Showing posts with label cool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cool. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2017

Some cool Friday night creepy art

If you ever saw someone’s face literally melt into their faces, then you will appreciate this artwork from French photographer Antoine Geiger..
The report,
“The project came spontaniously,” Geiger tells The Creators Project. “All of a sudden I would be on the metro or in the museum and feel on my own while it’s crowded. I could literaly see people’s faces melting on their screens, like their identity was being lost in the non-space of technology, like the spacial dimension of the present has been outstretched.” A bit of post-processing in Photoshop, and his eerie feeling was visualized. 
The photos are chillingly weird and actually quite real–you can almost envision the melting of someone’s complete emotional existence into their smart phones..

HERE IS THE ART WORK .. it’s awesome. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Confirmed: Jupiter's moon Ganymede has a salty, underground ocean

SET SAIL FOR Ganymede!

Take a deep breath.. read the headline a few times until the true power of it sinks in. Jupiter’s moon.. a salty ocean.. 

Though it may seem like eons for my, it wasn’t too long ago that I learned in school how Earth was the only planet with life and water. And there were only 9. Boom. Done.

Now there’s trillions with untoldillions to be discovered. And maybe multiverses.. and Pluto is NOT a planet. But CERES has glowing balls of light emitting from it. And we are landing on asteroids.. and there’s a ROVER on MARS watching the sunset from the distant planet.. and TITAN may have water.. And MARS may have HAD water..

And we are stardust.
And there may be aliens..
And we are not alone.

This is an amazing time to be alive. It also makes me ponder if ‘disclosure’ is going to drip out slowly .. with each new story about water on some distant body in space, are we being primed for the ultimate: Not only water is abundant, but life is too?

From the LA TIMES STORY, a money quote:

"The solar system is now looking like a pretty soggy place," said Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA. "The more we look at individual moons, the more we see that water is really in enormous abundance."

A soggy place. 
Much different than those 1980s and 90s grade school textbooks in science. And even much more different than those 2013 textbooks.

Throw them all away.

Next up?

Confirmed: Jupiter's moon Ganymede has a salty, underground ocean

Monday, March 31, 2014

I completely agree with the BLOODY DISGUSTING blog.. these ads for PS2 (like the one you see here) are just awful.. just sick.. disturbing.. almost too much.

But also strangely amazing, beautiful, and memorizing.

And I guess that is just how advertising is meant to be…

Except this one. This one really hits me the wrong way:

Friday, March 21, 2014


Billy Joel shakes off some dust and appears on the TONIGHT SHOW with Jimmy Fallon. And it made for pretty great music and good TV.  I saw Billy Joel twice live.. They were shows to remember. My wife wasn’t a fan and grudgingly went to the Hershey PA show a few years ago. She instantly became a fan during the outdoor nightmare performance in beautiful brisk air.. (I still don’t particularly like Fallon’s brand of hosting, but this clip was good, although one thing that seems to be ok with Fallon is how he loves his guests as much as we do.. not much fake about him).

Friday, January 17, 2014

More cool space news

Every time another planet discovery is announced, I question how long until we find the alternate versions of us? How long until we see that we’re just being replicated in the galaxy, a mass computer system of simulations. The matrix.. All that. Until then, we only have stories like this—equally amazing nonetheless: First exoplanet orbiting Sun’s twin in star cluster found, scientists say.. Yea that’s cool too..

Another one:
How we know the earth is moving through space..

The Experiment That Forever Changed How We Think About Reality

This is a great WIRED article.. a must read. But take your time doing so, it’s something you need to get your mind around..

The Experiment That Forever Changed How We Think About Reality

Monday, July 8, 2013

NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field

Science fiction becomes science fact..

More proof of something I have long believed about life on this planet: We know absolutely nothing, and everything we consider fact is only fact long enough until more evidence comes forth to disprove it..

Amazing stuff.

Must be a portal.

NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


This amazing video from NASA shows dancing tornadoes on the sun.. and when I see something like this it makes me realize that we, as humans, may think we understand everything but really, actually, understand next to nothing.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm your Venus, I'm your fire

Once in (our) lifetime event: Last chance to see Venus transit for over 100 years.. Pretty cool stuff. Hope the skies are clear.. and speaking of Venus 100 years ago when people saw it last time: History: A Historican weaves thrilling tale of 18th century expeditions to see Venus transit..

It makes me slightly sad that we don’t have edge of the seat expiditions anymore. Things are too easy. Let’s make space exploration dangerous again!