Showing posts with label atheist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atheist. Show all posts

Thursday, May 22, 2014

If you want a real change, vote for an atheist in 2016

Christian website are proclaiming a bit of a victory in light of a new poll which seems to show that Americans would take a gay, drug addicted, cheating candidate for president over an atheist in 2016..

But forgive me Lord, but I don’t see the newsworthy nature of this poll..

After all, we had the follolwing the USA: James Buchanan, who was probably the nation’s first gay president.. John Kennedy, who reportedly was so high on meth one night that he pranced naked around the lobby .. Bill Clinton, who did not inhale. Obama, who admitted he did. And an endless trove of presidents who cheated and lied their way through scandals. All of them were Christians. Men of God.

Maybe an atheist would do us well for four to eight years.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

By now the eggs are dyed and dried.. the bunnies are sleeping.. the candy wrappers are littering the floors. Easter is over, “he has risen” they say.. but risen from where and to what? Did Christ walk the earth? And if so, was he the son of man? Or a legend.. a myth.. a man?  Is Easter is another pagan treat for the retreaters? Nothing rebellious about a religious holiday that took the rhymes of the reason and turned them Christian.. It worked for the rest, why not for the best.
Horus was first, though.. Jesus just stuck around longer..

Now that your yolk is easy and your burden is light, sit back and watch the HTML as it flies through the air on the website of your choice..

WITH THAT SAID.. Millions of people flock to Rome for the canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXII ..