Protests are spreading throughout the nation! Anger is building.. and the knowing eye of Diane Sawyer is watching, perched high the fray from her Manhattan window, complete with a cocktail and flaxseed biscuits. Ms. Sawyer’s reporting of the event that not only is it spreading in the United States but in a lot of countries too. Like 1,000!?
Sure thing. Sawyer said Monday that the protests ““as of tonight, it has spread to more than 250 American cities, more than a thousand countries — every continent but Antarctica.”
So to that I say! Wall Street protesters! It’s time to occupy Antarctica! It’s time to revolt and let those ice shields know who’s boss. Oh the times they are are a changin’.. Cold or no cold. Sweat away the capitalism and tell that icy refuge for no one just what you think.
Then Ms. Sawyer can report on the last country on earth that finally has a protest.