Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Water Reads Your Mind, Does That Mean Water Is Alive?

This is a bit out there for me, but I can roll with it. I can head down this lane, this very watery lane. And quite frankly, as we develop more knowledge, we discover lots more. SO maybe one day we will become one with the water bottle. And we will consume what we are..

Water Reads Your Mind, Does That Mean Water Is Alive?

Friday, March 13, 2015

Confirmed: Jupiter's moon Ganymede has a salty, underground ocean

SET SAIL FOR Ganymede!

Take a deep breath.. read the headline a few times until the true power of it sinks in. Jupiter’s moon.. a salty ocean.. 

Though it may seem like eons for my, it wasn’t too long ago that I learned in school how Earth was the only planet with life and water. And there were only 9. Boom. Done.

Now there’s trillions with untoldillions to be discovered. And maybe multiverses.. and Pluto is NOT a planet. But CERES has glowing balls of light emitting from it. And we are landing on asteroids.. and there’s a ROVER on MARS watching the sunset from the distant planet.. and TITAN may have water.. And MARS may have HAD water..

And we are stardust.
And there may be aliens..
And we are not alone.

This is an amazing time to be alive. It also makes me ponder if ‘disclosure’ is going to drip out slowly .. with each new story about water on some distant body in space, are we being primed for the ultimate: Not only water is abundant, but life is too?

From the LA TIMES STORY, a money quote:

"The solar system is now looking like a pretty soggy place," said Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA. "The more we look at individual moons, the more we see that water is really in enormous abundance."

A soggy place. 
Much different than those 1980s and 90s grade school textbooks in science. And even much more different than those 2013 textbooks.

Throw them all away.

Next up?

Confirmed: Jupiter's moon Ganymede has a salty, underground ocean

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Behind Ohio drinking-water ban, a Lake Erie mystery

Phosphorus levels are lower today than they were in 2007, and in 2007 when they were higher the algae bloom being blamed for this water crisis did not exist.. among the reasons, scientists are now speculating, climate change and warmer temperatures.

But the only wrinkle of doubt and logic I will throw in that theory would be how cold all of the Great Lakes were this year, even up until now…

Behind Ohio drinking-water ban, a Lake Erie mystery

This is what store shelves in Toleda Ohio look like right now.. organisms in the water.. not a drop to drink. OR boil. 

A few reports online say that water is clear out empty in stores 25 miles away from Toledo in Delta, OH.. additionally, people are driving as far as Michigan and Indiana to buy bottled water..

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In crisis, people either act like amazing patrons of glory or rabid animals looking for a quick piece of human flesh.. In this Twitter picture, we see a car so weighed down by all the water a woman purchased that her car got stuck..

So the bottled water is gone.. remaining: Propel on the right hand side.. Perrier *(I think)* to the left.. but who drinks that..

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Study: Nearly Half Of Water Taps May Contain Bacteria That Causes Legionnaires’ Disease

The grid.. the infrastructure.. everything crumbling. And now this.

We could have used modernization years ago.. we’re beyond being not modern now.

I often wonder if the flu is hitting professionals worse this year because professionals (and lots of others) don’t have the money they once did to buy good, wholesome food. Overall diets are awful.. getting worse as prices go high. Flu shots are no match for lifestyle..

Study: Nearly Half Of Water Taps May Contain Bacteria That Causes Legionnaires’ Disease

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Just when you thought you were getting ahead of the game. . . comes this study

Sure, my pudding expires December 21 2012 and lots of other people think people in general will, too. But we can’t lose hope. Fukushima may have blasted the planet with extreme radiation.. others worry about our online rights being suddenly stripped with the next bill that has too long of an acronym to even understand anymore. And the weather is crazy, isn’t it? Slightly maddening cows hopefully didn’t get into our meat supply, even though South Korea banned our imports. We will still eat them. Beef, it’s what for dinner. 20 years later you may go mad, too.

But all that aside, life isn’t that bad, right?

Enter this study: The planet Earth is ready to face a century of disasters.

That’s right.. not just a few weeks, or a month.. or a year or two. No, this report goes all the way: A whole century. But the time humans make it to the 22nd, if we should be so lucky as a species, generations may look back on us in 2012 and say ‘these poor schmucks didn’t know what was about to hit them!’

The Royal Society seems to know. They say world population needs to be ‘stabalised’ (British spelling) in order to take awayeth from the rich nations and giveth to the poor nations.  Yes, indeed. Agenda 21 anyone? Perhaps conspiracy theories of population control are right after all?

What surprised me was that this report didn’t talk much about the most pressing issue set to face our world in the next 20 or so years: Water. Just peruse your local video rental store…..oh wait they are all shut down… Go to Netflix, you won’t find these in the local RedBox: 5 documentaries that you must see to understand the water crisis that we face—in our lifetime.. 

But instead of worrying about clean water and air… let’s frack. Seriously.. Fracking make it all go away.

But it does seem to cause an increase in manmade earthquakes, doesn’t it? If you care. Most of the fracking in rural areas anyway. And what person REALLY cares about the rural area anyway. 

Besides the Obama administration, which wants to limit what farmhands can do. 

Little House on the Prairie. Now regulated!?

Get me Bill Gates! I need a vaccine.

My rambling Thursday morning whatever. Over and out.
