Saturday, May 5, 2012

If the light from the supermoon keeps you awake throughout the early hours of Sunday morning, take a few moments or an hour or two and listen in to John B. Wells host Leonard Mlodinow on Coast to Coast AM about how we may be shaped more by the unconscious mind than the one that’s conscious. 

The supermoon rises.

Hopefully not a bad moon rising.

A beautiful scene from my window. Hopefully the view of the moon is just as wonderful where you are.. Moments like this make me just focus my eyes on the sky and wonder just what else is out there millions of billions of light years away that we will never know..

A large new sunspot is forming..

A large new sunspot is forming..

A space weather forecaster is warning: A truly damaging solar storm could happen soon, and the world is not ready

Not ready at all!

A few people have said over the years I’ve don’t this site that there have been too many solar updates.. so many sunspots, so little time. And I have stood by my fascination and fear of the sun since day one. 

Mike Hapgood’s conclusion makes me continue to fear the blast that do harm. Hope it never happens.. but people who stare at the sun long enough know it will. 

A space weather forecaster is warning: A truly damaging solar storm could happen soon, and the world is not ready

Matt Drudge has a headline running tonight about the Obama campaign kickoff: 

I’d like to say maybe we just should call it half full?

Depends on your party affiliation I suppose.

Independents will just stay neutral.

Oh, by the way, Sunday marks 6 months until the election. And six months until your television, radio, newspapers, and internet will not be under a hostile takeover of campaign donors, big corporations, and politicians. Good luck. Clear the cache on November 7.


A distorted view of an Italian restaurant.  Not the kind Billy Joel sang of but the kind that a child can yell in. Ayden loves pizza. 

Columbia Secret Service escort Dania Suarez says she fears for her safety

Columbia Secret Service escort Dania Suarez says she fears for her safety

And here I have always thought Andre Linoge did it!? 

New clues are being revealed in the lost colony of Roanoke Island..  Maps are helping.

The mystery isn’t solved yet. But researchers seem hopeful that they are close.


For years we have seen reports that Facebook is actually making people lonely.. what if, instead, it is actually making us more anxious?

For years we have seen reports that Facebook is actually making people lonely.. what if, instead, it is actually making us more anxious?


Sad day ..

And one that is making me feel a bit old to be honest.

With the death of Adam Yauch and the sudden “flashbacks” to Beastie Boy days of the 80s.

Indeed old time is a flyin’..

That same Boy that’s Beastie today tomorrow will be dyin’.

RIP Adam Yauch

When NATO comes to town: Lockdown being planned for NATO summit in Chicago.. plans to shut down roads.. changes to public transportation routes expected..

When NATO comes to town: Lockdown being planned for NATO summit in Chicago.. plans to shut down roads.. changes to public transportation routes expected..

Study: Amish farm kids "remarkably" immune from allergies..

..and autism.

Here’s a hint to those who laugh at the Amish: Maybe we should figure just what it is that they are doing right.

Study: Amish farm kids "remarkably" immune from allergies..

Friday, May 4, 2012

Very interesting..

Blond hair gene… how it evolved..

Mystery of Solomon Islands Blonds begins to be understood..

The heat is on..

Welcome to the summer!
Box office blasts ready.. First up.. AVENGERS..
Already the film has scored the highest midnight opening of all time.. Record setting weekend coming? The full moon will be bright over crowds heading to see the first box smash of summer ‘12.. Feeling like a good year for movies? Maybe.. Insiders predict $172 mil for AVENGERS is possible. 
The film opening this weekend in 4,349 theaters strong.. 

Next week the box office mania continues with DARK SHADOWS opening in 3,700 theaters.. Can Johnny Depp and Tim Burton NOT freak out America enough to create a decently sized opening weekend? Time will tell. 

So who is going to AVENGERS this weekend?

At 11:34 p.m. EDT Saturday night, the moon will be about 221,802 miles from Earth. That's about 15,300 miles closer than average

Yes indeed.. the supermoon is coming.

Can’t wait to see photos stream all over the net..

