We are just about at another anniversary of the giant Japan quake and tsunami and nuclear disaster at Fukushima.. While the world pays little attention to the long term effects of radiation Greenpeace did. And the report is startling.
Greenpeace warns against the government’s decision to lift a number of evacuation orders around the Fukushima plant by March 2017. The NGO says the International Atomic Energy Agency and the government are operating under “deeply flawed assumptions” when it comes to decontamination and ecosystem risks.
I even am going to take this to heart.. over the past few months I have noticed that, while my productivity has increased, my errors have as well. I think that can go for anyone in this age of constant devices zapping brains and attention spans.
And the cognitive costs get worse. If you’re a multitasker, you might have done some serious permanent damage, as a study that ran MRI scans on the brains of multitaskers found they had less brain density in areas that controlled empathy and emotions.
And how to beat the problem?
“High-quality work produced is a function of two things—the amount of time you spend on the work and the intensity of your focus during this time,” said Newport. “If you can increase your focus, you’ll get more done in less time.”
So, unless you’re just way ahead of the curve and can afford your brain performing at a much lower level, then you’re going to have to stop multitasking if you want to beat the competition.
Basically retrain your mind. If you are writing a long memo at work, for example, put your phone away and close your email. Focus on it.. no distractions.. close your door if you have to. Turn off the radio. If you want to clean your email inbox? Same theory.. focus on that on nothing else. Don’t allow the world around you to dictate what you are going to do.
Multitaskers have an edge over competition. For a while. Until the errors start getting noticed.
.. a major step back in time.. a really huge galaxy formed only 200 or 300 million years after the supposed big bang?
“Our spectroscopic observations reveal the galaxy to be even further away than we had originally thought, right at the distance limit of what Hubble can observe,” Gabriel Brammer of the Space Telescope Science Institute and second author of the study said.
Previously, to estimate GN-z11’s distance astronomers had to analyze its color in images taken with both Hubble and the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope. Now the team has used Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3).
GN-z11’s distance has a redshift of 11.1, which corresponds to 400 million years after the Big Bang, a distance that was believed only to be reachable with the next generation NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Until now, the most distant measured galaxy was EGSY8p7 with a redshift of 8.68, located 13.2 billion years in the past.
And this from observation:
“It’s amazing that a galaxy so massive existed only 200 million to 300 million years after the very first stars started to form. It takes really fast growth, producing stars at a huge rate, to have formed a galaxy that is a billion solar masses so soon,” explains Garth Illingworth of the University of California in Santa Cruz.
PLAYBOY is saying that it’s non nude issue is working.. Advertisers like it. And it’s available on a lot more newsstands than the nude version of the magazine. Sex sells. But perhaps dignity sells more?
No opinions to render but the scientific information presented in this UK paper’s report is a little more than interesting..
The scientist described seeing the behaviour through cameras that were set up to watch the chimpanzees. They saw them assembling piles of stones — of a similar kind of the ritual cairns that have been found throughout human history.
Chimpanzees and other apes have long been known to use stones and other materials as tools, including their use as nutcrackers to get into food that is cased in a hard shell. But the new behaviour doesn’t seem to have the same functional purpose.
Fresh food is filling landfills. Food statistics can have a way of zeroing in on our collective eating Zeitgeist with uncomfortable data points. For example, U.S. consumers waste up to 50 percent more food than Americans did in the 1970s, according to National Institutes of Health.
Something seems particularly insane about all of this..
CONSPIRACY theorists are stocking up on food supplies amid fears the world could end in just FOUR days when a total eclipse of the sun, super full moon and staggeringly close asteroid pass of earth are set to happen within 24 hours.
After all.. What’s a calendar year without a good end of the world fear?
Tell me again, how does NASA not know how close the asteroid will fly by but yet have confidence that all is well? Just wondering..
A few websites I visit began reporting on the carbon spike a few days ago.. While alarmed I also assumed it was in relation to the major gas leak.. At this time, officials of the highest degree are saying not to fear …
For millennia, one of the world’s leading causes of death was infection. The body’s natural counter to infection includes a number of genetic mutations that rachet up the immune system. Researchers now know that one of those altered genes, known as NPY, is linked to major depression.
Why would the body need to leverage depression to fight off infection? In a 2012 study, Raison and Miller contended that symptoms of depression such as social withdrawal and apathy played to the advantage of ancient humans for two important reasons: Keeping still helped their bodies fight infection, and social isolation helped prevent the spread of contagious germs.
The mysteries of the brain and why we be come depressed.. So much more revolutionary medicine and studying to come ..
Benchoff suspects it may be tied to Google Project Skybender to bring internet by drone, while others suspect Google Project Loon and other experiments in bringing internet access worldwide. The InfoWars crowd will probably suspect mind control, especially with HAARP under utilized now. My guess? Aliens. The nearby spaceport provides a perfect landing spot, and our overlords know New Mexico by well know, having crashed so many flying saucers there.
That Infowars crowd that gets mocked often is also often right.. And making light of Google doesn’t eliminate the notions that regardless of how amazing how lives are because of the company, they also do creepy things. And something creepy and amazing is in the offing..
In a publication released last week, Google asked the FCC to treat some information relating to radio experiments as confidential. These experiments involve highly directional and therefore high power transmissions at 2.5 GHz, 5.8GHz, 24GHz, 71-76GHz, and 81-86GHz. These experiments will take place at Spaceport America, a 12,000 foot runway in the middle of New Mexico occasionally used by SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, and now Google.
For the most part, this document only tells the FCC that Google won’t be causing harmful interference in their radio experiments. There few other details, save for what bands and transmitters Google will be using and an experimental radio license call sign (WI9XZE) that doesn’t show up in the FCC database.
While it all sounds so juicy and conspiratorial, this may simply be a planned future venture to bring faster internet to all. Of course there is still the chance Google will suck the souls out of our eyeballs and make swine eat them. Or something like that.