The worst part of the fall now begins
Football season is here. I will not speak to whether the art of being drunk on Sundays and watching football itself is an evil that robs the testosterone of men but still make them feel like tough guys, but I will say this: People need to take a break from being armchair pundits on YouTube.
This fad of football fans tweeting or Facebook statusing every play that their ‘team’ makes during a game started a few SuperBowls ago.. and now it’s taking place every Sunday (*Saturdays for college fans*) …most posts are not ‘liked’ or commented on.. but they litter the dashboards of any platform you blog or socially speak on.. It’s gone from fad to bad.. with an over-abundance of people without any football skills whatsoever constantly complaining for three hours about how bad the ref’s calls were or how awful their team is doing. “Gonna be a long season,” one of my Facebook friends just posted after his particular team, the Steelers, didn’t do so hot …
I am all for free expression.. and I believe that opinions should be expressed. And yes Twitter and Facebook makes it easier.. But I am reminded of the not-so-old adage: “Think before you post.” In this case, “Think before you post 25 times per minute on each and every mundane occurrence that happened during the game you’re watching on TEE VEEE…