Saturday, April 23, 2011

Another night.. and another DOORS lullabye

So are we bad parents for using LIGHT MY FIRE to put Ayden to sleep? It works.. I still contend he is an old-soul from the 70s.

120 dead in Syria after Easter weekend unrest

120 dead in Syria after Easter weekend unrest

Confirmed: A tornado hit St. Louis and severely damaged many places, including the airport

AP: In Hawaii, accessing some Obama birth info is easy

Money quote:

What the would-be sleuths won’t find is Obama’s “long-form birth certificate,” a confidential one-page document containing his original birth records kept on file in the first floor of the Department of Health.

Those original birth records typically include additional birth details, such as the hospital and delivering doctor, said Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the state’s former health director who twice looked at and publicly confirmed Obama’s original long-form birth records.

AP: In Hawaii, accessing some Obama birth info is easy

...lock boxes

My wife and I have Ayden’s birth records—including his birth certificate—safely locked away.

And hopefully it will still be available when he decides to run for president.

I'm pretty sure my son is a reincarnated hippie

Otherwise, why would a 8-minute DOORS song put him to sleep—every time?

From the coal region to the Royal wedding

Thousands flocked to see Elton John in Wilkes Barre, PA, last night.. From friends of mine who went, it was apparently a decidedly great show. And now.. the Rocket Man, Sir Elton, goes from the coal region of Luzerne County to the Royal Wedding. What a difference that will be. 

This is London today, along with many other places in the UK, where thick smog has descended on the continent.. Health officials have said those with asthma or breathing problems should avoid the air and stay indoors.. Also:  Don’t exercise outdoors.. This as the thick layer of pre-Easter heat and smog descends on London

An epic failure of TV programming, or perhaps the network giving up on advertising before it even began?

Either way, Paul Reiser’s newest show now has the dubious distinction of a stinker.. only two episodes in, NBC chose to cancel his program from their schedule..

3.3 million viewers in the 18-49 demos.. low ratings.. 

The second episode bled viewers, coming in with only 2.5 million..

What will take its place? The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER reports: OFFICE reruns..

Mad about you// over and out for Reiser..


Amazing: "Under the terms of last year’s health compensation law for first responders to the 9/11 terror attacks, would-be beneficiaries have to submit to FBI background checks to verify that they are not themselves terrorists. The provision places applicants’ names and personal information in a file to be cross-checked with the FBI’s Terror Watch list before they receive any medical compensation"

Bad medicine: Pfizer says patient died in oral RA drug study

Bad medicine: Pfizer says patient died in oral RA drug study


…and quite possibly in the top ten best movies of all time. 

Don’t think twice. Welcome new followers


Sources say Dolphins Pro Bowl receiver Brandon Marshall in ICU after being stabbed, will ‘be OK’ .. ESPN reporting more details..


Bruce Springsteen — I’m on Fire

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Boston bruisers take game 3

Just in time for Good Friday: Large Hadron Collider May Have Detected 'God Particle'

Just in time for Good Friday: Large Hadron Collider May Have Detected 'God Particle'


I was speeding through the subway on the stations of the cross

U2—Moment of Surrender

It’s Good Friday. It’s earth day. And whatever else comes up.


Until this site updates again, goodnight all and be safe.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Affleck says no to GATSBY in 3D

I think I know a couple former high school English that would reach for the green light and love the role

Affleck says no to GATSBY in 3D

Some other news of the day

Professor calls for UFO hearings..

Japan seals a ‘no go zone’ around nuclear plant..

Fracking and cracking: Race against the clock in Pennsylvania as work continues to stop fracking fluid from leaking at the site of a gas well spill.. Waste water spewed from the well and now officials are watching for fracking fluid in fresh streams and eventually rivers..
Driller temporary stops at Pennsylvania drill after the spill…


Cops say a women bit off more than she could shew when she tore her husband’s penis from his body with her teeth during an argument..

Woman denies biting off testicles..

