Showing posts with label end of the world.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label end of the world.. Show all posts

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Thanks for the fear porn, FINANCIAL TIMES.

I guess you need to make money sexier with threats of impending doom..

Lions and tigers and bears oh my

Some good news for your Sunday morning sidewalk–tongue in cheek on that.. a reliable publication like the FINANCIAL TIMES would never attempt to just scare us with awful things, right? They have. They are giving us a list of the 12 ways the world could end.. Asteroids.. supervolcanos.. global monetary collapse.. nuclear war.. pandemic.. Perhaps my favorite though: “Unknown consequences.” The catch all. Just in case they missed any disaster scenarios, they want to go for the full wide ranging effect on your psyche. Thanks reliable reporters at FT. Never expected it from you.. (though every bit of what they reported was accurate, and probably underdone in their descriptions) ..

Friday, August 22, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This is photo taken in Cavalier County, North Dakota .. it’s Northeast of Tactical Road; southeast of Tactical Road South…

They say it tracks the end of the world… So they say…

Let’s hope the end isn’t nigh….

Monday, April 14, 2014

Are you ready for the week of paranormal oddities?
The blood moon..Shining dark in the night sky. All hell has been breaking loose for centuries. So what’s another week of hell to change anything? But if anything remotely awful happens, be prepared for an endless parade of end of the world proclamations.

Because the blood moon, the bad moon, is rising.

It will be visible in the sky starting April 15—tax day in America, no less..

The New York DAILY NEWS today reported on John Hagee and his pronouncements that America and the world needs to get ready for shaking events..  I have my own thoughts on John Hagee and all of these end of the world scenarios being planted in our brains, you can read my rant here from a week ago..

History has proven other tetrads have brought anything but the night time sounds of silence. In 1493, a year after Columbus sailed the ocean blue, Jews were expelled from Spain. 1949’s tetrad occurred after the founding of Israel—and 1967’s came during the famed SIX DAY WAR .. 

The planet Earth is in for some troubled times. And good times. It is the nature of the beast.

Living through history never is fun—let’s hope that history does not get made during this tetrad.. the cycle of the red moon is upon us..

As some prep work for the times ahead, 

When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale. The sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.- 

Revelation 6:12-14 

Born in sin. Come on in.
Born under red? We’re as good as dead…

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Meteors blood moons and planetary alignments.. This is the song stuck in my head tonight.. Make it stop!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Heads up on a hoax: Nibiru is not going to strike earth by August, regardless of what any website told you


The planet Nibiru is inbound again.

And again.

And again.

This time it’s going to be here by August, 2014.

At least that is what an email to me said today.. It amazed me that such news was abundant online, but no one alerted me to any news source actually reporting it. At this point, I am calling BS on this email and story..

The subject is none other than “Dr. Kaplan” and …well, he does not exist. As a matter of fact, the subject who made the video warning the planet of summertime doom said that the video was intended as a joke..

Too bad Kane Lynch does not realize how brutally angry Nibiru believers become when someone messes with their end of the world scenario. From Believer to Belieber. Maybe Nibiru believers will become that next…?

Heads up on a hoax: Nibiru is not going to strike earth by August, regardless of what any website told you

Monday, January 20, 2014



SIRI is predicting the end of the world.

And get this, I tried the same dates the person in this video did and I got the SAME responses.

It’s freaky.. strange.. bizarre. And explained here on the CULT OF MAC.

They report:

Apple’s personal virtual assistant Siri is a smart cookie, but she’s veered towards the apocalyptic and apocryphal this morning, predicting the opening of the gates of hell on July 27th.

If you ask Siri “What is July 27,” her response is invariably “It’s Sunday, 27 July 2014 (Opening Gates Of Hades).”

Curiously, Siri’s timetable for this imaginary apocalypse changes quite significantly if you reworded the question. Ask her explicitly when the gates of hell are opening, and she’ll tell you that we’ve actually all been living in hell since May 14, 2005.

Both of these, of course, are just funny errors on the part of Wolfram Alpha, the computational engine that drives many of Siri’s queries.

