Showing posts with label conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracy. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Six Walmarts closing all at the same time in different cities. For six months.
And 'plumbing issues' were blamed..

Employees given no warnings.. shelves were completely stocked. Just five hours notice was given at a California location..

And as you can imagine, countless conspiracy theories are abounding all across the Internet..
This video summarizes things quite well:

This is a little creepy if I saw so myself..

A few news articles, mostly local, are picking this story up at this point.
One article posted on Tulsa's CHANNEL 8 about how the closing has come as a surprise.. they sum it up this way:

The Walmart on Admiral and Memorial Drive closed for repairs Monday night. Tuesday afternoon, customers were still trying to get in.
The message about the repairs may not have made it to all the customers, but for employees like Dane Humphreys, it was loud and clear.
"There are a lot of things that don't seem right to me," said Humphreys.
No it does not seem right.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Reflections in the ‘blood’

I was sent a video tonight .. After a quick bit of searching, I realized it has been making the rounds on conspiracy sites online for a few days.. It’s a drone video which, we are told, shows ‘blood stains’ on the top of the Georgia Guidestones.. You can see the video here in full:


I just want to throw a bit of cold water on this theory before it gets rolling too far.. First off, I am not a fan of the Guidestones.. Let’s clear the air on that first. But the part of the video that gave me pause was about 3 minutes and 19 seconds into it .. check it yourself: There is a moment where you see the reflection of the drone taking this video in the blood, indicating that is fresh liquid and it still in its reflective nature.. A screen cap of what I see at this moment of the video:

Yes, indeed.. I am casting doubt no this video. 
For all of those who never believe a word of mainstream news, use the same discretion in your alternative sources as well.. Just because someone is not mainstream is not an indicator that they are 1) telling the truth or 2) an expert in anything …

Use discretion.

IF you buy into this video, ask yourself why the pool of red is still wet.. and how someone just discovered this after the fact..

Monday, February 9, 2015

Katy Perry seems to know that lots of people thinks she’s a member a devilish Illuminati.
Or she is.
You be the internet judge

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Here is some cool conspiracy for your Saturday..

Friday, August 22, 2014

If things don’t seem real, maybe they’re not..
Sometimes you feel you’re a part of a play.. an act.. a movie.. or a stunt. Maybe you are..
Battle bombs an war bonds, 
Dirty wars and porn..
The gambling addicts are playing
With the lives of unborn..

We’re all a part of a big grand plan..
But the plan is shrouded in secrecy..

When things seem scary, and you turn to fright,
The solution may be laughing with all your might..

Because power brokers aim to scare,
Battle scars of truth.. they shall wear.

We don’t know the masters, but we sure know the slaves..
We are confused by the aims, which is why we behave..

As the summer wanes and the cold begins,
Think to these days…let’s pray truth wins.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Yes, Those were 'Black Ops' helicopters over Florence

Maybe the next time you want to laugh at someone who says creepy black ops helicopters are flying above their town, take heed. And read about the town of Florence Kentucky, where officials admitted helicopters zooming through were indeed ‘black ops’ …

Yes, Those were 'Black Ops' helicopters over Florence

Friday, April 4, 2014

Committing Miriam Carey

Back in October 2013, when Washington DC was at a standstill with false rumors of an active shooter, Miriam Carey was in a car being chased by police. Eventually police killed Carey while her child was in the back seat. 

She made a wrong turn.
And was shot dead.

Congress applauded.

There were unanswered questions then and even COAL SPEAKER was shocked that so little attention was given to the death of Carey after she was killed.. In December I called her death the most under reported and BADLY reported story of 2013..

Today we learn this: Though people were told that she was a lunatic on drugs when she was killed, there were no drugs in her system. Most appalling, though: She was shot in the back of the head.

That’s right.. the back of the head..

There is video of the event, showing cops firing several rounds in Carey’s body..

But that fatal wound? The back of the head..

And Congress applauded.



Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tin foil hats to get re-fitted with today's news

I wrote a short post on March 19 2014 about TIME magazine and various other sources laughing at medical conspiracy theories.. That day those news orgs were poking fun at anyone who thought African Americans were injected with HIV. I pointed out facts of the past to illustrate why such conspiracy theories were held dear in some minds, such as info that the government injected some with syphilis and plutonium..  

And now today, there is real to believe that real medical conspiracies continue.. The government has been performing dangerous experimentation, using dangerous pollutants on human beings in tests..

According to the information, the tests took place between the year 2010 and 2011. here is how the DAILY CALLER sums it up:

The EPA conducted five experiments in 2010 and 2011 to look at the health effects of particulate matter, or PM, and diesel exhaust on humans. The IG’s report found that the EPA did get consent forms from 81 people in five studies. But the IG also found that “exposure risks were not always consistently represented.”

“Further, the EPA did not include information on long-term cancer risks in its diesel exhaust studies’ consent forms,” the IG’s report noted. “An EPA manager considered these long-term risks minimal for short-term study exposures” but “human subjects

And this:

No one was killed during the test, but a source close to the issue says that one test subject — a 58-year-old obese woman with medical problems and a family history of heart disease — was ordered to go to the hospital by the EPA after being exposed to “ambient air pollution particles” in October 2010.

