Showing posts with label pope francis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pope francis. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Not even Pope Francis can fix this number

If you want to know why Catholic Churches and schools are closing throughout the United States, look no further than this number released by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: $2.9 billion.

With a B.

That is the dollar amount that the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church has cost since 2004. It’s an insurmountable number, and it continues to drain the resources of the religion..

From the CATHOLIC CULTURE story filed today:

Only 59% of those funds were allotted to settlements ($62.9 million) and therapy for abuse victims ($7.7 million). The remaining funds were spent on attorneys’ fees ($28.8 million), support for offenders ($15.4 million), and other costs ($4.2 million), according to the 2014 “Report on the Implementation of the Charter for Protection of Children and Young People.”
These expenses brought the total cost of the clerical abuse scandal to American dioceses and religious institutes between 2004 and mid-2014 to $2,895,629,230, according to the data in the current report and previous reports.
The report added that dioceses, eparchies, and religious orders spent an additional $31,667,740 for child protection efforts in 2013-14.
65% of accused diocesan clergy “had already been identified in prior allegations,” and 75% “were deceased, already removed from ministry,already laicized, or missing.”
75% of those who alleged abuse by diocesan clergy and 87% of those who alleged abuse by religious-order clergy were male, and abuse typically took place between the ages of 10 and 14. Most of the allegations involved incidents that took place between 1960 and 1989, particularly the 1970s.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The faithful never leave us without something to do, unless we hide in our offices or go out in our cars wearing sun glasses. There is a good and healthy tiredness. It is the exhaustion of the priest who wears the smell of the sheep… but also smiles the smile of a father rejoicing in his children or grandchildren. It has nothing to do with those who wear expensive cologne and who look at others from afar and from above.  Do I know how to rest by accepting the love, gratitude and affection which I receive from God’s faithful people? Or once my pastoral work is done, do I seek more refined relaxations, not those of the poor but those provided by a consumerist society? Is the Holy Spirit truly ‘rest in times of weariness’ for me or is he just someone who keeps me busy?

All the world’s a buffet for the POPE..Pope Fat-cis: According to new reports, Pope Francis is being told to lay off the pasta for a while.. There Pope recently made news for having a pizza delivery man give him some grub while moving through town in his Pope Mobile.. Now a massive weight gain has apparently caused eyes to widened by Francis as his scale tips.. New linens must be ordered! Get a bigger frock. Francis is the incredible enlarging pope..

Easter dinner this weekend. Lots of ham.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Philadelphia-area residents see dollar signs in visit by Pope Francis

PAPAL FEVER in the city of brotherly love.. and as only Philly faces can do, people are taking advantage of the unique chance to see a Pope by inflating prices, gouging customers, and having a field day of unfairness when it comes to legally taking lots of cash from tourists who want the chance to see Francis..

What would Jesus do?
I think he’d order ‘wit’..

Philadelphia-area residents see dollar signs in visit by Pope Francis

Friday, January 23, 2015

Pope Francis: put your iPhone down and start talking - Telegraph

I’m completely okay with that..

Pope Francis: put your iPhone down and start talking - Telegraph

Pope sees 'shadows and dangers' amid Vatican attack fears

Yesterday on NIGHT TERROR NEWS, I wrote a bit about the troubling ‘prophecies of the Pope’ that litter my mind. The news of this “shadows and dangers” comment provides even more fodder for the paranoid mind, the haunting images of a Pope standing overtop of his people during a final battle or perhaps even on being the last in a series prophetized by St. Malachy so many centuries ago..

This from the AP:

Iraq’s ambassador to the Holy See, Habib Al Sadr, at the time warned that “what has been declared by the self-declared Islamic State is clear. They want to kill the Pope. The threats against the Pope are credible.”

But are the prophetic words of Malachy, Pope Pius, and Nostradamus as credible as the threats?

Pope sees 'shadows and dangers' amid Vatican attack fears

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Feel Free to Breastfeed Here, Pope Tells Mothers in Sistine Chapel

Holy milk, Francis!
This is a big deal. The act of breast feeding or the allowance of it may have gotten someone killed in old times! If this was 1500, we’d be putting the pope on that special chair to see if anything was dangling below.

Either way, this is an advanced form of thought and maturity that has the Pope thinking modern.

Now I suppose scores of Catholic school boys will suddenly want their religion teachers to plan a voyage to the Sistine Chapel during spring..

Feel Free to Breastfeed Here, Pope Tells Mothers in Sistine Chapel

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined” (Is 9:1). “An angel of the Lord appeared to (the shepherds) and the glory of the Lord shone around them” (Lk 2:9). This is how the liturgy of this holy Christmas night presents to us the birth of the Saviour: as the light which pierces and dispels the deepest darkness. The presence of the Lord in the midst of his people cancels the sorrow of defeat and the misery of slavery, and ushers in joy and happiness.

We, too, in this blessed night, have come to the house of God. We have passed through the darkness which envelops the earth, guided by the flame of faith which illuminates our steps, and enlivened by the hope of finding the “great light”. By opening our hearts, we also can contemplate the miracle of that child-sun who, arising from on high, illuminates the horizon.

