No tumblr accounts appear real anymore..
Very disconcerting.
Happy Friday
Perhaps Ayden is getting a little too used to being with me. He responds with joy to Art Bell’s voice..
Creative protesting. Wall Street has been taken over by zombies.
Of course, you may say, nothing new there.. But it was. Occupy Wall Street protesters got into the season today with their portrayal of corporate zombies on Wall Street.
I think I have a new Halloween costume idea..
This looks absoluteness immense..
A large fire at a chemical plant outside Dallas has sparked evacuations at a nearby school and businesses. (Photo by LifewithMoon on Instagram).
The pounds vs. the string bean! Large Marge vs. Olive Oil!? Obama vs. Christie 2012!? ….if it is the match, the Jersey boy better hurry.. time is getting late and primaries are getting earlier…
It forces the question: are these two events, seemingly separate, somehow linked.. Cause and effect. Did the comet equal the CME? Pure coincidence? Look through some recent history, this comet/CME type event happened July 5, 2011 too..
The boiling sun revealed
New video shows how the sun boils—and it’s a view that the human eye has never seen before
Amazing stuff, truly. A whole new perspective .. ..and a new thing to think about in relation to the ton of solar flares and CMEs that recently decided to emit from the big ball of light in our solar system..
And in a related story to the sun, check out this video of a comet hitting the sun.. and after a CME explodes out. Could it be that they are …linked?
….Facebook and Twitter are just too much to resist for officials ..REUTERS reporting an excellent (and obvious?) account of how Twitter and Facebook have been co-opted .. and now, you can update your status and photos for family, friends, and LAW ENFORCEMENT!?
As I wrote before on here, Facebook isn’t free. You may not be paying out of pocket for the use of the service, but it is coming with a very hefty price: Freedom and privacy.
Reuters reporting in detail of internet firms working hand in hand with law enforcement and government around the world.. And this:
"Demands from governments for Internet companies to hand over user information have become routine, according to online privacy researcher and activist Christopher Soghoian, who makes extensive use of freedom-of-information requests in his work. "Every decent-sized U.S. telecoms and Internet company has a team that does nothing but respond to requests for information," Soghoian told Reuters in an interview.
You’re beating heart..
Some Polish Catholics gathered this weekend at a special mass for what they consider a miracle: A communion host has developed a dark spot and they are convinced that it is the actual heart of Jesus.
The spot has been there since 2008. The CHURCH said that two medical doctors determined that the spot was heart muscle tissue..
No word on the official medical report. But a black mark on a heart is never a good sign..
M CLASS The entangled eruption of both sunspots… Sunspot 1305 hurled a coronal mass ejection towards earth.. it is expected to hit October 4 with a potential geomagnetic storm. Developing..
M1.3 Solar Flare has took place at 17:23 UTC Sunday afternoon and was centered around Sunspot 1302..
Sunspot 1305 caused an M3.9 Solar Flare took place 00:50 UTC Sunday morning..
Solar Ham..
Space Weather
Tonight’s Saturday night highlights: Baby wheezing. Baby projectile vomiting. And bronchitis was diagnosed. Ayden had a rough few hours but will be just fine.
Super Trooper — the Oceans