Bet that never happens in the movies you watch..
What do avoid during sex: The woman on top.. Scientists now say that it is the most dangerous sexual position known to humans, leading to the majority of penile fractures in men..
Bet that never happens in the movies you watch..
A highway to hell, or heaven. Depending on your predilection..
Here goes nothing..I will try to explain the best I can..
A camp for boys that allows them to be girls has been photo documented by SLATE.. Three year olds wearing heals and wearing makeup.. The camp does not define itself as gay or transgender, but is being proclaimed as a sign of the future.. the evolution of sexual identity and the merging together of both genders into one..
What I say: the makers of the world actually want transhumanism. Anything they can get to accomplish that goal will work for them. I believe all people regardless of size shape sex or secrets should be given basic forms of respect.. I frankly could care less who wants to get married or who wants a sex change.
But a three-year-old knowing they were born the wrong gender? I question the parents more than the ethics of allowing a child to decide.. did the parents coerce, or decide for them?
I also say: The death of a civilization is upon us. No, not because of dying morals—you can’t look at the Christian crusades and tell me they were anything less than satanic—but because of dying birth rates.
Really. For all the conservative hatred of unwed mothers and teenagers walking around pushing baby carriages, their anger is in vain. It’s not the nonsense they spout.. US birth rates are a record low.. Hell, even teen birth rates are, too..
Look to Japan to see how cultures can evolve: Younger people there have stopped having sex and the adult population has decided to wear diapers everywhere. In Russia, Vlad the Impaler Putin was telling people to say home for a national day of sex. It’s not the moral collapse.. there never were really morals anyway.. it’s the changing scientific reality ..
Transhumanism is coming..
The merging of genders is first.
The merging of human with machine is eventual..
Only a small part of the preps: Prostitutes are taking English lessons.. Limo services being offered.. Apparently one dental student will earn $5000 for giving ‘exclusive attention’ to a German businessman for two weeks.
The INDEPENDENT reports further:
In one zona, Santo stops continually to chat with the younger girls who stand at the doors of their rooms. “Those girls when they start, they are too crazy, they start making too much money. They have sex without condoms and sometimes they get boyfriends inside of here and that’s when they get pregnant. Loads work until just before they have babies. As I say, they get crazy. They also fall in love, but with the wrong guys. They could have all the businessmen and they end up marrying a builder. I’m not discriminating but they should see the prostitutes that marry a rich guy. One married a judge and lives in luxury. Another got pregnant by a guy, married him and now has eight maids in her house.” How many actually attain this particular fantasy is unclear.
What’s love got to do with it?
Money to be made.
The World Cup is there..
I completely agree with the BLOODY DISGUSTING blog.. these ads for PS2 (like the one you see here) are just awful.. just sick.. disturbing.. almost too much.
But also strangely amazing, beautiful, and memorizing.
And I guess that is just how advertising is meant to be…
Except this one. This one really hits me the wrong way:
I blame technology and mobile porn.. and bad economies, too. This may be a laughable story to you.. but depopulation seems to be happening all without the help of eugenics.
This study seems to have no value or goodness.. But it’s worth mentioning only because people in Washington DC have sex that lasts for 2 minutes and 8 seconds..
Now you know.
This is a dry graphic article but also eye opening . While I’m not a proponent of banning anything I still think that it’s worth debating for the societal aspect of what porn is doing to men, women, and relationships.
And also, the UK GUARDIAN referring to ‘seagulling’ in the report is pretty darn British. I don’t think you’d see that in USA today.
Of course, someone may correctly point out that Shaggin Wagons and carpeted bedrooms of yesteryear were equipped with mirrors, the old fashioned way of Google Glassing it. These days it’s all techno, baby.
But you’re so vain, you probably thought the sex was about you.
So … how long before Google Glass gets banned—or used—in your bedroom?
I love how the Associated Press reported the impending Cicada-geddon:
Scientists even have a horror-movie name for the infestation: Brood II. But as ominous as that sounds, the insects are harmless. They won’t hurt you or other animals. At worst, they might damage a few saplings or young shrubs. Mostly they will blanket certain pockets of the region, though lots of people won’t ever see them.
"It’s not like these hordes of cicadas suck blood or zombify people," says May Berenbaum, a University of Illinois entomologist.
They’re looking for just one thing: sex. And they’ve been waiting quite a long time.
They waited for 17 years for cicada-loving. I will not be planning on bothering them when it starts. You shouldn’t either.
The television version of the Olympics is tame. The most risky of things broadcast so far during Olympics coverage on NBC was probably Al Roker’s awful red pants that he sported on the TODAY show. But what really goes on behind the scenes?
You know.
Come on, you know.
Sex. And a lot of it.
Olympics athletes all seem to agree on what is happening when the bright glare of cameras fades: Parties and sexual intercourse. Hope Solo even said the down and dirty athletes often take part in intercourse right out in the open. 150,000 condoms later, the Olympics teams from around the world get to know each other better than perhaps they ever thought they would.
CNN’s report featured a quote from a former gold medalist, not named:
"They know, the officials know, even the media. It’s not a secret, everyone knows!"(Sex) is all part of the Olympic spirit. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) wouldn’t say that, but it is, you can’t shy away from it. Why do you think they give away so many condoms?"
……..what was I just saying..?