Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Creepier than Google Glass? A third eye in the middle of your head

CNET reporting “There’s a camera permanently strapped in the middle of your head. It’s on a headband. The camera has got autofocus and is high-definition.
Whenever you want to take a picture, you tap the headband. You can even post directly to your favorite social medium.”

Someone needs to watch BLACK MIRROR to get a cautionary tale on his before proceeding.. Can’t we see what could go wrong?
In the same light, it’s only natural that this would be the next step in the progression and technological development of humanity.

Now when it gets implanted in your head? Perhaps that’s the moment it gets creepy.

Creepier than Google Glass? A third eye in the middle of your head

Monday, September 28, 2015

Everyone loved the supermoon, but all they got were these lousy photos

The iPhone is the main blame for wretched photos of the supermoon last night.. Truly a breathtaking moment ruined by photography at its worst at night. I’d imagine the people of 2033, during the next blood moon eclipse , will get a mighty chuckle is the current batch of photos still exists.

Everyone loved the supermoon, but all they got were these lousy photos

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Russia unveils a flying house project.

Take that Marty McFly.. we’re skipping cars and going right for the abode.. 

Friday, March 27, 2015


Plugging a 1986 Mac Plus into the modern Web


p>I love this article. . I tried the same myself with a 1997 HP.. I was surprised how well it worked but how awfully slow it was.. though there’s also a big difference between 97 and 86..

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Is your satnav harming your brain?

This makes some sense to me.. we are not ‘wired’ to be as wired as we are.. It may take a couple of generations to get in the groove.. until we merge with machine, it will be a bumpy and depressing ride..

Is your satnav harming your brain?

Monday, February 16, 2015

I got a new phone today.. goodbye to the intrusive and slow spy device from Apple. Hello fast and modern extra illuminati spy device from Samsung.. expect some really lame little strokes of art until they lose all humor even to me, which won’t be long.

It’s my hope that my phone will listen to me closely and tell my smart TV everything I was too ashamed to admit to it..

I thought it was a big deal in 2007 when I was on the cutting edge of my friends with an iphone. With this new phone I feel like I’m walking on Mars

Monday, February 2, 2015

Facebook and all its dangers considered

A website argues the case of why you and your loved ones should get off of Facebook now.. it’s a good read.

 I am on Facebook, I also have a fan page for my other website on Facebook with over 100 followers at this time. 

Am I worried about their terms of service? Always. Am I horrified but how Facebook destroys the humanity of people? yes.. but there are cautious ways to come at the social network. 

 I think more than anything else: The fact they read private message is alarming. And they do. The argument on the tech site is convincing.. read it and judge for yourself. Act accordingly. If you stay on Facebook, be smart and don’t think just because you have ‘nothing to hide’ and the prying eyes of the technocracy don’t destroy you anyway..

Thursday, January 29, 2015

A few decades after that though the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern. I agree with Elon Musk and some others on this and don’t understand why some people are not concerned

Friday, January 23, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Facebook The Best Predictor of Your Actions

Just more proof that technology is becoming another arm of human behavior.. we are programming our personal Facebook pages to act as us.. This gives rise to the strong potential for Facebook to be programmed to automatically publish links and thoughts even after we are long dead.. 

Think about that one..
Like BLACK MIRROR stuff there, don’t you think?

Facebook The Best Predictor of Your Actions

Friday, May 23, 2014

....but will we program the robots of tomorrow to have the morality of today?

People are very naive about the future.. Most people who I talk to about the robotic wars of the new ages on the way laugh at me.. they think I am a tin foil wearing nutjob when I speak about soldiers who are more machine than man.  

If you’re the same, good reading material is here from the UK GUARDIAN, scientists in the United States have created bionic particles inspired by TERMINATOR.  

But with all this creating we are doing, are we going to establish a programmable moral code into the machines?

If not… then what?  

Machines without mercy on the way.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How Facebook Knows What Television Show You're Watching Right Now

A little creepy..

Facebook also will allow you to instantly post—or post for you —the song you are listening to right or the television show..

