Showing posts with label Quote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quote. Show all posts

Thursday, April 2, 2015

..…the location for the house, during shooting, I chose because it had a strange and unnecessary field that the houses of this particular community were built around. And we found – throughout production – that we had persistent and repeatable equipment field only on that strange plot of land. For instance, lights that could turn on anywhere else in the neighborhood would blow out the second you’d try to light them on this plot,” he added. “Also, I used a lot of aerial drone photography in the film, and the drone-pilots were never able to lock in the GPS signal in this field. We would have to move 10 feet away to launch the craft.

I was too afraid to find out what the land used to be. We filmed outside of Toronto, somewhere between Buffalo New York and Toronto, Ontario, in a town called Hamilton


But forgive me for dumping some doubt on these paranormal tales..

First off, the original POLTERGEIST is known for creepy rumors and urban legends that surround the production—there are tales that the clown used in the original film actually had a moment where its seemingly tried strangling Oliver Robbins.. There’s also the creepy and tragic factor of Dominique Dunne and Heather O’Rourke passing away after completing production.. There are lots of other weird and strange rumored paranormal possibilities that you can read in depth there..

But as far as this new movie? I have a problem with the remake already. The trailer looks ridiculous. It looks forced.. I said a few months back that this may be a remake I am okay with. The more I contemplate it the less I’m okay, as a matter of fact, the more it’s just, in my humble opinion, a remake that will be chalked up as a blip on the radar of horror..

And these comments offered by Kenan are a little offensive. I think the filmmakers are trying to push a paranormal ‘reality’ to the film to give it some form of ghostly street cred—almost to overshadow the original film’s nostalgic and paranormal feel.. 

Nothing will beat the original POLTERGEIST. And quite frankly, there is nothing ‘haunted’ about where this new remake was shot. 

But the scary thing is the possibility of a flop.. therefore Gil and company are trying to push some false narrative to employ your most fearful imaginations about this new movie.

I also read comments on several horror related message boards.. Most are chalking these Gil Kenan remarks up as fiction.. and BS.. 

People need to be careful when walking on the gravesite of past actors who may have truly been affected by a movie curse (though that is still a stretch, too, some would say) .. But even more, directors and movie makers need to be extremely cautious in over-hyping a movie that will most likely bust like a balloon loosing air.

The faithful never leave us without something to do, unless we hide in our offices or go out in our cars wearing sun glasses. There is a good and healthy tiredness. It is the exhaustion of the priest who wears the smell of the sheep… but also smiles the smile of a father rejoicing in his children or grandchildren. It has nothing to do with those who wear expensive cologne and who look at others from afar and from above.  Do I know how to rest by accepting the love, gratitude and affection which I receive from God’s faithful people? Or once my pastoral work is done, do I seek more refined relaxations, not those of the poor but those provided by a consumerist society? Is the Holy Spirit truly ‘rest in times of weariness’ for me or is he just someone who keeps me busy?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I don’t want to believe, I want to know, I want to prove, I want evidence.

Belief is for those willing to accept things without real evidence

Art Bell tonight in a response on the message board BELLGAB to the famed UFO poster ‘I want to believe’

Monday, March 30, 2015

This, to me, is the most promising therapy I have seen in my career, period

Dr. Henry Friedman, a neuro-oncologist and deputy director of the Brain Tumor Center at Duke University, on a CBS 60 minutes that treating CANCER with POLIO may be working..

Sunday, March 22, 2015

1. Will your child be six years, six months or older when he begins first grade and starts receiving reading instruction?

2. Does your child have two to five permanent or second teeth?

3. Can you child tell, in such a way that his speech is understood by a school crossing guard or policeman, where he lives?

4. Can he draw and color and stay within the lines of the design being colored?

5. Can he stand on one foot with eyes closed for five to ten seconds?

6. Can he ride a small two-wheeled bicycle without helper wheels?

7. Can he tell left hand from right?

8. Can he travel alone in the neighborhood (four to eight blocks) to store, school, playground, or to a friend’s home?

9. Can he be away from you all day without being upset?

10. Can he repeat an eight- to ten-word sentence, if you say it once, as “The boy ran all the way home from the store”?

11. Can he count eight to ten pennies correctly?

12. Does your child try to write or copy letters or numbers?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

I am skeptical humans are the main cause of climate change and that it will be catastrophic in the near future. There is no scientific proof of this hypothesis, yet we are told “the debate is over” and “the science is settled.”

My skepticism begins with the believers’ certainty they can predict the global climate with a computer model. The entire basis for the doomsday climate change scenario is the hypothesis increased atmospheric carbon dioxide due to fossil fuel emissions will heat the Earth to unlivable temperatures.

Patrick Moore. And he is a climate skeptic.. (And a founder of Greenpeace)

Friday, March 13, 2015

That’s why you will not be president.

