Showing posts with label conspiracy theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracy theory. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Six Walmarts closing all at the same time in different cities. For six months.
And 'plumbing issues' were blamed..

Employees given no warnings.. shelves were completely stocked. Just five hours notice was given at a California location..

And as you can imagine, countless conspiracy theories are abounding all across the Internet..
This video summarizes things quite well:

This is a little creepy if I saw so myself..

A few news articles, mostly local, are picking this story up at this point.
One article posted on Tulsa's CHANNEL 8 about how the closing has come as a surprise.. they sum it up this way:

The Walmart on Admiral and Memorial Drive closed for repairs Monday night. Tuesday afternoon, customers were still trying to get in.
The message about the repairs may not have made it to all the customers, but for employees like Dane Humphreys, it was loud and clear.
"There are a lot of things that don't seem right to me," said Humphreys.
No it does not seem right.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Reflections in the ‘blood’

I was sent a video tonight .. After a quick bit of searching, I realized it has been making the rounds on conspiracy sites online for a few days.. It’s a drone video which, we are told, shows ‘blood stains’ on the top of the Georgia Guidestones.. You can see the video here in full:


I just want to throw a bit of cold water on this theory before it gets rolling too far.. First off, I am not a fan of the Guidestones.. Let’s clear the air on that first. But the part of the video that gave me pause was about 3 minutes and 19 seconds into it .. check it yourself: There is a moment where you see the reflection of the drone taking this video in the blood, indicating that is fresh liquid and it still in its reflective nature.. A screen cap of what I see at this moment of the video:

Yes, indeed.. I am casting doubt no this video. 
For all of those who never believe a word of mainstream news, use the same discretion in your alternative sources as well.. Just because someone is not mainstream is not an indicator that they are 1) telling the truth or 2) an expert in anything …

Use discretion.

IF you buy into this video, ask yourself why the pool of red is still wet.. and how someone just discovered this after the fact..

Monday, March 30, 2015

Just a few more Germanwings things that don’t make much sense to me

I recently wrote up a bit of my confusion over the standard story being issued on the Germanwings crash.. I am apprehensive about accepting the narrative at this point. I am not offering up any theories of my own, I am simply adding a mixture of doubt and logic to this whole thing..

From a distance, we have a perfect story.  A mentally unstable pilot breaks up with his girlfriend a day before—the same girlfriend who now says he had dreams about planes crashing. Then he locks out his fellow pilot and he crashes a plane, murdering 150 people, into a location in the Alps he supposedly enjoyed visiting as a child. 

There is no letter, though. No motive. But we do have a great set of audio files of people screaming and a pilot using an ax, we are told, to chop away at the door while screaming “My God” … The crash takes 8 minutes. Scratch that. Eighteen. Wait. No. Seven. . Well, pick your own on that. 

It glides into the hell on earth, leaving behind a dead metal cylinder of humanity. A tragic story. But we have a villain.. An evil pilot who was hellbent on killing all the innocent souls that day.

This flight recording from the moment of impact is the latest bit that has me a little perplexed.. We seem to know the full extent of the horror that day.  A German newspaper BILD is releasing a transcript of the ‘recording’ though admitting the recording hasn’t been released and they haven’t heard it.  Andreas Lubitz, though, is busy crashing the plane while co-pilot Patrick Sondenheimer, now relieved from his bathroom trip, is busy trying to crash through the door. 

This is the flight audio recording, we are told, that finishes this story and gives us the inside view of what occurred. 

There is another piece of the puzzle, however, missing. And it’s a big piece that provides the scientific and industrial evidence as to how the plane crashed: The flight DATA recorder was found. But it was missing a memory card. AS The AP reported last week:

Confusion surrounded the fate of the second black box. French President Francois Hollande said the casing of the flight data recorder had been found in the scattered debris, but was missing the memory card that captures 25 hours’ worth of information on the position and condition of almost every major part in a plane. Jouty refused to confirm the discovery.

Confusion, indeed.

A few days later, an aviation website reported this:

The BEA has yet to hold a follow-up briefing on the investigation and it fell to the European Cockpit Association to remind the world that investigators have yet to find the aircraft’s flight data recorder, analysis of which could prove vital to confirming the facts.

Was the memory card taken? How was it missing? We haven’t gotten much more word on this.. Instead we have seen the public trial and verdict on the pilot.. 

I am not arguing that he did not do it. I am not saying he is an innocent patsy.. I am not pretending that people didn’t die.. I am not attempting to begin a conspiracy theory. I am adding a little bit of cold water to a burning hot public feeding frenzy.. that is it.

And I will also add this: 

If a pilot was going to intentionally crash a plane, there are two things that don’t make sense. 1) He would have had to crashed the plane while being alone.. the notion that he was alone only occurred since the co-pilot had to urinate. Are we to believe that if both pilots would have stayed put that day, this crash would not have happened? And 2) If a suicidal pilot was going to crash a plane, would have truly have done it by doing a steady descent into the alps for over ten minutes? Or wouldn’t he have just ..well..crashed the plane?