When Siri claims the gates of hades will open next July, she’s actually talking about the Chinese ghost month, which is the 7th month of the lunar year, and which Chinese legend says is accompanied by the opening of both the gates of hell and heaven.

As for Siri saying that we’ve all been living in hell since the gates were thrown 2005, she might be right, but what she’s actually referring to is the opening of Hades, which appears to have been a mid-2000’s bar or club in Gates, New York. It isn’t around anymore.

I really don’t care who explains it.. to hear it myself on my own iPhone is creepy as hell…

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Thanks to UNDER THE DOME last night, this song has re-entered pop culture …and it’s much creepier than it was when the love song originally debuted. 

And if the world was going to end today, this Skeeter Davis song would be the perfect signoff.  

Cue it up CNN. Let’s be ready.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Smoke em while you got em: Potentially lethal gamma-ray burst from star WR 104 could reach earth

This is a serious news story. It’s gone mainstream.. WR 104, a ‘Wolf-Rayet star’ about 8,000 light years away, could go supernova any day now.. Really, ANY DAY NOW. And if it does, rays from the explosion deep in space could actually reach our our little blue dot known as earth. 

As FOX news reports:

"We could see it go supernova anywhere from tomorrow to 500,000 years from now," astronomer Grant Hill told Forbes"For all intents and purposes, the gamma-ray burst and optical photons from the supernova would arrive simultaneously."

A quarter of our atmospheric ozone could be wiped away..?

The earth should follow this story as closely as it can…

supernova remnant.jpg

Smoke em while you got em: Potentially lethal gamma-ray burst from star WR 104 could reach earth

Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it.

I feel fine.

It’s funny, I recall years back in me teenage years in high school during the late 20th century.. Bill Clinton was having relations that he denied, the economy was great, and I was putting cheap gas into my first car in order to drive around and waste it. Oh, and I was making tons of jokes that by the time 2012 came, nothing would matter since it was the end of the world. Kids back then didn’t know what I meant. But I always prided myself in knowing the best of the doom and gloom scenarios of the future. (Water wars by 2025 I predict)..

And now here we are! Doomsday 2012! The Mayan calender is set to end this month, or some say. A new period of time begins. Or the end occurs. 

So it’s only natural that panic is setting in. While most people partied like it was 1999 when the century turned 21, others though Y2K would shut the world down and bring about the end of our world.. Others committed suicide when a comet flew by earth. We have been here before. Panic and fear.

But this is the big one. This is the mother of all end time scenarios. 

Even though Mayans are getting pretty angry that people are misinterpreting their calender, we are still doing it.. People are stockpiling food. A certain bit of the collective consciousness thinks the end is nigh. 

Here we go. It’s going to be a wild ride to the end of the Mayan calender.

Did anyone ever wonder why the Mayans just didn’t buy a new calender when their old one ended??? I guess there were few book stores back then, too.. 

So which of the four horsemen is your favorite? The pale one? And with him comes death.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I am feeling exhausted

My son has been a little under the weather for a few days. My wife is in bed early. I am heading there soon, too. 

Listen, I love this time of year. Autumn leaves .. the colors.. the cool breeze. But this year something is nagging deep at my spirit. The perpetual onslaught of time isn’t helping. The constant transition from season to season, year to year.. all seems to be speeding up.

And this year, my perhaps more-fragile-than-they-should-be 32 year old bones are feeling the weather change. So is a bear that ate garbage near my house last night. And three snakes stuck on a sticky trap that tried to get in my house last week. Everyone seems to have a sense of dread for this winter..

Maybe because it’s 12/21/12. The end. Or just the beginning. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it.. and I feel.... like it's not true!

Anyone in the Nibiru camp knows who John Moore is. Moore has been talking about Navy maps and all the like for decades. Planet X, or as I like to call it, Planet X-y Sexy, is coming in for a landing soon, so says The Liberty Man Moore.

In recent weeks, the internet has lit up into a frenzy of activity yet again, as now Moore has predicted DATES of x-y Sexy’s arrival: It may be as soon as August 17, he said. This year! Like in a few days! 