It always fascinates me that so many can get angry about testing unsuspecting animals but turn a blind eye to humans being subjected to dangerous experimentation?  OH.. and they tested this on children, too.  CHILDREN. And then when people rightly point out real medical conspiracies, they are put down as conspiracy mongering tin foil hat wearing sky is falling nutjobs?

Until you answer that, I will be adjusting my tin foil hat to encompass the new news of this medical conspiracy non-theory.


Monday, January 20, 2014

Knapp came back

George Knapp is like a cat.. he has 8 more lives to go.

Anyone who knows anything about George Knapp will know that he almost died of sepsis—this website was the first to report that weeks ago after learning the exclusive information directly from George Knapp himself. 

Last night, he came back to Coast to Coast AM for his Sunday hosting gig, and thank God he did. Most forget what good radio sounded like..

Knapp had Brad Steiger and Williams Birnes as guests to talk about the ‘other’ America and paranormal topics. It was a great show—and a great credit goes to Knapp for returning and explaining why he was absent his hosting duties since November. 

George Knapp is a great radio host and deserves as much appreciation as Art Bell.. people who listen to Coast to Coast AM know how lucky listeners are to have him.

Bravo Knapp. Glad you’re back..

(More information on the show here)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

You’re watching: CCTV footage of Michael Hastings’ car crash seems to show an explosion PRIOR to the accident..

Accidents happen, I suppose.

But explosions prior to them?

Sorry for being a conspiracy-monger but something here is not sitting well ..

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Listen, I love a good conspiracy. The bigger the alien, the more I like it. The bigger then disaster awaiting mankind, the more it gets my attention. But on this matter, I just ain’t seein’ it bro.

A wave of net conspiracy theories have turned up after a photo from the Curiosity Mars rover was delivered back to earth. It appears to show a blotch in the horizon. Could it be a monolith!? A Martian!? Oh wait.. maybe it’s dust. After all, Mars is quite a dusty planet. A color photo coming from NASA tomorrow or so that Curiosity will beam back will show just how red and dusty it is.

Here is my bottom line on this: 
And I know lots of conspiracy folks may say NASA would hide signs of life on Mars. I say no. First of all, think of the monetary situation they currently find themselves in. They are broke, and the budget money they actually get is cut with every budget cycle. If they announced life is out there, I imagine a huge push would occur to give them more cash to find more life. Cash for cells .. 

And even more, if they truly found signs of life past or present, I don’t think something that major could stay hidden. Who would it benefit?
Of course if aliens were mounting ships in space to attack the planet, I can see that being a national security secret. But microbes on Mars? Nah. That is public information. 

A caveat: If alien walks in front of the Rover, bends down, and looks into the lens? I think President Obama may have to decide if that image gets out.
But who really thinks THAT kind of life exists on Mars, anyway…

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it.. and I feel.... like it's not true!

Anyone in the Nibiru camp knows who John Moore is. Moore has been talking about Navy maps and all the like for decades. Planet X, or as I like to call it, Planet X-y Sexy, is coming in for a landing soon, so says The Liberty Man Moore.

In recent weeks, the internet has lit up into a frenzy of activity yet again, as now Moore has predicted DATES of x-y Sexy’s arrival: It may be as soon as August 17, he said. This year! Like in a few days! 

Here is a link if you’d like to read more of the theory.. And it’s interesting that even the conspiracy-minded folks over at Godlike Productions are questioning the doom and gloom logic of the Liberty Man.

But tonight, George Noory’s Coast to Coast AM (don’t you wish Art Bell was still the voice of late night???) is going to take us for a wild ride into the land of Nibiru as well. Not sure if he will mention John Moore’s latest predictions of doom, but he will host a show with  ”archeo-astronomers” and “researchers” about planet X. 

I just sigh at the thoughts of this one. I love conspiracies. And yes, I even love hearing things about the famed planet x. Not that I believe it.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the 200 MPH winds will tear me to shreds—if of course the 200 foot tidal wave doesn’t get me first. Or maybe the pole shift will melt my brain.. or maybe the comets will cause nuclear explosions across the planet when the New Madrid fault blows.. or Yellowstone goes.. or…

I’m just tired.


Maybe I’ll wake up at 1AM EDT to hear if George Noory’s blabbering about planet X and Nibiru. 

Though I still miss Art Bell.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Past medical testing on humans occurred at the hands of the United States government

The AP Impact article wants us not to be scared.. I’d rather be informed .. Most of what is reported is already well known. The true and frightening question may be: What makes us think the testing has ended..?

Past medical testing on humans occurred at the hands of the United States government

Cigar shapes over Pennsylvania

I found this interesting article from a Canadian source on UFO sightings in Pennsylvania, which apparently is at a level 4 for sightings.. didn’t know. But what is interesting is the location, I81 and 83, described in the article, are both highways I often frequent in my day-to-day life.. And supposedly there was a cigar shaped UFO sighted over the general area of Enola, Harrisburg, etc.. 

This all occurred around October of 2010 — one more before I too had what I can only call an interesting experience. In the oldest archive of Coal Speaker, on Friday November 19, 2010, I saw something cigar shaped in the sky..And I felt lucky that for the first time in 30 years of life I saw something completely unexplainable in the sky.. 

Perhaps I saw the same cigar shaped UFO.. Perhaps I was simply tired. Maybe now, with a newborn in my life, I will get less sleep and hallucinate and see more.

But the notion that we are alone in this vast galaxy of planets and star systems is ludicrous. Ludicrous speed at that.