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A new spray can get you drunk within seconds.. and sober just as quick

A new spray can get you drunk within seconds.. and sober just as quick

A storm followed by a beautiful foggy orange sunset here in the Coal Region of PA.. Bring on Friday

NJ mom arrested for taking her 6 year old tanning.. I’m frankly just in shock at her face..

Good read: Mother Jones on why we should be worried about the 'lone' mad cow case

Good read: Mother Jones on why we should be worried about the 'lone' mad cow case

Dr. Mary Neal from last year on Dr. Oz..

I just heard her the other night on Coast to Coast AM. Her story sounds profound.

But profound why? Because as a skeptic she now believes in near death experiences and God? Or because the brain convinces dying people that God exists…? I wish we knew.. ?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Many men lie about girlfriends that they have had.. but what about the President of the United States? Apparently he did about his "New York girlfriend" who saw a play with him.. He wrote about it in his memoir. Turns out that it... really didn't happen

Many men lie about girlfriends that they have had.. but what about the President of the United States? Apparently he did about his "New York girlfriend" who saw a play with him.. He wrote about it in his memoir. Turns out that it... really didn't happen

I am slightly addicted to Temple Run

Ok.. More than slightly.


I’m an enormous BATMAN fan.. even more of a fan of the Nolan films than any other. The latest trailer was released… 

All I can say is this: If a movie trailer can raise the hairs on my arms and cause my eyes to swell with tears, I cannot even imagine what the whole movie will do. 

Yes I’m not ashamed to admit it. DARK KNIGHT RISES may make me, a 31-year-old grown man, weep.

One question. 

What do you think about this man?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The UK DAILY MAIL publishes a story that respects UFO abductees and gives them a forum to speak.. drawings as well of the supposed aliens that took them


The UK DAILY MAIL publishes a story that respects UFO abductees and gives them a forum to speak.. drawings as well of the supposed aliens that took them

We’re here to take your liver: Facebook begins new organ donor ‘share status’..

No really.. Facebook users can now share as their status whether they are an organ donor or not. I don’t want to debate the pros and cons of organ donation or broadcasting it to the world on Facebook. But I did want an excuse to post a photo from one of my favorite movies, THE MEANING OF LIFE.. The scene with organ donations cannot be forgotten. Hope the folks who show up at your door for your liver don’t exist. If they do, they will be busy checking Facebook for their next patient.

Man discovers he has a broken neck--and has had one for 40 years!

Man discovers he has a broken neck--and has had one for 40 years!

I'm your Venus, I'm your fire

Once in (our) lifetime event: Last chance to see Venus transit for over 100 years.. Pretty cool stuff. Hope the skies are clear.. and speaking of Venus 100 years ago when people saw it last time: History: A Historican weaves thrilling tale of 18th century expeditions to see Venus transit..

It makes me slightly sad that we don’t have edge of the seat expiditions anymore. Things are too easy. Let’s make space exploration dangerous again!

The groans. The moans. The tones. And Canada is getting really annoyed

The Earth may be making strange sounds.. but Canada seems to be thinking the noises it is hearing are coming from the United States!

The Wall Street JOURNAL reports that residents in Ontario are blaming the noises for illnesses, whipping dogs into frenzies, and keeping cats housebound.. 

Americans cannot seem to hear it.

Only people in the “Windsor Hum” area..

Is it Detroit?

Is America itself groaning?

There sure is lots to groan about, right?

Paul vs. Paul The epic economic debate. No really, it was just that cool to hear them both debate like civil people.

Paul vs. Paul The epic economic debate. No really, it was just that cool to hear them both debate like civil people.

Boxers gone wild!

This photo illustrates how brutal of a hit Tony Pietrantonio’s face took in Atlantic City.. Wow.

Monday, April 30, 2012


[soundcloud url=""]

Some might say.. indeed.

Travel with me back to the the mid 90s.. peace and prosperity, minus the brewing crises of war and economic peril.. It was fun. 

And Oasis was fun to.

This song, SOME MIGHT SAY, brought to you by SoundCloud and Tumblr. Turn up the volume, crack open whatever cold beverage or brew whatever hot one.. 

I think this song feature the best line in any song ever written, 

Some might say they don’t believe in heaven

Go and tell that to the man who lives in hell

Holy crap is that Adam Sandler?!

