This article goes to great pains attempting to explain why Stephen Colbert is failing in ratings.. One theory even says he is too smart for his audience.
I disagree.
If you read back in the annals of this website, I predicted it would fail.. I thought this was a moment for CBS to name a female host for late night.. It was the moment. They blew it.
People don’t like politics at night. For that, they turn to the DAILY SHOW. For late night, they want silly lip synch battles, or as David Letterman once did, sidewalk races..
People want something to make their minds forget the day before bed.
Colbert reminds them of everything about the day they hated.
And that is why they turned to Fallon and will not turn away.
Bill Carter: How Jimmy Fallon Crushed Stephen Colbert (and Everyone Else in Late Night)