To me, these are perplexing questions that, in the heat of the moment, few are asking and none are addressing. 

Instead, we have the tale of Germanwings Flight 9525. 

His Story. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Germanwings co-pilot had dreams about plane crashing, report says

But we are just finding out so much about Lubitz so quickly, aren’t we?  The problem I have with all of these stories is that unnamed people are being quoted and we are not finding the true source of the information. Where does it come from? Family? Friends? The EX?  I am not trying to cast too big a shadow of doubt—I believe in conspiracy but also know that not everything is one, so i am trying to be cautious but sensible.  But here is a quote from the FOX NEWS story that gets me into the caution zone:

The New York Post reported that the German newspaper Bild quoted an ex-girlfriend saying that Lubitz “would wake up in the middle of the night screaming, “We’re crashing!”
“When I heard about the crash, one thing that he said kept going through my head: ‘One day I’m going to do something that will change the whole system, and everyone will know my name and remember it.’ ” the woman told the paper, according to the Post.
“I didn’t know what he meant, but now it makes sense,” the woman added.
The Post also reported that French TV channel iTELE reported Lubitz and another girlfriend of seven years shared an apartment in Dusseldorf and planned to get married next year. However, the channel had said Lubtiz’s fiancée ended the relationship the day before the crash.

So how convenient. Suddenly when a big crime is committed, we are told by this EX that she broke up with him a day prior.. And we also have been told as a child he loved this area of the ALPS. And we also know that he was DREAMING about crashing a plane now.. All of this added up together sure sounds like the perfect story book beginning and ending …

I think this girlfriend story is a little sketchy. Don’t get me wrong, again, I am not trying to create rumors where there are none.. but I would think investigators should be asking more about this EX.. asking why the breakup happened. If it did. Asking more about those dreams. If they did.. 

And if someone is speaking about ‘doing something everyone will remember,’ or something of the like, the partner usually queries a lot more about that than this girlfriend apparently did.

And now pilots are going to have to sign away their medical information on a regular basis to a corporation to ensure something of this nature will never happen again.. I guess Andreas Lubitz will be remembered for that…

….but I keep pondering the ‘we’re crashing!!’ dreams, and they are peculiar.  I have reservations about buying into the storyline at this point—at least as it is being presented by the supposed ex-girlfriend of 24 hours.

And let me ask something more.. in our information age where everyone tweets and tumbles and Facebooks into the night, where is the social media presence of Lubitz? Or this girlfriend?

Germanwings co-pilot had dreams about plane crashing, report says

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Check the date on this foreign news source reporting the Germanwings crash.. yes that says 2 days ago. I have seen a number of people beginning to link this cached page as evidence that conspiracy has occurred here..

We know this:
We don’t know.

Already today, the news surrounding the flight crash has changed substantially.

When it was first reported, there were news accounts that a mayday distress call was made. Now it has turned out, according to official statements, that no mayday was made. And then the plane descended for 8 minutes before the final crash into the mountains of the French Alps..

This is a part of why, until the dust clears, I attempt to steer clear of reporting breaking news, as no news source seems to get anything correct in the initial hours. Or maybe they do. And the official narrative just changes.

As for the events of this Germanwings crash: The theories are abounding.. This is the latest in a series of high profile crashes that have seemingly been dominating headlines over the past 14 months..
But crashes happen too, remember.

I don’t want to authoritatively state any theory on why this crash occurred. To the best of our knowledge, if you believe the reporting of NBC NEWS at least, there is at least one black box recovered from the scene.   In that light, the world hopefully will find out the truth as to why the plane crashed, why no mayday was called out, and why the entire event took 8 minutes… just imagine the horror of those 8 minutes.

I think it’s fair and proper to question all accounts, all theories, and try to ascertain what events took place. That goes for any events that occur.. But it’s premature to conclude a conspiracy.

Sometimes accidents do happen. Just as every crash accident is not a conspiracy, every plane crash is not either.

I have my personal thoughts about Fligth 800 in 1996. I also have my own doubts about Flight 370.. I also think a missile took down the flight in late 2014..

As far as this one? Time will tell.
But there is one thing to note.. If this is not a conspiracy, not terrorism, not inflicted on humans by other humans, then it becomes scarier.. Why? Because it shows how out of luck we can be on this planet.. how cursed we often times are without knowing it.. And how at risk we all are to the dangers that pop up when least expected.

Yes, indeed.. Just as reality is scarier than fiction, ‘chance’ is much more frightening than conspiracy. Because there’s no rhyme or reason or sympathy when you speak about ‘chance.’

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Secret Code in Google Translate?

Oh fun times.. 
Lorem Ipsum —NATO

A Secret Code in Google Translate?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Did Government Experiment on Preemie Babies Hide Risks?

Parents were told that the ‘SUPPORT’ study was to measure the growth of their premature babies. They were not told the truth: It was meant to experiment with the oxygen levels of their children..   Doctors were in on it, too..instead of creating a healthy atmosphere in which premature babies could persevere through their toughest moments, the nature of the study would only implicate doctors in their complicity regarding not adjusting oxygen levels to foster growth. 

