It’s amazing.. the world of technology, email, downloading videos on Netflix instantly.. and what do fans do? Old fashioned complaints. They pick up the phone, get angry, and talk.. Maybe there is hope for the world after all.. people do have emotions that they can express without keyboards or mouse clicks. Bravo, humanity! Bravo..

Someone on my Facebook page just live-blogged her child's birth...

….how the world changes.

Goodbye prison, hello world.. Casey Anthony walks out of jail and slips into the darkness of a moonlit night..

Typhoon in the Pacific: Japan waiting for next disaster

Pacific Rim Rampage: Monster at sea as Typhoon Ma-On aims for Japan.. May become a ‘Super Typhoon’ before landfall..
Expected track of Ma-On takes it to the Southern tip of Japan and back out to sea.. BUT.. Heavy rainfall is expected in the tsunami-ravaged areas north of Tokyo. All eyes are watching the little island nation that is being slammed with new disasters every time you look..


Get ready: Heat is coming.. this week, from sea to shining sea, the American landscape is going to sizzle.. Fry eggs on the highway, water the plants.. don’t leave your pets or your elderly in cars. It’s going to be a heat wave.. Amazingly, it’s going to be 90 degrees and higher in 40 states.. This is summer 2011.
The heat will spawn some severe weather, too..

Find redemption during these hot days of midsummer..