Saturday, August 18, 2012


It is going to be a beautiful weekend. Summer is almost over. Enjoy life

Monday, August 13, 2012

Some new sick news in the Penn State scandal

When the Jerry Sandusky scandal broke wide open last fall, one or two reporters published articles that the boys molested may have been part of a larger sex ring. Those stories were pushed aside to focus on the known allegations against Sandusky at Penn State.

And now today, the story has taken an even more horrid turn for the revolting. Radar Online is reporting that a witness is claiming he saw Sandusky abuse boys on a private plane—and this is a Penn State booster!  Radar also reports that a new investigation into a pedophile ring is being conducted by federal authorities.  Radar reports that this booster has been interviewed in the past few weeks, presumably after the conviction of Sandusky and the Freeh report condemning the entire Penn State University system for allowing abuse to continue for years.

In the mean time, while Sandusky sits in prison for his crimes, Graham Spanier, former Penn State president, ,has a new job: He is working for the federal government!  Spanier will be working with the FEDs on projects related to national security. (?!) Perhaps no background check was conducted…?

Now how cool is this! Get from the US to London in just 1 hour!?

It’s about time we have a super sonic jet for public use. If aliens can use them why not us.. Or maybe the fact the military is ‘designing one’ means they have had one, and those little green men have never been little green anythings but instead fat earthlings testing new equipment. 

Nonetheless here is the DAILY MAIL article about a potential future in which a supersonic jet will be able to transport you at 4500 mph. That’s pretty darn fast.

Funny enough,  I am a little scared about air travel. But if a flight could last only that long I’d be much more inclined and quite excited about going around the one in just an hour or two. 

Some air travel lovers may argue that it would eliminate those beautiful and breathtaking images you can see our of a window. But if you’re afraid of heights you’ll go so fast it wouldn’t matter. And in the event of a crash you’ll never know what hit you.

I think it’s true love!!

Would love to hear from people from London: Is life after the Olympics a huge let down or is it just good to have your city back?

And how much trash did the world leave behind..?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I was just thinking earlier today: Is George Michael in jail?

And bam, or should I say Wham! He appears at the Olympics singing freedom. The irony..

Paper reports military is being prepped to prepare to fight Americans

Paper reports military is being prepped to prepare to fight Americans

Did the athletes use all their condoms?

Thanks to news organizations reporting that it is a sexual fiesta behind the scenes at the Olympics, now I’m watching the closing ceremonies wondering who used all their gold medal protection. Thanks CNN. Thanks…

My God it appears that Paul Ryan is causing sexual discomfort amongst liberal Obama voters .. Ryan making some certainties in the Democrats’ camp suddenly developing man crashes on a P90X performing VP candidate?!

Now we know: Paul Ryan only has 6 to 8% body fat

Now we know..

Now we know: Paul Ryan only has 6 to 8% body fat