Back in September 2007, the LONDON TELEGRAPH reported that Russia had tested the ‘father of all bombs’ .. this is how reporter Adam Blomfield described the new weapon at that time:
Developed in secret, the unchristened bomb, a vacuum device capable of emitting shockwaves as powerful as a nuclear weapon, was unveiled with great theatre on state television’s main evening broadcast.
Boasting that the weapon had “no match in the world,” ORT First Channel television showed a Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bomber dropping its payload over a testing ground, followed by a massive explosion. Pictures of what appeared to be crumpled multi-storey apartment blocks were also broadcast.
And the picture of what it looked like:
Things have changed since 2007. Then it was Georgia on Vlad’s mind.. Now Pootie Poot’s focus has changed, of course, to Ukraine..
But last night there was an incident that sent shockwaves over the landscape of Ukraine and across social networks—although the mainstream media thoroughly refused to report anything of it and instead focused heavily on Beyonce’s dress from the Grammy awards.
Oh and ACDC performed.. Did you see Kanye? And Beck? ! Oh the controversy.
Nonetheless, this is what last night’s explosion in Ukraine looked like:
There is also a lot of debate in the comments and reblogs of a post I put up last night showing the video of the blast, which many rumored on Twitter and Facebook to be a nuke..
Could it be that the father has been unleashed? Is it possible we are seeing a chemical weapons blast like some say, or perhaps a larger more battle-ready capable new way of killing?
I don’t know..
Speculation. Speculation.. Speculation.
But it’s worth speculating about..
This Russia Ukraine deal still has a chance of dragging the world down with it in a geo-political quagmire..
While the world seems fixated on pagan rituals and Illuminati messages at the Grammy awards, this big news just happened.. This is a photo screen grab from a video making big waves on YouTube tonight.. Some are saying is evidence of a tactical nuclear weapon being used in Ukraine.. Others say it’s evidence if a chemical weapons plant being hit..
Some speculate it’s a nuke . Others say it’s just a big big blast..
All things are sketchy right now and rumors are sort if insane
I keep thinking back to that nuclear clock moving closer to midnight.. This is a developing story worth watching..
Data from Flight Radar 24 shows that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH4, an Airbus A380 flying from Kuala Lumpur to London, was diverted from its usual route over Ukraine in favor of passing over a country that is currently under siege by ISIS terrorists, some of whom are armed with U.S.-made Stinger missiles.
Unbelievable. But true..
So .. the airliner choosing to avoid Ukraine is smart. But flying over hostile portions of Syria where another way is baking away the life and limbs of people is not smart..
Here’s the full MH4 flight path:
I am not an aviation expert.. but someone out there who may be tell me this: Is this all normal?
Hard to imagine his already horrible story getting any worse … And then SKY NEWS filed this report about bodies being treated like meaningless objects at the crash site…
This from Mental Floss.. and it’s a truly amazing story of how the nation of Ukraine has evolved.
The America. The Russia? The Britain?
Ukrainians didn’t like “the” Ukraine was bit. No “the” Ukrainians didn’t.
I guess we’re all guilty of saying it…now and then. The crisis in “the” Crimea has certainly led to people thinking about the word they say before ‘Ukraine.’
An American journalist said she was quitting a Russian-backed TV station in an on-air protest Wednesday, telling viewers “I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government, that whitewashes the actions of [President Vladimir] Putin.”
Vladimir Putin said he sees no immediate need to invade eastern Ukraine as the Obama administration prepares $1 billion in loan guarantees for the cash-strapped nation and threatens sanctions against Russia.
There is a temporary sigh of relief. Temporary.
The situation is still one in which anything can and may happen.
I listened to Clyde Lewis last night.. He titled his show "Foreign Horrorspondence" and focused on the newest world crisis in Crimea, Ukraine, and Russia. As usual, it wasn’t the typical approach you’d find from other sources.. Lewis detailed some old Nostradamus quatrains about the ‘ring of steel’ and the new world war coming after the games of slaughter. Lewis believed the games of slaughter were the 2008 Olympics—they began the same day that Russia invaded Georgia—and thinks we are heading towards a new world slaughter because of recent actions. While it wasn’t anything to do with ghosts and goblins, there show shook me.
I have always had a special place in my heart for Nostradamus, even though I believe much of the whole ‘prophecy’ business to be mostly nonsense. But something about a radio show host like Lewis bringing all of these strange facts together compels me to start believing..
If you haven’t noticed lately, it’s been feeling like ‘war’ for a while now across this planet. And we begin there today..
The nation of Ukraine is filled with a vast amount of religious people. In Crimea, one of those, a bishop, is urging calm. However, a Ukrainian Catholic leader says people must be ready to sacrifice lives..
Timing is key, on all events.. including Crimea. While the world watches turmoil and conflict, the earth wanted to be heard, too. Either HAARP is operational again or natural events led to this, but Crimea had a 4.1 earthquake yesterday..
While Sarah Palin may not be the world’s finest expert on Russian affairs—thought she could see Russia from her house—she did have this snappy one liner about how the Obama Administration is dealing with Pootie Poot: " People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates"
Perhaps the new faced-shiny Sarah is talking about this now famous photo released by the White House of Obama ‘calling’ Putin over the weekend:
The latest.. Which may be different by the time you finish reading.
Russian fighter jets have been put on combat alert over tensions in Ukraine.. Now that the Winter Games have successfully concluded for Momma Russia, Vlad the Impaler is doing as he sees fit..