Controvery in Malaysia as a boot camp has been set up for boys with ‘effeminate tendencies’..

A task force!? That’s it? Gas prices hitting $5 a gallon in many states—with prediction that $6 a gallon or higher will be coming this summer. A task force.. saving the day.

Lots of new real estate for the wealthy to live: 657 new islands found..

Paradox: The happiest states have the highest suicide rates..

Largest spider fossil found in volcanic ash..

The ozone “hole” over Antarctica could be increasing the amount of rainfall as far away as the subtropical regions of the southern hemisphere, according to a new study

Lady goes gaga: Gaga flips out over accusations that she copied music style off of Madonna..

Watch this case: Watching for the next nipple: The FCC is asking the Supreme Court to give them the power to levy fines for things they feel are indecent..

LEATHERFACE gets rebooted in 3D..

When your state is on fire, pray like hell.

That’s what Rick Perry wants Texans to do..

An infant and a 6 year old.. with a scary future for each

After reading news, listening to it too, and fearing the future, just a quick glance at my napping son somehow does make it right.

A happy birthday goes out to a nephew, little Roan, who is growing rapidly before his family’s eyes… 

By God time is going fast.


Race against the clock in Pennsylvania as work continues to stop fracking fluid from leaking at the site of a gas well spill.. Waste water spewed from the well and now officials are watching for fracking fluid in fresh streams and eventually rivers..

Shaking, quaking.. alive in the New Madrid?

Timing is everything.. and it’s without a doubt very interesting timing that officials are beginning to practice for a major earthquake along the New Madrid Fault line in the Midwest.. 
The earthquake drill is planned for Missouri families, schools, and businesses..According to information, ten states along the New Madrid fault line plan to hold a collective earthquake drill at 10:15 am April 28. A sci-fi game is being used to prep kids for what would be a tremendous disaster if the fault went.. The White House is getting in on the game with a US SHAKE OUT drill to prepare citizens..
Early in 2011, some wondered if the New Madrid Fault was coming back to life..
major quake took place back before any of us were alive in the 1800s..

So we find out: This man knows everywhere you go.

So now the question, why did he want to know, and what is he doing with it? 


Timing is everything? White House prepares citizens around the New Madrid Fault for major quake…

GE profits up 77%

While the NEW YORK TIMES falls 57%.. Life is grand when you pay no taxes..

GE profits up 77%

…rest. Relax. Or try. Goodnight.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

$6.50 a gallon!? (this is not a misprint)

$4 a gallon.   $5.00 a gallon. Try $6

Hastings sees gasoline having “no problem” getting to $6.50 a gallon over the summer after increased demand and storm disruptions come into play.

$6.50 a gallon!? (this is not a misprint)

Over 300 tornadoes predicted for the coming days

Over 300 tornadoes predicted for the coming days
[wpvideo AV3ZYvFC]

Perhaps an appropriate title: Don’t f$&&ing cut me off again

Florida busy spending tax dollars giving capes to the unemployed. Because people who don't have jobs would rather be... superheros without jobs?

The AP reports the strange but true news from the tip of America:

Florida officials are investigating an unemployment agency that spent public money to give 6,000 superhero capes to the jobless.

Workforce Central Florida spent more than $14,000 on the red capes as part of its “Cape-A-Bility Challenge” public relations campaign. The campaign featured a cartoon character, “Dr. Evil Unemployment,” who needs to be vanquished.

I was urgently searching for what the Dr. Evil Unemployment character looked like.

And I was victorious!

Dr. Evil Unemployment is the nemesis in Workforce Central Florida's new media campaign.
Here he is! In all his jobless wonder..

….I think someone should check Smurf village. It appears Gargamel left trying to eat smurfs in place of terrorizing unemployed Floridians.

Florida busy spending tax dollars giving capes to the unemployed. Because people who don't have jobs would rather be... superheros without jobs?

Unerving prediction

Hundreds of tornadoes in the coming days..