And as creepy and privacy-invasive as this is, expect it to be utilized with great ferocity by Facebook users..

It’s either the beginning of big time invasion of privacy or it’s just another example of how much we share, and in this case overshare.

But don’t kid yourself.. it’s not new technology.. Facebook listening to you in 2014 is nothing inventive.  Way back last decade in 2006, Google made some headlines because it was finalizing its plans to listen to you through your computer.

Also let’s not forget how often the power to hear you through your device has been abused. In 2010, school children in Philadelphia were being watched through their school issued laptops by officials. You know.. for ‘inappropriate behavior.  Also in 2012, then CIA chief (before the sex scandal) David Petraus said that the government will listen to us, the citizenry, through our dishwashers. 

So there you have it.. the slippery slope was already traveled .. not Facebook is simply filling the potholes, making it become ‘trendy’ and using Beyonce’s music as a selling point to sell your information to the world. At a very low cost. You’ll do it for free.. 

Welcome to the cloud. The very overshared and eavesdropped cloud..

How Facebook Knows What Television Show You're Watching Right Now

Monday, January 20, 2014

Did anyone ever see Portico news?

I hate it.

My wife and I bought a new TV and, while exploring, came across the app for Portico news. It was awful. Fake background, fake newscasters.. nothing real. It was so bad.

There is nothing ‘real’ about Portico news. The over made up and trendy dresses ‘newscasters’ stand in front of a green screen.  They tell us they will give us news, encapsulating all the most important things in a nutshell for us in just 20 minutes. I could not even put up with 20 seconds of it! It was so awful.. It was as of

It actually began to make my physically sick.  I was desperately trying to TURN OFF the Portico News feed but the television remote stopped working.. I felt trapped and hopeless. The Portico song kept playing over and over again, mocking me.. it felt like a harpoon of awful things directly into my heart.. Watching Portico news for the 25 seconds I did, I think my IQ actually dropped about 10 points. 

I don’t think I have ever come across an app that made me physically nauseous.. If why wife would not have commandeered the remote and quickly turned the whole system ‘off’ I may have actually vomited all over the new smart TV. It was just that bad..

There is nothing good about PORTICO NEWS.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


For real.. Google’s computers are outwitting their coders.

Machines are alive!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Quiet Zone in West Virginia--where cell phones and WIFI are nonexistent for 13,000 square miles..


There is a lot  of ‘noise’ .. but real and white noise. Sometimes you can almost feel the electronic bursts of WIFI and cell towers flowing through your body like a cancerous disease.

But not in this location in West Virginia..

….though maybe some other things lurk in this same quiet zone..?

The Quiet Zone in West Virginia--where cell phones and WIFI are nonexistent for 13,000 square miles..

Monday, September 30, 2013

The new fad word of the year you’ll hear .. before the end of the year: iPosture.

Apparently people are hunched over so much anymore that their backs are becoming disfigured.

At least one survey conducted concludes that almost 90% of the youthful ignorants are suffering from back issues..

The days of sitting up straight are over. 

Virtually over..

And if you’re in a generation that still remembers your mom telling you to sit up straight, no fear! You’ll have problems, too! Apparently the new iOS 7 is truly making people ill..

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Inside Google HQ: What does the future hold for the company whose visionary plans include implanting a chip in our brains?

Any of my friends will tell you I thought this was going to happen—and I figured they’d actually implant a ‘phone’ or the internet in some way in our hands to replace the typical cell phone. Friends and family who thought I was crazy can now see: They want to create a transhuman.

Do you hear me now?

Inside Google HQ: What does the future hold for the company whose visionary plans include implanting a chip in our brains?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The wired future.. I will make my prediction for the record.

Not to be outdone by Google, APPLE is now hinting that you will soon be able to wear their technology.. which propels me to re-re-re-state my prediction from ten years back concerning wearable devices. At some point in our near future we will have technology implanted. Your phone will be your hand. Your brain will be wired to the Net. 
Unless that big solar flares gets us all..

So yes, that means if the world doesn’t end, you’ll be on Tumblr will be literally in your fingertips. But do you really want Yahoo to be that close to you?