Friday, August 30, 2013



Yes… 2013. Period. And Labor Day along with it.

This Billy Joel song, FAMOUS LAST WORDS, is the ballad of my labor days of years past, present, and probably future..

I still recall getting this CD for my birthday from my brother in 1993, and I listened to it over and over, and over again after the Ashland PA ABA Parade that year..

Every song was amazing..But especially this final song, with its lyrics of cleaning of streamers after the Labor Day parade and enjoying coffee and apples in the early autumn.

I still remember when Billy Joel appeared on David Letterman during his first week on CBS back in ‘93… My God I am aging. We are all though—I am not alone but maybe more melancholy in my approach to the passage of time.

Years gone by… Age 13 in ‘93…..age 23 in ‘03… and this year, this month, this day… age 33… Add that together and start your numerology. I’ll just grin and bear it. Or something.

The wedding cake still tastes great after all these years…

And somewhere, somehow, my memory still walks the streets of Ashland, Pennsylvania, during a Labor Day ABA parade……with streamers and horns, balloons and the sweet smell of fried food and Devitos Pizza in the air above my head. Those were the days.

These are the days, too.

They’ve changed.. and gone by.

And as time goes by so do the years.

33 years ??! I just was 21, wasn’t I!? I was just 13… in ‘93. Back during that blizzard….back during that point in time. Brendan! Joe! Johnny! Where are you? Where is the poetry!?

I think it’s still being read in a deep and dark basement, under the strained lights of the 3am hour. The dead poet society still preaches, I hope, at 21..I hope. 

Where the hell does it all go? 

To the Langoliers, I say! Eating away as Stephen King wrote. UNDER HIS DOME. With Billy Joel endlessly playing on David Letterman’s opening night on CBS..


There’s a lot of parents who worry about their children playing football and getting head injuries.

But apparently they are not worried enough to actually stop sending their golden children into battle on fields across the United States, as this report shows with facts..

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The good old days weren't all that good but war's still as bad as it seems

I was 23 years young and dumb, fighting for my rights to party somewhere in a smoky bar room—you could smoke back then.. And on the cover of TIME MAGAZINE: George W. Bush with a big headline “Do you want this war?”

Americans were torn..
And now in 2013, after a decade of war and then some, only about 9% of Americans surveyed support military action in Syria. So much for the rest of the nation..

But absent this night: Media asking Americans if they want this war? No magazine covers—there’s apps for that now.. And hell, NEWSWEEK isn’t even printing anymore..right Tina?

Are we rushing into another one? And could this one be much worse?
After all, what would be he result of “tactical” strikes on Assad? We assume no one would retaliate — maybe not against us, but what about Israel? China’s red faced anger could show itself.. would they call in the debt!? And Russia? They’ll sick Snowden back on us..
 Meanwhile a Shah sleeps in Iran, and does he have a plan?

It ain’t no end times. But Armageddon sure can come on quick. And these summer Armageddons are the worst.

Yes, indeed, this whole event already seems murky and messy. But ain’t that America.
…so, 89% that didn’t want the war a few days you want it now?

Monday, August 26, 2013

My wife's reaction to me doing something dumb

Tara: Stop doing that or I'll smack in you in the head with my iPad
Me: What if I told you, in 2007 when we got married, that one day you'd tell me you'd smack me in the head with your iPad?
Tara: ...silence..