Must read: Michigan Police Download Cell Phone Data During Routine Motorist Stops...

Must read: Michigan Police Download Cell Phone Data During Routine Motorist Stops...

WOW: iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go.. including location coordinates plus timestamps of the owner's movements

WOW: iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go.. including location coordinates plus timestamps of the owner's movements

Texas burning from 'border to border'

Texas fires 'all over the state'

Massive wildfires across the entire state of Texas as firefighters from around the nation come to help

Texas burning from 'border to border'

And speaking of UFOs and cross dressing FBI leaders, here is a strange situation coming from the great nation of Russia: A video is making way quickly around the world of a purported alien being, lifeless in snow in the Irkutsk region of southern Siberia following reports of a UFO crash a last month..

Some more interesting UFO news being revealed: J Edgar Hoover's FBI took UFOs seriously..

This comes on the heels (but but in J Edgar’s heels) of yesterday’s revelations that John F. Kennedy wanted information on UFOs only ten days before he was assassinated in November 1963.

The FBI vault has some cool stuff .. why certain things have been released now, though? I think we can all speculate until the cows come home—with their insides torn out and mutilated by aliens.

Some more interesting UFO news being revealed: J Edgar Hoover's FBI took UFOs seriously..

Are they going to blow up the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh for the next BATMAN movie??! ! ...nope.

Are they going to blow up the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh for the next BATMAN movie??! ! ...nope.

The dreaded terrorism color coded system is gone. No one liked it.. We’ve been orange for a while. I guess it made everyone feel blue.

So Homeland Security’s wisdom-filled halls decided to change things up a bit and scrap the Tom Ridge invention.

This morning on the TODAY SHOW, Secretary and ‘big Sis’ Janet Napolitano unveiled the brand new system: Gone are the color codes, and in is a memo-style press release type system.. the government promises less confusion. 

Here is how a ‘less confusing’ system works: 

CBS News explains that at the first sign of danger, a newly formed special counter-terrorism advisory board would have just half an hour to meet to begin inter-agency intelligence sharing. An official threat warning must then be issued within two hours.

"In some cases, alerts will be sent directly to law enforcement or affected areas of the private sector, while in others, alerts will be issued more broadly to the American people through both official and media channels," DHS says on its website.

The new alerts will include maps or other graphics showing the areas affected and, unlike the color-coded system, will include a specific date when the alert expires.

As much as I hate to say it, the colors may have worked better than this.. I’m not trying to be over-critical of things, believe me, but.. I frankly don’t see what is less confusing about this.

Perhaps, instead, something could be done to alert people by Napolitano herself. Perhaps her gray streak in her hair could start to be color coded.. Red for imminent dangers, gray for normal times.. Maybe it could start also predicting weather, stock market fluctuations, and even even traffic conditions on a local level.

..and while we’re at it we should issue color coded warnings on prescription drugs, as statistics show that they are %16,400 more deadly than terrorism..

Morning cardio: What is the single best exercise? The NEW YORK TIMES tells us. Now try it. I did. For a couple seconds at least.

Morning cardio: What is the single best exercise? The NEW YORK TIMES tells us. Now try it. I did. For a couple seconds at least.

Good morning all

Of course that’s if a cloudy rainy and cold morning is good. It’s still morning nonetheless. And anyway, I’m not much one for ‘good morning’ .. I’d rather just say ‘hi’ ..


Cyndi Lauper — Goonies R Good Enough

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Another problem in Japan: Severe soil collapse

Apparently the 9.0 massive quake caused an unusually severe and widespread shift in soil through liquefaction, a new study suggests

Another problem in Japan: Severe soil collapse

News from Texas: a KINDERGARTNER brings a GUN to school..

And as it fell out of his pocket, three were injured..

News from Texas: a KINDERGARTNER brings a GUN to school..

McDonalds hired 50,000 more people today.

And good they did.. It took about 4 minutes to get my scalding hot coffee that tasted just a bit too strong. 