Here is a link if you’d like to read more of the theory.. And it’s interesting that even the conspiracy-minded folks over at Godlike Productions are questioning the doom and gloom logic of the Liberty Man.

But tonight, George Noory’s Coast to Coast AM (don’t you wish Art Bell was still the voice of late night???) is going to take us for a wild ride into the land of Nibiru as well. Not sure if he will mention John Moore’s latest predictions of doom, but he will host a show with  ”archeo-astronomers” and “researchers” about planet X. 

I just sigh at the thoughts of this one. I love conspiracies. And yes, I even love hearing things about the famed planet x. Not that I believe it.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the 200 MPH winds will tear me to shreds—if of course the 200 foot tidal wave doesn’t get me first. Or maybe the pole shift will melt my brain.. or maybe the comets will cause nuclear explosions across the planet when the New Madrid fault blows.. or Yellowstone goes.. or…

I’m just tired.


Maybe I’ll wake up at 1AM EDT to hear if George Noory’s blabbering about planet X and Nibiru. 

Though I still miss Art Bell.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Just when you thought you were getting ahead of the game. . . comes this study

Sure, my pudding expires December 21 2012 and lots of other people think people in general will, too. But we can’t lose hope. Fukushima may have blasted the planet with extreme radiation.. others worry about our online rights being suddenly stripped with the next bill that has too long of an acronym to even understand anymore. And the weather is crazy, isn’t it? Slightly maddening cows hopefully didn’t get into our meat supply, even though South Korea banned our imports. We will still eat them. Beef, it’s what for dinner. 20 years later you may go mad, too.

But all that aside, life isn’t that bad, right?

Enter this study: The planet Earth is ready to face a century of disasters.

That’s right.. not just a few weeks, or a month.. or a year or two. No, this report goes all the way: A whole century. But the time humans make it to the 22nd, if we should be so lucky as a species, generations may look back on us in 2012 and say ‘these poor schmucks didn’t know what was about to hit them!’

The Royal Society seems to know. They say world population needs to be ‘stabalised’ (British spelling) in order to take awayeth from the rich nations and giveth to the poor nations.  Yes, indeed. Agenda 21 anyone? Perhaps conspiracy theories of population control are right after all?

What surprised me was that this report didn’t talk much about the most pressing issue set to face our world in the next 20 or so years: Water. Just peruse your local video rental store…..oh wait they are all shut down… Go to Netflix, you won’t find these in the local RedBox: 5 documentaries that you must see to understand the water crisis that we face—in our lifetime.. 

But instead of worrying about clean water and air… let’s frack. Seriously.. Fracking make it all go away.

But it does seem to cause an increase in manmade earthquakes, doesn’t it? If you care. Most of the fracking in rural areas anyway. And what person REALLY cares about the rural area anyway. 

Besides the Obama administration, which wants to limit what farmhands can do. 

Little House on the Prairie. Now regulated!?

Get me Bill Gates! I need a vaccine.

My rambling Thursday morning whatever. Over and out.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The struggle in the Catholic Church: The "Monsignors' Mutiny" now revealed

The struggle inside the Holy See may even have a longer-term effect, on the choice of the man to succeed Benedict when he dies…

And if it’s Peter the Roman, I’ll conclude that the Prophecy of the Popes is right and the world is quickly coming to an end……….. really.

The struggle in the Catholic Church: The "Monsignors' Mutiny" now revealed

Monday, August 8, 2011

Question for science folks?

What scares you the most:

  1. Solar flares?

  2. Asteroids?

  3. Comets?

  4. The unknown

Just wondering.

For me, it’s probably solar fares… At least there’s the possibility we’d be hit with an asteroid by surprise, but a solar flare? …we got hours of knowledge before it strikes. The ‘knowing’ scares me more than the unknowns…

Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm looking for answers here....

Readers, viewers, listeners, fans, friends… Give me your thoughts… I had a late night Father’s Day talk with my own father last night. We dicussed some interesting issues, including this: What would happen if robots took over earth? Would they suck away oxygen? ..destroy humans? … kill us all? It could happen. We have given our technology almost more power than us..Send me your thoughts on my open lines page.. And I’ll answer..