Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Friday, October 16, 2015

FAKEBOOK USERS: Many admit making lives seem more exciting on socials


A survey by smartphone maker HTC found that more than three quarters of those asked (76%) said they judged their peers based on what they saw on their Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook profiles.

In order to make our own pages and lives appear more exciting, 6% also said they had borrowed items to include in the images in order to pass them off as their own and make others jealous.

More than half of those surveyed said they posted images of items and places purely to cause jealousy among friends and family.

Behavioural psychologist Jo Hemmings said the trend was unsurprising given the rise of social media.

I think we have seen our friends, family, and maybe if you look in the mirror hard enough, yourself as well do this very thing..

Try you best to make things seem fine.. Seem okay..
But all the while, the darkness of sad and fear creep in. You don’t want to express the real you on FACEBOOK though.. people may not ‘like’ .. 

FAKEBOOK USERS: Many admit making lives seem more exciting on socials

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

If people think this is journalisitucally offensive they probably never visited the Newseum or have any inkling on just how rude and crude newspapers once were.. that’s not to diminish what this paper did. But shouldn’t first amendment protections be afforded to those who we disagree with the most?

Quite frankly this is one of the major problems I have with Raw Story and other publications geared to promote themselves in Facebook. The vast majority of time is spent on click bate or controversial headlines that often neglect to delve any deeper than the byline.

Online news gathering and consumption should NE amazing. Instead we are left to debate mundane and insignificant events on social media.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Facebook and all its dangers considered

A website argues the case of why you and your loved ones should get off of Facebook now.. it’s a good read.

 I am on Facebook, I also have a fan page for my other website on Facebook with over 100 followers at this time. 

Am I worried about their terms of service? Always. Am I horrified but how Facebook destroys the humanity of people? yes.. but there are cautious ways to come at the social network. 

 I think more than anything else: The fact they read private message is alarming. And they do. The argument on the tech site is convincing.. read it and judge for yourself. Act accordingly. If you stay on Facebook, be smart and don’t think just because you have ‘nothing to hide’ and the prying eyes of the technocracy don’t destroy you anyway..

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Facebook click porn

I’m not a firm believer in the humanity of people.. Proof in the pudding comes from the endless supplies of Facebook posts on a daily basis about bad parenting and suffering children.. It getting rough to surf around my least favorite social network these days..

The latest this morning came with a story if a woman from West Virginia putting feces in her child’s IV in a hospital causing his fever to spike and also resulting in children and youth taking him..

I am constantly reminded by commenting friends on these stories..
I’m inundated with links on my news feed of horrible things happening to the most innocent..
And then after comments are made or ‘like’ is clicked people move on to the next heartbreaking tragedy..

This is how click porn is done on Facebook now: Offer up the worst of the worst for people to sink their teeth into ,just for clicks on a news story or website. Leaving the Facebook user with a lack of hope by noon..

I for one am ready to check out..
I already have no hope in my fellow humans, and I really and getting cost ed by all of the evidence that adds to my anger at people..

Maybe a little zoning out from Facebook is necessary.. Perhaps it’s time to click off and tune out. Or just filter things a hit better than I previously have..

Otherwise the constant flow of horrid news stories of children facing awful consequences at he hands of care givers or supposed parental figures will continue to obscure the beauty that exists in life.

At least I think there’s still some beauty and goodness.
If not that at least there’s mystery.
And obviously misery too..

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Facebook The Best Predictor of Your Actions

Just more proof that technology is becoming another arm of human behavior.. we are programming our personal Facebook pages to act as us.. This gives rise to the strong potential for Facebook to be programmed to automatically publish links and thoughts even after we are long dead.. 

Think about that one..
Like BLACK MIRROR stuff there, don’t you think?

Facebook The Best Predictor of Your Actions

Friday, August 22, 2014

Think Wilson from 1984.. Think the future.

Actually think now since it is all happening before our eyes..

Here are some corporate headlines to scare you today. Read and weep—and know your boss will know that you know they are watching you when you don’t know it .. 

How your boss will rule your life in the coming years.. Imagine a world where your boss keeps tabs on you.. see when you’re drinking or what you’re eating, who you hang out with or what you say about work. Oh, and you post all of that on Facebook for your boss to see..

The future: Corporate indoctrination will continue to increase..

Mexican campaign: Stop using Facebook as mental health therapy..

Comcast labeled the worst company in America for second time in four years..

Sunday, August 3, 2014

12-Year-Old Girl Suffers Severe Burns Taking Part In ‘Fire Challenge’ After Seeing Videos On Facebook

Can we please go back to the ‘cold water challenge’? I never thought I’d say that.. 

That or maybe it’s time Marky Mark Zuckerberg placed some renewed age restrictions again..

The Fire Challenge may be the dumbest things dumb kids have done yet. Yet. 

12-Year-Old Girl Suffers Severe Burns Taking Part In ‘Fire Challenge’ After Seeing Videos On Facebook

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Facebook Totally Screwed with a Bunch of People in the Name of Science

I linked up a story about this a few hours ago.. I still am not shocked by this .. not at all. 

Mark Zuckerberg used to sweat when Facebook controversies brewed.. now they just don’t comment and no one cares.

I miss the old days.

Facebook Totally Screwed with a Bunch of People in the Name of Science

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Just for fun, I logged into AOL IM tonight..

It was like an immediate blast from the past! The noises.. the messages.. the away messages. Just brought my back to a simpler time.

Remember those days? You’d post the away messages featuring some song lyric that symbolized your mood.. others would ponder its meaning.. you’d slam that ‘door shut’ noise when you offline.. how many fights between couples ended with that AOL noise? And the AOL chatrooms? My God.. those bizarre and weird chat rooms, making friends with people who you’d never see..

