Showing posts with label planet x. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planet x. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2014

Discussions over grilled food

I had a wonderful free flowing discussion with friends yesterday .. we were invited to a very early spring barbecue.. great food. And even better conversation.. We spoke about the missing flight 370, we talked about conspiracy theories, 9/11, God or the lack of one, and the meaning of life and whether mediums have the ability to talk to the dead. It was all of my interests spiraled into one great chat with good people—add to that chicken and homemade macaroni and cheese.

I did come to a realization, though.. During the conversation, others gave adamant opinions about their personal beliefs—their thoughts on what God is and if there is one, along with any other theory of mythological or paranormal subject matter. As for me? I just don’t know.

I don’t really know anything.

I read the theories, I see the information presented by experts, I know of the books, the Bibles, the Korans, the priests, and the ghostly tales.. I am aware of the Planet Nibiru.. I know that aliens met Dwight Eisenhower and told him there’s no God.. I know that George Noory has the worst toupee on earth.

But I just don’t know what my own opinion is.. I look at others who often say that they have the answers as closed-minded.. I often categorize Christian zealots in the same bin as atheists—neither allows much thought opposed to their own..

But as for me? I just don’t know..

Opinions are so often existent only to be proven wrong.. If I say that Flight 370 landed safely there’s the chance it didn’t.. and really, I just don’t know!

I don’t know!
We don’t know!

And though we don’t know, we will endlessly fall victim to the parade of opinionmakers, and haphazardly jump on the blowhard bandwagon of hot air. No one on that train knows, really. They just don’t admit it.

Is there a God? I really don’t know.
Are there aliens? I don’t know.
Is anything real?

Is anything real…That is the question Truman Burbank asked in one of my favorite movies, THE TRUMAN SHOW. The answer he got was that he was real.

Maybe that’s it.. nothing is really real.. except us. And we waste too much time debating and creating wars about Gods we have never seen and beliefs we cannot defend with fact.

I want there to be a God.
And aliens. I’d rather there be no planet X, though.

But Truman Burbank? I just know he’s real..

Friday, March 1, 2013


So here’s when people will call the old Coal Speaker a kook.

I stumbled across the interesting video here on YouTube. Linking it up for your discernment. Prove it wrong! I dare you.. All a hoax? I guess. 


If you want to believe that.. to make yourself feel better of course..

Are we seeing an optical illusion!? Are we seeing a moon and the sun? Are we seeing two suns!?

We may be all getting duped by strange and fake YouTube videos supposedly of ordinary world citizens filming two suns in the sky.. I’d have to see it to believe it. But I don’t want to. And seeing it on video, even if it’s fake Youtubers showing it, creeps me out and chills me to my core.

If I only knew someone from the Hopi tribe.. I’d be meeting with them over coffee today. Maybe some whiskey too.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it.. and I feel.... like it's not true!

Anyone in the Nibiru camp knows who John Moore is. Moore has been talking about Navy maps and all the like for decades. Planet X, or as I like to call it, Planet X-y Sexy, is coming in for a landing soon, so says The Liberty Man Moore.

In recent weeks, the internet has lit up into a frenzy of activity yet again, as now Moore has predicted DATES of x-y Sexy’s arrival: It may be as soon as August 17, he said. This year! Like in a few days! 

Here is a link if you’d like to read more of the theory.. And it’s interesting that even the conspiracy-minded folks over at Godlike Productions are questioning the doom and gloom logic of the Liberty Man.

But tonight, George Noory’s Coast to Coast AM (don’t you wish Art Bell was still the voice of late night???) is going to take us for a wild ride into the land of Nibiru as well. Not sure if he will mention John Moore’s latest predictions of doom, but he will host a show with  ”archeo-astronomers” and “researchers” about planet X. 

I just sigh at the thoughts of this one. I love conspiracies. And yes, I even love hearing things about the famed planet x. Not that I believe it.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the 200 MPH winds will tear me to shreds—if of course the 200 foot tidal wave doesn’t get me first. Or maybe the pole shift will melt my brain.. or maybe the comets will cause nuclear explosions across the planet when the New Madrid fault blows.. or Yellowstone goes.. or…

I’m just tired.


Maybe I’ll wake up at 1AM EDT to hear if George Noory’s blabbering about planet X and Nibiru. 

Though I still miss Art Bell.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The hunt for planet X

An astronomer insists it is out there .. And says facts and observations back him up. What say you, all?

The hunt for planet X

Monday, August 8, 2011

Question for science folks?

What scares you the most:

  1. Solar flares?

  2. Asteroids?

  3. Comets?

  4. The unknown

Just wondering.

For me, it’s probably solar fares… At least there’s the possibility we’d be hit with an asteroid by surprise, but a solar flare? …we got hours of knowledge before it strikes. The ‘knowing’ scares me more than the unknowns…