This may be good.. BATMAN VS SUPERMAN film is coming in 2015..
Good job Maryland police.
Things are getting strange.
In the wake of the midnight massacre in Colorado, people seem jumpy. I am awfully curious, did the events of this past weekend cause you to think twice about going to see the movie, or is it business as usual?
Well, more then one thing.
First off, the media announced John Holmes as the murderer. I noticed this weekend that changed to James. Is it because John Holmes was a porn star and web searches were freaking out?
Secondly.. I am tired of how we spend about 1000 words on 12 dead and 58 wounded while the shooter will get 10,000+ words a day. I know that is the nature of the media beast, but I think a week of silence would be in order. There’s time for the trial and the story of how James Holmes was a ‘nerd’ who even gun lovers were freaked out by.. and how neighbors ‘never saw it coming’ even though lots of explosives and ammo was arriving by the day… yes, we will hear it all. But how about we stop and pause a bit for the victims. A man celebrating his birthday? A 6-year-old? They deserve a bit more than they get.
And finally I am tired of all these crappy and ridiculous DARK KNIGHT memes floating around on Facebook and the Internet. Listen, yes, we get it, you’re as upset as me. But you posting a stupid picture of BATMAN with a strange ribbon aside of him doesn’t do anything.. and BATMAN praying over a movie theater? Now that is tacky.
Just mourn like normal humans did before the moving GIFs and crappy JPEGs of the net.. please?
And we should mourn. Because this was a horrible weekend for good people. I hope all who are dealing with it find some sort of beauty in life again.. a monster took it away for a while. But it’s still there.. minus out all the hate and carnage and sickness of the human mind, I swear beauty is still there.
This was supposed to be a huge weekend for the DARK KNIGHT RISES. Instead it become a national crisis when John Holmes shot the theater in Aurora, CO. Now Warner Bros is faced with an interesting question about how to fully promote what was geared up to be the biggest movie of the year. Their immediate answer according to the always spot on Nikki Finke is that they may go all weekend without reporting or bragging about box numbers..
However non-chatty Warner is about to become, numbers will still be released to reporters ..
Question will be: how much will this effect overall numbers in the end? Does this mar the Christopher Nolan reinvented franchise?
A tragic film in a sense. Heath Ledger dead as DARK KNIGHT came popular.. DARK KNIGHT RISES released during a real midnight massacre.. Yes indeed, the BATMAN in somewhere in tears tonight..
Two tales on one picture.
When I saw this AP photo yesterday, it gave me chills.
When I see it today, it makes me cry.
Children are growing up in a world that seems to be regressing into a sick cauldron of violence and horror. I have a son, too. I want my son to be excited by a hero named BATMAN.
Our society seems to be becoming a nightmare. God bless America indeed.
If there is a God, you really still think he blesses America…?
Here’s a clip of the aftermath of the attack on the movie theater near Denver — a lot of commotion, doesn’t appear to be a lot of violence exposed, but it’s nonetheless harrowing. Such a scary incident, we could not even imagine this happening.
Chaos reigned after the shooting took place. People on television reports calling in to the morning shows describing more scenes of chaos.. one witness on the TODAY show said he was also shooting people trying to escape..
The Denver Post reports that one of the injured victims was a three-month-old child. 9NEWS just confirmed the report.
This is disgusting in all forms to me.. a three month old child.. This is absolutely horrendous.
There was a horrific shooting at a Colorado movie theater last night. A midnight massacre took place. At least 14 dead, 50 injured, more developing on that as medical professional teams release information to new stations. I just think about the people in this theater, and I cry.
Dads who took their sons because of how excited their sons were.
To go see a movie? No. To go see how disgusting our human race can so often be.
Yes there were threats to movie critics over the week and even the website rotten tomatoes had to take down its comments section. But this goes far beyond the reach of any fanboys online. This is disgusting, and frightening.
According to reports tonight, the popular movie website ROTTEN TOMATOES has suspended user comments for the DARK KNIGHT film after users began making threatening and profane comments towards reviewers who gave DARK KNIGHT a less than good review..
This may be the biggest movie opening of the year, maybe ever (? we will see?).. but the fact that the website has suspended users from making comments is a first.. Also, the site is considering a move to a Facebook commenting system, which might cut down on the glut of anonymous posts..
Listen everyone: It’s a movie!!!
Really.. Democrats are using THE DARK KNIGHT film in new advertising against Mitt Romney.. Source here
I don’t care your political belief or presidential pick, I just hope we ALL can agree that the 2012 presidential election should be kept away from what may be the movie of the year.
Please politicians just give us one thing this year that won’t be political.. We beg of you..
Then again, Mitt Romney did star in BATMAN RETURNS as Max Schreck, didn’t he?
Music to start the week. Good luck to all who are facing the prospects of heat, humidity, horrid war, pestilence.. but I think we all will agree: CAN’T WAIT FOR THE DARK KNIGHT in theaters this weekend..
I’m an enormous BATMAN fan.. even more of a fan of the Nolan films than any other. The latest trailer was released…
All I can say is this: If a movie trailer can raise the hairs on my arms and cause my eyes to swell with tears, I cannot even imagine what the whole movie will do.
Yes I’m not ashamed to admit it. DARK KNIGHT RISES may make me, a 31-year-old grown man, weep.