Showing posts with label time magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time magazine. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2015

Yesterday, after seeing the newest cover of TIME magazine, I noted that Hillary Clinton is the latest in a long line of people to get the dreaded devil horns. 

Seems that, while few ready my site and I have little importance, I was on to something that will not trend and become a story. Because today, TIME MAGAZINE is investigating why it keeps putting devil horns on people. Really.

Maybe it’s time that insiders start reading COAL SPEAKER on a regular basis.. We’re ahead of the curve as usual, with very few noting it.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

This was eventual.. TIME MAGAZINE gave her the devil horns M curse.. many have receieved.. Hillary is the latest
Whether implied or not, a sillouette with a set of devil ears makes the newsstands..

Saturday, August 23, 2014


TIME’s new cover on the tragedy of Ferguson: How the shooting of Michael Brown reignited the race conversation. 

Good cover image, captures the moment well… but even more interesting is the group of people who write about it: Joe Klein, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Rand Paul.. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tin foil hats to get re-fitted with today's news

I wrote a short post on March 19 2014 about TIME magazine and various other sources laughing at medical conspiracy theories.. That day those news orgs were poking fun at anyone who thought African Americans were injected with HIV. I pointed out facts of the past to illustrate why such conspiracy theories were held dear in some minds, such as info that the government injected some with syphilis and plutonium..  

And now today, there is real to believe that real medical conspiracies continue.. The government has been performing dangerous experimentation, using dangerous pollutants on human beings in tests..

According to the information, the tests took place between the year 2010 and 2011. here is how the DAILY CALLER sums it up:

The EPA conducted five experiments in 2010 and 2011 to look at the health effects of particulate matter, or PM, and diesel exhaust on humans. The IG’s report found that the EPA did get consent forms from 81 people in five studies. But the IG also found that “exposure risks were not always consistently represented.”

“Further, the EPA did not include information on long-term cancer risks in its diesel exhaust studies’ consent forms,” the IG’s report noted. “An EPA manager considered these long-term risks minimal for short-term study exposures” but “human subjects

And this:

No one was killed during the test, but a source close to the issue says that one test subject — a 58-year-old obese woman with medical problems and a family history of heart disease — was ordered to go to the hospital by the EPA after being exposed to “ambient air pollution particles” in October 2010.

It always fascinates me that so many can get angry about testing unsuspecting animals but turn a blind eye to humans being subjected to dangerous experimentation?  OH.. and they tested this on children, too.  CHILDREN. And then when people rightly point out real medical conspiracies, they are put down as conspiracy mongering tin foil hat wearing sky is falling nutjobs?

Until you answer that, I will be adjusting my tin foil hat to encompass the new news of this medical conspiracy non-theory.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Time Magazine in 1994 said that Kim Jong Il ‘may be more dangerous than Saddam.’

That certainly turned out to be true.. 

By the way, in 1994, Kim Jong Un was probably about 8 or 9 years old. And his dad was on TIME.

Friday, June 15, 2012

I was a young subscriber to TIME magazine, and I remember getting this issue in 1993. I now look back … I was 13 then and I am 31 now. I am a father. Wow.. I am what I’d never thought I’d be when I was 13. But now I am completely fine with that… It just fascinates me how life changes. By the way, I am posting this while my son, Ayden, is messily trying to eat his chicken noodle soup. He got mad at first that there were no crackers in his soup… I am at his command. 

Yes, indeed, how life changes.

I wonder what will be on TIME magazine when he is 13. I wonder if there will be a TIME when he is 13……….

(By the time I was done writing this post, at 7:13 pm EDT this Friday night, Ayden dumped the entire bowl of chicken soup on the floor. Guess he’s not hungry)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Men in power behaving badly

TIME magazine’s upcoming edition has a cover story that asks why men of power act like pigs.. Of course the reference is direct to the Kahn Man of the IMF being accused of raping a women in a hotel in New York City .. he was of course arrested this past weekend before going back to Paris. 

Dominique Strauss-Kahn is just another example of a long line of powerful people ravaging the innocent, the weak, or children..

In my humble opinion, perhaps one of the best examples from our fuzzy memory of men behaving badly—horribly, criminally, and disgustingly—comes from the 1980s into the 90s, when a rising star named Larry King in the Republican party ended up in a legal mess, financial crisis, and sex scandal that some said weaved its way into the highest halls of government within the United States

And sadly, there will be more Kings and Kahn men… twas always thus, and perhaps always thus will be. The good people of earth should hope for a judgement in an afterlife, far from the bounds of humanity, and closer to the hounds of hell where some people who trample down the innocent deserve to be.

Friday, April 1, 2011

TIME magazine offers this up: The ‘kill shot’ trophy image is nothing new..

An “everybody’s doing it” defense..?

But an excuse for the trashing of the human rights of civilians? No excuse.. Sorry TIME, no excuse..

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Interesting TIME cover this week..

Not sure what Reagan would think of it.

Heck, not sure what Obama thinks of it.