The study took place 8 years ago.. just now parents are learning the true nature of the government experiment.  

And now parents are left with the important question: Did the experimentation of humans lead to further developmental issues that babies are experiencing as they enter into their school years?

x x x 

For all of those who cannot fathom the thought of modern government experiment on its own citizens—even the most innocent of them—this story should be a reminder.  The past is never dead.. It comes back to haunt now and then..

Just for some reading enjoyment, here’s a few recent flashbacks that somehow correlate to this new story:

  1. Government purposely giving people the flu in experiment. 

  2. The government recently performed experimentation of deadly fumes on humans

  3. The EPA conducted tests on children

  4. Are there US government microwave tests?

  5. Government has had a series of strange medical tests on human beings during history

IT’s all true, baby. Tin foil hats securely fastened .. no need to adjust.


Did Government Experiment on Preemie Babies Hide Risks?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Discussions over grilled food

I had a wonderful free flowing discussion with friends yesterday .. we were invited to a very early spring barbecue.. great food. And even better conversation.. We spoke about the missing flight 370, we talked about conspiracy theories, 9/11, God or the lack of one, and the meaning of life and whether mediums have the ability to talk to the dead. It was all of my interests spiraled into one great chat with good people—add to that chicken and homemade macaroni and cheese.

I did come to a realization, though.. During the conversation, others gave adamant opinions about their personal beliefs—their thoughts on what God is and if there is one, along with any other theory of mythological or paranormal subject matter. As for me? I just don’t know.

I don’t really know anything.

I read the theories, I see the information presented by experts, I know of the books, the Bibles, the Korans, the priests, and the ghostly tales.. I am aware of the Planet Nibiru.. I know that aliens met Dwight Eisenhower and told him there’s no God.. I know that George Noory has the worst toupee on earth.

But I just don’t know what my own opinion is.. I look at others who often say that they have the answers as closed-minded.. I often categorize Christian zealots in the same bin as atheists—neither allows much thought opposed to their own..

But as for me? I just don’t know..

Opinions are so often existent only to be proven wrong.. If I say that Flight 370 landed safely there’s the chance it didn’t.. and really, I just don’t know!

I don’t know!
We don’t know!

And though we don’t know, we will endlessly fall victim to the parade of opinionmakers, and haphazardly jump on the blowhard bandwagon of hot air. No one on that train knows, really. They just don’t admit it.

Is there a God? I really don’t know.
Are there aliens? I don’t know.
Is anything real?

Is anything real…That is the question Truman Burbank asked in one of my favorite movies, THE TRUMAN SHOW. The answer he got was that he was real.

Maybe that’s it.. nothing is really real.. except us. And we waste too much time debating and creating wars about Gods we have never seen and beliefs we cannot defend with fact.

I want there to be a God.
And aliens. I’d rather there be no planet X, though.

But Truman Burbank? I just know he’s real..

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Weathermen "baffled" by mystery plume near 1945 atomic bomb test site

I am really getting sick of this term ‘conspiracy theorists.’ Really sick of it.
Seriously, a plume cloud appears out of no where near the site of  past atomic bomb tests.. logic, people! Logic. Instead, the media calls people with logic ‘conspiracy theorists.’  

Weathermen "baffled" by mystery plume near 1945 atomic bomb test site

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Pretty interesting video.. these are the top five conspiracies that are true.

You’re not crazy after all.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sadly no one emailed me a song that made them happy..

But I had a fallback plan. I resorted to actually conversing with people—in person—about the topic throughout the day…

Quite an array of tunes..

Lionel Richtie..
Lee Greenwood (yes someone actually said that)
Even Annie Lennox.

I found out, though, whether it was LOVE GROWS WHERE MY ROSEMARY GOES or SWEET DREAMS… I can find some happiness with the songs mentioned by friends and co-workers too.

So it gives me the feeling that, regardless of the era of time or the artist who created it, everyone’s happy song has a common thread: they are just songs that make you feel good. Even if you didn’t realize someone else’s song could make you happy too, you realized after they said it.. “well,  golly that song makes me happy too.” And you need to use the word ‘golly’ for it to be truly happy.

The other thing I began to contemplate was that old rumor and conspiracy theory that the 432 hz frequency we should be is on is perverted by the 440 hz we were placed on. Maybe these happy songs are on the 432? Just sayin..

Maybe some happy songs coming tonight.. along with some conspiracy talk about those strange HZ rumors..

Thursday, September 22, 2011

In the spirit of tonight’s news that CERN has defied the law of physics with particles faster than the speed of light, here is a stroll down conspiracy past: The Philadelphia Experiment 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The birthers certainly will not stop their fight now

Go to fullsize image

If you were paying attention to the perpetual Obama birth certificate story, this week was one of the stranger ones.. Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie said he would release the Obama birth certificate.. then backtracked after, according to reports, it was not able to be found. But now if it is there, the Governor’s office is standing being a privacy law that his office said would shield Ambercrombie from having to reveal the certificate..


Hawaii law bars release of Obama birth info