Note to the 50,000 new workers: NO health insurance .. your company applied for and received a waiver from the Obama Administration. 

Keep flippin’ and fryin’. And don’t get sick.

This is a little scary: Plane with Michelle Obama had to abort landing because of mistake

This is a little scary: Plane with Michelle Obama had to abort landing because of mistake

I had a strange surge in followers today and, suddenly, they left. They unfollowed shortly after I posted that gold was trading at $1,500 an ounce. I wonder if that offended them. 

I’ve learned that the ‘following’ number is not one you should put much stock in.. it will fluctuate and if you wonder too much as far as why then you’d change yourself way too much..

GOLD $1,500

GOLD $1,500

Well isn't that interesting...

Only days before he was assassinated, JFK wanted secret information on UFOs..

Let the theories roll..

Goodnight earth.
Don’t let reality scare you too much.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Severe weather fears: From Oklahoma to Arkansas, and into the Ohio Valley

With this weekend of hundreds of tornadoes behind us, and scores dead, we are faced with a possibility that Tuesday will be another active weather day, with tornado and severe weather fears over a large portion of the country..

I think we all pray it won’t be the case.. we all fear it may. 

This promises to be a very active spring storm season.. 




Until tonight, I really didn’t even realize that this was the anniversary of the BP oil disaster.. One year later.

So I suppose it’s fitting that one year later Gulf cleanup workers are getting mystery illnesses, families are still coping, and there are still very valid concerns about seafood coming from the Gulf of Mexico.

Amazing how fast time speeds by.

Charles Manson breaks his silence. And yes, he believes in global warming.

Charles Manson breaks his silence. And yes, he believes in global warming.

It was quite a show at a Strokes concert but as highlighted by my arrow, one person in the audience may have received the most telling show of all..

73 years later, the Volkswagen Beetle looks like this.

WWAT? (What Would Adolf Think?)

Standard & Poor make the call: Downgrade

Standard & Poor make the call: Downgrade

This is huge--and not good--financial news

This is huge--and not good--financial news

Yes you're reading this right: Saudi Arabia says the world is OVER supplied with oil so they are slashing output.

Thanks Saudis……

Yes you're reading this right: Saudi Arabia says the world is OVER supplied with oil so they are slashing output.

No Olive Garden culinary institute?! Is nothing sacred!!!?

No Olive Garden culinary institute?! Is nothing sacred!!!?

Life isn’t a wreck. It’s life.

And until this site updates again, be safe.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A frightening image: 

In this April 16, 2011 photo provided by Bonnie Burkett to the Associated Press, a tornado moves through Colerain, N.C. The photographer, Richard Burkett, snapped the picture shortly before he and his wife took cover in a closet underneath their stairs. The tornado hit their barn and came over their house seconds after the picture was taken.

 (AP Photo/Richard Burkett)

In the last three days there have been 241 tornadoes reported.. That is amazing, scary, and hopefully NOT a sign of what is coming this spring and summer..

It’s been a deadly weekend for many.. 


NASA posts thousands of incredible space images…

Tweets and Apps, addictions Oh My: Too many updates may be a bad thing.. increasing worries that too many tweets and net time is a bad thing

Tweets and Apps, addictions Oh My: Too many updates may be a bad thing.. increasing worries that too many tweets and net time is a bad thing

Cool stuff: The DARK KNIGHT rises in Pittsburgh

Cool stuff: The DARK KNIGHT rises in Pittsburgh

"It's not easy connecting with Nick"

Robert MacNeil goes back to reporting for a special on his 6-year-old autistic grandson.

MacNeil narrates the comments of Nick’s mother: “I couldn’t be more sick of the word awareness. If I were any more aware of autism, I’d be dead,” she said. “I think we’ve moved beyond the point where awareness is necessary. I think it’s time we moved to action.”

Amazing statement. And how can anyone not agree..?

There is autism in my own family—and with one in a hundred or so kids having the condition, I’m sure your family too.