The origin of the darkness which envelops the world is lost in the night of the ages. Let us think back to that dark moment when the first crime of humanity was committed, when the hand of Cain, blinded by envy, killed his brother Abel (cf. Gen 4:8). As a result, the unfolding of the centuries has been marked by violence, wars, hatred and oppression.

But God, who placed a sense of expectation within man made in his image and likeness, was waiting. He waited for so long that perhaps at a certain point it seemed he should have given up. But he could not give up because he could not deny himself (cf. 2 Tim 2:13). Therefore he continued to wait patiently in the face of the corruption of man and peoples.

Through the course of history, the light that shatters the darkness reveals to us that God is Father and that his patient fidelity is stronger than darkness and corruption. This is the message of Christmas night. God does not know outbursts of anger or impatience; he is always there, like the father in the parable of the prodigal son, waiting to catch from afar a glimpse of the lost son as he returns.

Isaiah’s prophecy announces the rising of a great light which breaks through the night. This light is born in Bethlehem and is welcomed by the loving arms of Mary, by the love of Joseph, by the wonder of the shepherds. When the angels announced the birth of the Redeemer to the shepherds, they did so with these words: “This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger” (Lk 2:12).

The “sign” is the humility of God taken to the extreme; it is the love with which, that night, he assumed our frailty, our suffering, our anxieties, our desires and our limitations. The message that everyone was expecting, that everyone was searching for in the depths of their souls, was none other than the tenderness of God: God who looks upon us with eyes full of love, who accepts our poverty, God who is in love with our smallness.

On this holy night, while we contemplate the Infant Jesus just born and placed in the manger, we are invited to reflect. How do we welcome the tenderness of God? Do I allow myself to be taken up by God, to be embraced by him, or do I prevent him from drawing close? “But I am searching for the Lord” – we could respond. Nevertheless, what is most important is not seeking him, but rather allowing him to find me and caress me with tenderness. The question put to us simply by the Infant’s presence is: do I allow God to love me?

More so, do we have the courage to welcome with tenderness the difficulties and problems of those who are near to us, or do we prefer impersonal solutions, perhaps effective but devoid of the warmth of the Gospel? How much the world needs tenderness today!

The Christian response cannot be different from God’s response to our smallness. Life must be met with goodness, with meekness. When we realize that God is in love with our smallness, that he made himself small in order to better encounter us, we cannot help but open our hearts to him, and beseech him: “Lord, help me to be like you, give me the grace of tenderness in the most difficult circumstances of life, give me the grace of closeness in the face of every need, of meekness in every conflict”.

Dear brothers and sisters, on this holy night we contemplate the Nativity scene: there “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” (Is 9:1). People who were unassuming, open to receiving the gift of God, were the ones who saw this light. This light was not seen, however, by the arrogant, the proud, by those who made laws according to their own personal measures, who were closed off to others. Let us look to the crib and pray, asking the Blessed Mother: “O Mary, show us Jesus!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

TIN FOIL HEADS UP: God will give me two or three more years, says Pope

For anyone worrying about that old prophecy of the popes, better get your tin foiled hat ready and prepped.. If Francy has two more years, then theoretically we would, too.. Right? If Malachy was right.

If the bible told you so..

TIN FOIL HEADS UP: God will give me two or three more years, says Pope

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mafia 'adore evil' and are 'excommunicated', says Pope Francis

A big wow on this story.

Pope Francis says that the mafia adores evil and they are excommunicated.. 
Will there be a horse head in the Vatican bed?

Mafia 'adore evil' and are 'excommunicated', says Pope Francis

Thursday, May 22, 2014

It's all alien to us

The Vatican has been publicly commenting about baptizing aliens for years now—the Pope even did it recently in a ‘joking’ comment.. The man behind the original comment, Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno addressed Georgetown University in a commencement address where he specifically talked about his famed alien comments. He admitted aliens are not within our grasp—yet. SETI agrees, as I wrote last night.. they think it will be about 20 years before we realize aliens are among us.. or out there somewhere. Getting closer..

Sunday, April 20, 2014

By now the eggs are dyed and dried.. the bunnies are sleeping.. the candy wrappers are littering the floors. Easter is over, “he has risen” they say.. but risen from where and to what? Did Christ walk the earth? And if so, was he the son of man? Or a legend.. a myth.. a man?  Is Easter is another pagan treat for the retreaters? Nothing rebellious about a religious holiday that took the rhymes of the reason and turned them Christian.. It worked for the rest, why not for the best.
Horus was first, though.. Jesus just stuck around longer..

Now that your yolk is easy and your burden is light, sit back and watch the HTML as it flies through the air on the website of your choice..

WITH THAT SAID.. Millions of people flock to Rome for the canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXII .. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

HOLY CHRIST! Here’s a game changer..

A papyrus referring to Jesus’ wife is likely ancient—more like ancient than it being a fake..  The son of man a mover and shaker? This tiny piece of ancient Scripture contained “My wife she will be able to be my disciple.” Stop the presses … stop the presses. Word to the Vatican: You can’t hide it all!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Can someone please explain to me, what is the creepy art that is on wall of the Vatican in the picture? Is that a saint urinating on the right hand side? 

I really get creeped out by art on the walls of the influential and powerful…

I can only imagine some of the other creepy paintings in the Vatican