Showing posts with label ACLU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACLU. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Flash away Meryl

This ruling from a federal judge is a big deal that affects everyone: Federal judge rules drivers allowed to flash headlights to warn of speed traps…

(And don’t tell me you never did it, although sometimes here in the woods and coal mines of Pennsylvania, you get flashed by others to warn you of a deer, or some sort of other animal or creature..)

The ACLU is commending the court and a victory for motorists..

Now.. we should address flashing lights in cars as a gang initiation. That was true, wasn’t it?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

An interesting video.. I actually was not aware that kids as young as 13 were subjected to solitary confinement as much as they apparently are.. this video explains and demonstrates that point through some hard hitting scenes..

And now the ACLU has called on the Justice Department to disallow the punishment 

Human Rights watch called for a ban a while back..

And really, there does not seem to be any overall public benefit to providing solitary torture for teenagers ..

In a nation that seems fine with disappearing people, giving drones the ability to decide who to kill, and using weapons to stop tourists from looking at Yellowstone, I don’t think this noble goal has much immediate traction..

But it should..

Again.. I never knew it was as prevalent as it is.

An interesting video.. I actually was not aware that kids as young as 13 were subjected to solitary confinement as much as they apparently are.. this video explains and demonstrates that point through some hard hitting scenes..

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hello neighbor.

Maybe because they are. At least in modern day America where police surveillance cams aren’t the only thing that are focusing in on your daily actions, but now private concerned citizens groups are too. Perhaps the real concern would be the government watching the people, but think again.. it may in fact be your neighbor—not necessarily the one armed with good intentions but the one who is armed with a different demon..

A key point: Even if people are update with police surveillance and the Orwellian police state they fear it is creating, at least there are some rules that come with the government monitoring. With citizens watching citizens, those rules don’t exist. We may be on the verge of a braver new world that any author last century even thought could happen.

Civil liberties groups are cringing at the negatives that may be created from a world of neighbor monitoring neighbor.. 

With good reason.. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

So we find out: This man knows everywhere you go.

So now the question, why did he want to know, and what is he doing with it?