And I agree with the mom in this situation.. Awareness. What a word. AIDS awareness, Cancer awareness..autism awareness. Domestic violence awareness. We are all aware of these situations. It’s sad that have to compartmentalize and dedicate a block of time for the particular situation we need to have awareness of. Who does that help? And does it work to solve immense problems that autism, AIDS, cancer, and anything else supply us?


I have heard a number of people argue that autism is over-diagnosed now, that it was always the same as it is now, and that there really aren’t more cases today than there were years ago. I have no hard evidence to tell me what opinion to have, but I’d defer to the startling numbers of a rising rate of autism. I just don’t believe ‘it was always this way’ and just not diagnosed the right way. Sure, you can argue that mental health clinics and eugenics programs were fully stocked with kids in time gone by, but I just can’t get myself to agreeing that autism is not a more severe problem than it was decades or so ago. I just can’t.

I see the challenges that my own family faces with autistic kids. The toughest part is getting to know them. After all, they are kids, and they like and do things kids like to do. They are not a new species.. they are not ‘pathetic’ or ‘unfortunates’. They are people.. individuals with habits, happiness, tears, and hunger pains.. They go to the bathroom. They get potty trained. They learn to read, write, and in the case  of my nephews, they probably are a lot better at math and learning than I am. As a matter of fact, they may be a lot better at many things than their adult counterparts.

Perhaps the scariest thing for any parent is understanding that, despite a Google search result of the question finding millions of websites, no one really absolutely knows for sure what causes autism. No one.. There are theories. Most famous, of course, is the MMR shot. And then lots of people attacked Doctor Wakefield over his study they say was shoddy from the beginning. Interesting Wakefield stands by his 1990s research—and the journalist who constantly writes about him continues to do so.. Autism got political. When vaccines were put into the limelight of criticism, big drug companies came out in full force to tell us everyone saying their product caused the learning disorder was wrong. And then they silently too thimerosal out of their product.. I guess just in case. 

Plus, who really wants to argue with Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy, who like many others, believe vaccines are a factor in autism.

Vaccines would be simple.. If only we can correlate the date together exact. It would be a relief.. But what of the kids who get vaccines and do not get autism? And why boys more than girls getting it? And why..? And how? .. the questions go on.

It would be great to have an easy answer.. 

Maybe it’s a lot of things.. perhaps our kids’ brains have become a stew of over-advertising on TV, chemicals on toys from China, GMO crops from Monsanto, kids food not being healthy.. too much WIFI… to little early learning?  And why so many higher numbers in the United States? What is different here compared to other places?

I just don’t know.

So there you go. We’re aware. Lots of people are. Awareness. 

Awareness has yet to solve the problem. However, I guess the first step is admitting there is one.


So there you go. My thoughts. My awareness. My confusion, my anger.. All in this long post.  

The lack of answers cause me to fear the MMR shot.. a lot.

Mystery solved: Playboy Mansion illness traced to hot tub bacteria

Mystery solved: Playboy Mansion illness traced to hot tub bacteria

Saturday night mayhem

Severe weather hit Saturday in many states, with the most severe being in 6 where 35 people (at least) lost their lives from storms..

In North Carolina alone, 62 tornadoes have been reported—this may be one of the worst early spring storms in at least two decades for the state.

The AP dispatches report it this way:

"In Virginia, disaster officials said one apparent tornado ripped across more than 12 miles through Gloucester County, uprooting trees and pounding homes to rubble while claiming three lives. Another person was confirmed dead and another remained missing early Sunday after flash flooding elsewhere in Virginia.
Scenes of destruction across the South looked eerily similar in many areas.
In North Carolina, rooftops were ripped off stores, trees were plucked from the ground and scores of homes were damaged, Hoell said.”

Thunderstorms were felt in the Northeast, including Coal Speaker home base, by late in the night Saturday.. but the severe killing storms were confined to the South.. A horrid day in weather history.. A terrible day for so many.. My empathy is with them all..

Goodnight all.