Barack Obama, in a joking response to Jimmy Kimmel last night after Kimmel said the first thing he’d do as president is open the files on AREA 51, Roswell, and UFOs.. 

And another UFO related quip from the show:

On President Clinton’s claim that he went through the secret files on extraterrestrials and found nothing:
"That’s what we’re instructed to say."

Obama went on to read ‘mean tweets’ . . his comments about UFOs are considered, of course, jokes.

But let’s not forget.. for a joke to truly work, there’s always a shed of truth behind it.. Perhaps it is why people like KIMMEL, who always seem to ask Presidents about UFOs, will not be President..

Kimmel had previously made some waves after asking former President Clinton about aliens.. at that time, Clinton was analyzed to have had ‘stressed’ behavior during his response.. I can’t find any analysis yet of Obama’s reaction..

Jokes.. Jokes.. laughable moments. Teachable moments?

Am I overreaching here?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert was injured in an attack in Seoul, possibly by more than one person, according to U.S. government sources.

Police in Seoul say Lippert was cut with a razor blade. Lippert is being treated. A suspect has been detained.

This breaking tonight.. CNN reported this initial dispatch..

Friday, February 27, 2015

I don’t think there’s a point

Robin Williams’ daughter Zelda, on why she is not questioning her father’s suicide ..

I saw some very mean spirited comments regarding her words.. People need to lay off.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

A few decades after that though the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern. I agree with Elon Musk and some others on this and don’t understand why some people are not concerned

Friday, January 9, 2015

The two suspects in the Charlie Hebdo attack spoke to police by phone and said they wanted to die as martyrs, French lawmaker Yves Albarello told a TV station.

CNN news alert

Friday, January 2, 2015

The United States is hitting North Korea with a new set of economic sanctions after determining the country was behind last month’s computer hack at Sony.

I am still not buying this. I think the real story is that this is a former Sony employee on the inside

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown is an awful tragedy that continues to send shockwaves through the community of Ferguson, Missouri and across the nation.

If I had been told to get out of the street as a teenager, there would have been a distinct possibility that I might have smarted off. But, I wouldn’t have expected to be shot.

The outrage in Ferguson is understandable—though there is never an excuse for rioting or looting. There is a legitimate role for the police to keep the peace, but there should be a difference between a police response and a military response.

The images and scenes we continue to see in Ferguson resemble war more than traditional police action.

Ferguson’s population is more than two-thirds black, but its police force only has three black officers. The town of 21,000 was not previously known for racial tension, but some say it has been bubbling beneath the surface. Young black men feel targeted by police and resent it. Gun sales have spiked locally.

This and more valuable information from THE ECONOMIST..

And more:

The number of people shot and killed by the police is hard to track. Nationwide, it has probably fallen since violent crime peaked in the 1990s. In New York, for example, police bullets killed 39 people in 1990 but eight in 2010. But since local police departments are not obliged to keep detailed statistics, it is hard to discern the national picture, says David Klinger of the University of Missouri, St Louis. A 2011 Department of Justice study found that the police kill roughly one person every day. The FBI deemed nearly all of these killings justifiable, but still too many were not. If the police wore body cameras, that might help. Complaints dropped nearly 90% and the use of force fell 60% when officers started wearing them in Rialto, California.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Don’t ever make me eat junk food again!

An angry Ayden tonight after I put spinach in his mouth..

Pop tarts in the toaster …

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Everyone is Democratic in Pac-Man.

So says Ayden after I took him to vote today in the Pennsylvania primary .. in a very light turnout.

I think there is profound logic in that somehow

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It’s time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress

Monica Lewisnky, in an exclusive VANITY FAIR story..

She expressed regret in the article concerning her affair with Bill Clinton.
She experienced job rejections because of her famed ‘job’ with Bubba..
And she expressed tears when she heard of a 2010 suicide of Tyler Clementi..

She blamed Matt Drudge and the Drudge Report for being “possibly the first person whose global humiliation was driven by the Internet.”

She said the public humiliation she experienced altered her life. I am sure Linda Tripp agreed.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Seven teenagers and an adult were taken to Forbes Regional Hospital, Dr. Chris Kauffman, the trauma director there, told CNN. The seven were stabbed in the chest, back and abdomen, he said. He characterized some of the injuries as life-threatening.

Some of the students were in the operating room, others undergoing CT scans, he said.

“These are quite serious injuries,” he said. “These are not superficial in nature.”

One hospital reported that it had a patient as old as 60.

Latest NBC report on this emotionally overwhelming story..
A student reported that someone came into the school with a knife and started slashing people, including some of his friends. That information has not been confirmed by police.

Pittsburgh station WTAE • On the mass stabbing that took place at a Pennsylvania high school. The suspect is reportedly in custody. (via shortformblog)

As with any school shooting, in this case a mass stabbing, rumors are running wild. this one included.. lots of information yet to be sorted out..