Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gas is $7 a gallon in Catalina California..

Gas is $7 a gallon in Catalina California..

Ok... Easter eve question.....

Question of the day.. who knows what tye of remedy may exist for a very painful sebaceous cyst? It’s not for me.. but for someone else. My mom recommended Vicks and my dad said to tape garlic on it. I have to think some other solution exists for the person afflicted?

I remember those pre-parenthood days..

When my wife and I would see parents buying gifts for their child for Easter. How foolish we’d think. And chuckle.. and go home and continue to be proud of the fact the WE don’t buy gifts for holidays in which gifts were never intended to be the theme.

But tomorrow Ayden will be as proud as a peacock on his brand new Thomas the Train *almost* life size toy and a $10 yard sale iMac computer, along with a $.50 chair to sit at…… Is there a help group out there for hypocritical parents?

A new documentary shows an exorcism of a “possessed” woman.. Happy Easter. 

Ayden vs the sun

Friday, April 6, 2012


So it begins.. Easter weekend ‘12

You thought SOPA was dead? Think again.. revival at the fittest..

You thought SOPA was dead? Think again.. revival at the fittest..

The world going mad part 2

….Friday night lights. All across America. Gun shots ring out.. from the highest rooftops to the lowest most garbage filled alleyways.. This isn’t how life is supposed to be. We are not supposed to regress. We are not supposed to devolve. Life is supposed to get better, right? Flying cars? …try high gas prices. Peace on earth? try let’s look for a new planet………

The world going mad part 2

The world is going mad.. so is my little county here in the East

Is this the fall of Rome all over again? A society so into itself that it misses the big picture.. forgets morality.. ceases the high road in exchange for a path into desolation? .. Society seems to be in ruins. But the TV is still on and housewives are still DESPERATE. So who cares.. right?

The world is going mad.. so is my little county here in the East

I get no money for this product placement, but by God, the best candy ever made comes out this time of year: Cadbury mini eggs. Loved them since I was young.. still do now. The best tasting chocolate to fill a basket. Get them this weekend and eat them… They’ll be discounted in three days.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


If you are on the great North American continent, and the sky is clear, peak outside the window and stare at the moon.. the bright light up above is beautiful this evening. Stars are shining in my little town. Hope they are for you, too.

Cue the STARGAZER theme song from PBS. 

No live virus vaccine can bring him down


Either God decided to cut some Wisconsin cheese or the mighty earth below our feet is just choosing to grunt, groan, and flash its might. 

For weeks we have heard about mysterious booms in Clintonville. Now this: Booms and flashes of light in Barbaroo, Wisconsin.

One person who called 911 said it sounded like a meteorite blowing up over his head.

Indeed, this story keeps getting weirder.

The city of Pottsville, PA.. Beautiful day today..

By the way..

I just asked a question last night about something.. sometimes I ask questions on here and like the responses.. but to be accused of child abuse for simply asking a question on vaccines took me by surprise.. 

Nonetheless, great responses. 100% solid pro vaccine crowd responded. I wanted some controversy and disagreement but didn’t think so many private messages would have been sent to me telling me how bad of a dad I was.. for asking a question.

A question.
A question… 

Vlad the impaler Putin now equipped with zombie gun

Great. Just what he needs.

Vlad the impaler Putin now equipped with zombie gun

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gene Studies of Autism Point to Mutations and Parents' Age

Gene Studies of Autism Point to Mutations and Parents' Age

1 year vaccines?

My son has his check up tomorrow. He is happy and fun at 13 months… Give me advice on vaccines… skip them? Delay them? Get them all.. break them up? inquiring minds want to know what followers may suggest. Just wondering is all……………?

America: Bracing for the next wave of foreclosures.. Many more U.S. homeowners face the prospect of losing their homes this year as banks pick up the pace of foreclosures.

America: Bracing for the next wave of foreclosures.. Many more U.S. homeowners face the prospect of losing their homes this year as banks pick up the pace of foreclosures.

Perhaps it is better screening after all?

Perhaps it is better screening after all?

I am an autistic adult. My main "affliction" is people who think of me as "afflicted." If you believe that about autistic people, unfollow. You are not going to like me.

I want you to know and understand this.. I have people in my family, close family.. who are autistic. As far as my terminology or words to describe it? I am sorry if you were offended by “afflicted.”.. perhaps a better choice would have been in order.

A Secret Service agent recounts the day Kennedy was assassinated: On Jackie O: "'Her eyes were filled with terror,' he wrote. 'She was reaching for something. She was reaching for a piece of the President's head.'"

A Secret Service agent recounts the day Kennedy was assassinated: On Jackie O: "'Her eyes were filled with terror,' he wrote. 'She was reaching for something. She was reaching for a piece of the President's head.'"
The news is startling.. one in 88.. or … one in 70 kids have autism. Or is it 60? Or maybe 50..  Or some outrageously high number, I guess, have autism. But it’s all due to that ‘better screening’.. The modern media thinks we will believe that. ‘Better screening’… does that excuse really fly?


Fact: Newest numbers showcase this: 1 in about 88 kids have autism.

People lit it up blue today to remind us all of that.

We don’t need reminding.

Autism  has now reared its head into a mega load of lives in the United States and the world. It’s not just the person down the street, but now it’s the person in the house. Or a friend of the person in the house. It’s not just something that hits someone else’s home far away; it hits home. 