I actually made a few real friends on AOL believe it or not.. some are actually now “Facebook” friends.. So that’s the real internet now, right?

One shocking thing I noticed tonight: People are still on AOL, including MDrudge, who I think is the actual Matt Drudge. He messaged me once on there years ago a night before he was going to appear on CSPAN. He confirmed the air date .. I think I may have framed the conversation screen shot.

I also thought back to my original internet exploration.. besides that ridiculous ICQ program, I frequented the world of CHAT1.COM .. check that website, it still exists.. but the chat portion has some error that forever will stricken it from the net..

The good old days. Dial up—you could unplug yourself for a while when you were done online.. 

Now we are always connected everywhere. Then we chose when to be, and decided what others would hear. 

Which time was easier? Which would you prefer?

The world of the net has changed.

I just wish those old AOL sound files would still be used somewhere ..

Friday, May 23, 2014


Jimmy Kimmel nails it..

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How Facebook Knows What Television Show You're Watching Right Now

A little creepy..

Facebook also will allow you to instantly post—or post for you —the song you are listening to right or the television show..

And as creepy and privacy-invasive as this is, expect it to be utilized with great ferocity by Facebook users..

It’s either the beginning of big time invasion of privacy or it’s just another example of how much we share, and in this case overshare.

But don’t kid yourself.. it’s not new technology.. Facebook listening to you in 2014 is nothing inventive.  Way back last decade in 2006, Google made some headlines because it was finalizing its plans to listen to you through your computer.

Also let’s not forget how often the power to hear you through your device has been abused. In 2010, school children in Philadelphia were being watched through their school issued laptops by officials. You know.. for ‘inappropriate behavior.  Also in 2012, then CIA chief (before the sex scandal) David Petraus said that the government will listen to us, the citizenry, through our dishwashers. 

So there you have it.. the slippery slope was already traveled .. not Facebook is simply filling the potholes, making it become ‘trendy’ and using Beyonce’s music as a selling point to sell your information to the world. At a very low cost. You’ll do it for free.. 

Welcome to the cloud. The very overshared and eavesdropped cloud..

How Facebook Knows What Television Show You're Watching Right Now

Thursday, March 13, 2014

NSA Impersonated Facebook to Spread Malware, Snowden Docs Show

Really Facebook is the ultimate reservoir of gossip and relationship issues. I frankly would highly doubt most people would express interest in their crimes through public or private posts.. Although I’m sure the NSA got good tracking services out of their sneaky plan..

Snowden documents are the gift that keep in given like the jelly of the month club from Christmas Vacation..

NSA Impersonated Facebook to Spread Malware, Snowden Docs Show

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The dreadful heartbreak

It has been about a year and a month since I lost a friend to cancer. She was a brave soul who endured agony before she passed away.. She was young—at least I look at her that way since she graduated the same year as me from high school, and I’m not old, right? 

It is somewhat weird that Facebook pages never die .. We can pass from this existence, but the words and ‘likes’ we had will remain so as long as Mark Zuckerberg and the NSA permit it.. 

My friend’s name was Lori.. I visited her Facebook page the other night and realized that people were still actively posting messages to her.. sending love .. actively asking for her to help them. Grieving never stops, perhaps.. And maybe with technology it is evolving. Does it help or hurt to be able to constantly go back to someone’s Facebook, or Twitter, or blog? After all, a visit to the page could make it seem like they’re still here, somewhere.

And maybe they are.

Alexander Graham Bell often visited seances. Some think his invention of the telephone was meant to help the deaf.. others wonder if Bell, like all of us, were searching for a way to speak to the dead and ponder an afterlife. The mystery of EVPs has been around for centuries.. are they recordings of ghostly apparitions, wandering the earth? Or are they just a recording of the endless loop of life—a recording of what we say that replays over and over again? We are told by paranormal ‘experts’ that Bell had those questions. He didn’t find an answer—but his invention led us to years of creepy stories of the dead calling their loved ones after they left the earth.

I wonder how long until we hear from people who claim that the dead updated their Facebook accounts.. I wonder how long until the dead do it—if the dead are powerful enough to do such things.. And that takes into consideration the fact that an afterlife would be existent. And if there was one, it would have to have a few dull moments that people would rather update a Facebook status as opposed to playing musical instruments with angelic figures…

I don’t say this in mocking. As a matter of fact, I am quite surprised that there are no movies or scary stories to tell in the dark regarding Facebook, or Twitter. 

It is a little eerie to me to visit Lori’s Facebook page a year and some time later after she lost her battle to cancer.. The photos of her struggles remain.. her hometown remains, as though she’s still there. Her profile picture remains.. as though it’s still current. And the messages to her are continuous, as though she is still alive. 

It’s the new way we deal with grief and pain. And there is nothing wrong with it. Any way we try to cope is healthy—it shows we are actively trying to get a hold on our emotions and become mentally stable with the tragedy that life can be..

Alexander Graham Bell was quoted once as saying this, 

I have been thinking for some time of a machine or apparatus which could be operated by personalities who have passed on to another existence or sphere. I believe that if we are to make any real progress in psychic investigation, we must do it with scientific apparatus and in a scientific manner.

Maybe one day that apparatus will be Facebook….when a lost soul responds to friends who miss them. Just imagine that premise next time you post a message on a deceased friend’s wall…


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Facebook adds new gender options


AP: Facebook is rolling out a change to its 159 million US users that will give them more options than ever before when it comes to choosing their gender.

A new, customizable option gives users about 50 different terms to identify their gender, including androgynous, bi-gender, intersex, gender fluid or transsexual. 

Missing is trisexual. 

Is the trisexual lobby this weak!?