My wife after she saw a photo of Hugo Chavez. No, it indeed is not Adam Sandler.

I am bothered by some email forwards lately

I will be honest. I hate email forwards. Really despise the long joke format emails, too.. If you are going to send a forward, I contend the best of them are just the quick one liners or just a quick photo. And do a favor to the receiver, delete all the nonsense email addresses and other names of people who got it for the previous year.

That all being said.. I really really despite People of Walmart forwards.

The website is hugely popular. I’ve been to it. I walk away from it being lightly amused and first and then … well.. disturbed. Not disturbed by the “people” of Walmart but by the whole concept that, regardless of how much of fool you may look like in our yellow thong or high boots, someone is ready to snap a photo of you and post it online. Your face isn’t blurred.. your image captured for the amusement of others who now get it in email—people who probably pick their noses and rear ends and look just a foolish at times as the people they are laughing at.

Earlier today I posted a quick link about a new APP that tells you if you are ugly or not. Maybe you are really attractive. 

Instead I’d opt for the app to tell me if someone is ugly deep down in their soul. 

I love a good laugh. But constantly laughing at the expense of other? ..that I am not fond of.

Some history just got made today. From the ruins of Ground Zero over a decade ago to this, today: The Freedom Tower, 1 World Trade Center, is not taller than the Empire State Building.

Not bad for a project that seemed to almost never get off the ground, excuse the pun. 

From those tragic days in the post 9/11 world, cleaning up dust and debris, bodies and souls.. to this. 

History made today.

And you thought the human race was lazy today! Just imagine the our species when they can sit back in a space age style couch and zoom across the land. That’s right, Toyota unveils the couch of the future… 

Just hopefully they account for the average weight of humanity soaring over the 300 pound mark. Big seats?

The state of our culture.. A new APP can tell if you (and someone else) is ugly

The state of our culture.. A new APP can tell if you (and someone else) is ugly

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Blow by blow.. but not laugh by laugh.. a website DEADLINE.COM reviews Jimmy Kimmel and President Barack Obama.. verdict: Flatline

Blow by blow.. but not laugh by laugh.. a website DEADLINE.COM reviews Jimmy Kimmel and President Barack Obama.. verdict: Flatline
What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? A pit bull is delicious

President Obama last night at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

I guess it was funny.

Humor has changed in the past few years.. Presidents stopped “looking for weapons of mass destruction” during the comedy hour in favor of jokes about eating canines. 

Bye weekend. It’s been real.

Ayden Morris has the whole train to himself.. Hope you are all as lucky. Happy Sunday

Missed this notable story from yesterday.. a 4.1 quake was downgraded to a 3.8 but the real story is that it was near the San Andreas fault and it was felt in Los Angeles.. 

More from CNN on the quake. No major damages.. 

It was not on the San Andreas fault. But close. Too close for comfort?

If you have been watching lately the ring of fire in the Pacific is .. well… on fire. Is it only a matter of time? Well of course the answer is yes. It is only a matter of time for virtually anything on this planet. Hopefully a big one won’t hit like it did in the past.. But with how active the ring has been as of late, this latest “near” Andreas quake is a little too close for comfort… 

This is America, 2012: A teenager in Houston is back home after a dodge ball game ended with him being violently beaten..

He underwent surgery on his cheekbones. He’s 14. A boy punched him repeatedly in the face after he was “bumped,” according to cops. The photo now of Preston Hodge was posted by a family friend. He told CBS news that he wanted to illustrate bullying in the once great American school system..

Interestingly, the comments on the story from CBS in Houston seem to be revolving around the race of the victim and the race of the beater… 

The world is going mad. We are divided we stand? For now.

Hope justice prevails. Hope the 14-year-old victim recovers.. And here’s hoping the future is a little brighter than the dark times this current generation is seeing.

Sometimes I think this nation has gone to hell. Not even in a hand basket. It would be too comfortable in one.

Sunday morning sidewalk reading

From Live Science, here is an interesting listing of nations that are the most religious and the most atheist..

Interestingly, only a little more than 4% of people from Japan are certain of the existence of God. After the year that they have had, who can really blame them?