Earlier today the fine folks at, the 24/7 Art Bell rerun website played a show form 2006 when Art talked to a guest speaking about how autism rates were around the 1 in 188 range. They shunned the suggestion that better screening led to such epidemic like rates.  It is obvious it may have an effect, but not nearly as profound as what some say.

So we may now have finally admitted it.. Autism is on the rise.  Will the cure be found? Maybe we must first find the cause.

We need to find why boys are more likely than girls to get it.. we need to find why some have warning signs but regression doesn’t hit until 18 months.. we need to find out why women who live near highways are more likely to have babies with autism… And we need to ask really serious, hard, difficult, and probing questions about vaccines. I know ‘two dozen’ studies failed to link vaccines.. but I frankly don’t care. Study it more. Please? 1 in 88 kids’ lives and maybe soon 1 in 33 kids’ lives depend on that.

The brutal truth, not for better but for worse, is that the number may simply climb from this point. What are the implications of that? Lots. 

Societal implications.

Career implications.

Political implications. 

Budgetary implications.

Get the picture yet?

The future is now, the autism generation is here.

They are not one in a million, but 1 in 88. And they are growing up.. will people without knowledge of their symptoms even understand them? Will their presence be unwanted? Will their gifts and talents be appreciated the same as others? What will we do to help them once their safety net has expired from the earth? Parents take great care of their children … what about when mom and dad pass into the great unknown.. and 1 in 88 are alone to fend for themselves? It certainly appears that many of the 50 states of the once great America don’t have a mighty high place for autism in budgets. Then again, what lobby do kids with autism really have, anyway?

I get the feeling that all of this talk today about autism in media and TV may have been actually been a disservice in a sense. It made autism seem, still, like it was someone else’s problem.

Listen.. 1 in 88 kids have autism. Did you hear that? 

I have two nephews who are afflicted. And guess what.. they are two beautiful, wonderful, human beings. Quite frankly, I often think they are a hell of a lot smarter than me.

As a matter of fact…. 

Keep this in mind: People with autism are.. *GASP!* people!  with feelings! awareness! habits! laughter! kindness! tears! and fears. Yes fears. They have them. Maybe more than “US”. 

They are nothing like us but everything like ‘us’ at the same time.

Oh, and what are we?  What are us ‘common folk’ and ‘normal folk’ like? Think of this truth: We enter a rat race every day in a car that could crash.. we head to a job we really don’t want just to make a simple income to buy a few things after we pay for bills. Many of us choose to use leftover cash on booze and drugs to dull the mind to the depression that would occur if we really thought about existence. Sometimes we drown out the night by casting the blue light of the television set in our living rooms, as though it will tube up the worst of the day and make us faaaaghhettabout it….  We overeat sometimes. Or under eat. Some of us make ourselves vomit because we hate our bodies. Others look in the mirror and see perfection—those are the vain ones of ‘us.’ They probably think the song is about them…………..And that’s that. And some of those same ‘normal folk’ with their highs and lows, often unnatural, think they are better.. Laughable, isn’t it? Laughable indeed.

What do we know tonight that we did not know in 2008, 2006, 2002, 2000, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1988, 1980? NOTHING.

1 in 88

We know that….

And that, really, is all we know. No matter what ‘experts’ or highly paid ‘not us’s’ tell you.

1 in 88 or 1 in 29? Interesting report from VaxTruth on autism numbers..

1 in 88 or 1 in 29? Interesting report from VaxTruth on autism numbers..

I haven't posted much of anything here in days, and I am still getting new followers

I appreciate that. Truly. Thanks for stopping by and choosing to follow, even if it for a brief fleeting moment. 

And speaking of brief and fleeting, aren’t all moments just that? Here today.. gone tomorrow? And sometimes so fast that you don’t even remember if they happened or if it was some vivid dream during a warm midsummer’s night? 

Ohh… time.. don’t let it slip away? Sorry. It did.. A long time ago.

Nonetheless, welcome newbies. 

Neighbors are moving in: The first true "alien Earth" will likely be discovered in the next two years, a NASA scientist says

Neighbors are moving in: The first true "alien Earth" will likely be discovered in the next two years, a NASA scientist says

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A wrap.

Hope you had a good weekend. The earth seemed safe, though several 5.something quakes hit around the world (including again the Fukushima area).. and John Lear was on Coast to Coast AM with John B. Wells… some believe Lear’s commentary was an April fools’ joke but those who know Lear and remember him dating back to the early 90s on Art Bell know he is consistent. Whether what he says is a joke or not isn’t the issue, what is clear is that it certainly was not only for April Fools..

Around the world tonight. In a few links:

Good evening all.

Strange plumes on the map over Arkansas..?

Dutch Since has been focusing in on major plumes being shown on satellite imagery of the United States.. most recently, as he explained on his website, he seems to be finding more plumes. This time they are rising from Arkansas.. 

But with the video, this quote from the site:

no analysis — you can form your own opinion on what this is… at this point.. im tired of being the whipping boy for delivering the video on the occurrence .. you decide for yourself.. you think this is a fire.. fine.. you think this is a thunderstorm.. fine.. you think this is military testing.. fine.. you think this is volcanic activity.. fine.. you think this is related to fracking.. fine.. you think this is just a foggy day.. FINE…

whatever.. Im just showing you whats on satellite that stands out as odd

I certainly hope no ill-will has been shown towards Michael.. He has an exceptional site that most check every day.. And what he reports on these most recent plumes are worth noting..