Showing posts with label netflix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label netflix. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Reality vs fiction..

Reality is scarier than fiction.. that is exemplified in a documentary that you may be interested on NETFLIX called KILLER LEGENDS. you may learn something new.. and despite the fact no candy was ever poisoned on Halloween, the "CANDY MAN" section will still give you enough pause to check your kids' candy anyway..

I recommend the documentary for those interested in true crimes and urban legends.. this brings to light the reasons why we are freaked by hook hands, by masked killers.. and quite frankly, by people.

Among the things you may learn that you didn't know previously includes--besides no candy ever being poisoned for trick or treaters--are these facts: No babysitter killings ever happened in big numbers.. despite a number of movies being made showcasing it. The Texarkana killings are creepy--and even more creepy may be the yearly film festival showing THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN on a location where a grisly murder took place with the movie based in part on it..

And so many others.

Urban legends.

They all come from somewhere..

The other worldly nature of horror movies are not nearly as scary as the darkest minds and hearts of evil men who perpetrate evil and murder the innocent.

KILLER LEGENDS is scary for that reason..

Friday, August 15, 2014

If anyone wants a real scare, look no further than reality

Namely this documentary on Netflix: FORGOTTEN PLANET: ABANDONED AMERICA. It’s another example of why reality scares me much more profoundly than any work of fiction.

The documentary isn’t new.. But as a busy adult, I only watch things when I get the chance.. It was produced in 2011, and is a graphic account of how once booming towns in the United States often become abandoned ghost towns.

There is something brutally frightening to me about decaying structures and silent facilities.. I have near me a hospital that was active for over one hundred years, and now sits idle as bankruptcy took the legs out from under the workers .. the building, in only two years, has become overgrown with the earth and is already appearing as though it was forsaken over a decade ago.. It’s so amazing to see how quickly our planet makes us forget people ever lived in certain spots. Abandoned buildings serve as a reminder: We are dust and so are the places we inhabit.. They’ll be gone just as we will.

Also near me:  Centralia, the town I grew up in and have written about extensively on my site. Anyone visiting that town wouldn’t even know that it was once filled with homes stacked on top of each other, taverns on every corner, and churches active every Sunday.. A mine fire swept away life and the earth, again, took over.

So give this 40 some minute documentary a chance—if you’re like me and chilled to the core by abandoned structures, try out FORGOTTEN PLANET: ABANDONED AMERICA.. turn off the lights.. lock the doors. The zombie is time. And it eats.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

NETFLIX is on the move. But I am going to issue them a stern warning now

Interesting article from the NEW REPUBLIC: NETFLIX has a plan to rewire our entire culture. 

That’s fine, NETFLIX.

I pay for you.

But please stop taking off movies that I grow to enjoy being on there.. and stop taking away all the 1980s HE-MAN seasons just when I get my three year old to accept them and their 1980s-style greatness!

At least they left me with this:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Anger over Netflix price hike: Phones ringing off the hook at company..
Loyal fans angry over increase..
It’s amazing.. the world of technology, email, downloading videos on Netflix instantly.. and what do fans do? Old fashioned complaints. They pick up the phone, get angry, and talk.. Maybe there is hope for the world after all.. people do have emotions that they can express without keyboards or mouse clicks. Bravo, humanity! Bravo..