The first–and potentially last–selfie of 16..
Continue to do that and I will continue as best I can to keep writing, posting, and attempting to educate your senses..
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This song dedicated to Angie. RIP.
thedoomreport IT was the fun not knowing.. the idea that the truth was just ‘out there’ on the X FILES, and all of that was just fake. Right? All fun and fake.. Soup Nazis on Seinfeld and the Clinton scandals that weren’t really. Those were the days—the 90s were a decade about nothing. A decade in which we were infuriated about issues that didn’t matter. And I was moving through my teens toward 20, paying less than a buck a gallon for gas in a little Chevy car and staying awake often until sunrise listening to Art Bell with my father or friends.
Then the knowing began as I aged.. After 9/11, after floods and fury across the globe. And I began to know..
The knowing..
The fun all happens before that.
Thanks for the question—it made me think..
Yesterday, after seeing the newest cover of TIME magazine, I noted that Hillary Clinton is the latest in a long line of people to get the dreaded devil horns.
Seems that, while few ready my site and I have little importance, I was on to something that will not trend and become a story. Because today, TIME MAGAZINE is investigating why it keeps putting devil horns on people. Really.
Maybe it’s time that insiders start reading COAL SPEAKER on a regular basis.. We’re ahead of the curve as usual, with very few noting it.
I got some questions this weekend with my 'open lines' but nothing worthy of a mention..Feel free to try to impress me with just another factoid or question that may rock my world.
In the mean time, I have a somewhat selfish question for a reason.. I have this website, COAL SPEAKER, but I also have another one named the HORROR REPORT—something for the more surreal and unreal headlines, it’s coded with Wordpress, and it’s been around for a long time. I made a mirror site and, quite suddenly, the traffic on the secondary location surged higher than the original..
Mind you, either site you choose is probably one you’ve never heard of, of course that is unless you caught the brief millisecond of time the HORROR REPORT appeared on BROAD CITY..
Anyway, to make a not-needed-to-be-wordy post less wordy, I would ask a favor of anyone who has time.. send me a message or email and tell me which is your choice: www.horrorreport.com or www.nightterrornews.com .. at this time, they will be identical in all ways except design..
Thanks for the time, if you have it.
The Coal Speaker Christmas 2014 family portrait has been taken. Mutley is edging in closer.. The leg lamp is on. The Christmas lights, though, are still balled up in a disgraceful mess on the desk. My wife Tara is a graduate and, as you can see, Ayden is fully engaged with snow and throwing it accordingly at me..
A little not: Ayden requested Frankenstein in a Christmas hat. Really.
He sees the little logo on top of CoalSpeaker.com when either update the site or view it.. he always stops and tells me to include Frankenstein, because he says Frankie is a ‘good guy.’
So he joins the family in the Christmas spirit.
Have not gotten the time to get much to this site in a bit.. Sporadic events of the real kind have kept me from it.. Le me apologize to anyone who is concerned. Unless you already forgot about me and moved on.. As happens so often online.
Stay tuned for more. Or less.
Or neither.
Are you reading my website, LES MOONVES?
I was shocked tonight to see a story making the rounds saying that Chelsea Handler is in talks to be the next host of a late night show as David Letterman plans his exit from the network—maybe not Letterman’s slot, but something.
The reason for my surprise: In March 2013 I nominated Chelsea Handler for late night! That’s right.. I voted my confidence in her to host a show and said she should be considered for Leno’s then soon to be open position instead of Jimmy Fallon.
And I cannot believe March 2013 is already beyond a year ago…
I wrote this in 2013:
Actually.. I think it’s time for a woman to take over some air time on late night TV.. And no, not Oprah. I think the best choice for the future of late night would be Chelsea Handler. I am serious about that. She would bring a creative feeling to late night—and if she’s put into the Fallon slot, she would be able to continue her irreverent style of comedy..
She didn’t get Fallon’s. She may get Letterman’s.
What I wrote in 2013 still applies in ‘14.. She’s primed, she’s rested. And ready.
Is America?
Piers Morgan wasn’t.
And that’s another reason she gets my vote.
Check out ArtBell.com .. there’s something brewing there even more than before.. Letters in the words ‘Wanna take a ride?” are linking to YouTube videos. I frequent the CoastGab.com forum. While I was soundly sleeping last night on the East Coast, someone in the high desert chose to link CoalSpeaker.com! That’s right.. and I missed it. Thankfully, I was able to read about it on CoastGab this morning.. Soon after my article about Ross Mitchell leaving Coast to Coast AM was linked, so it was taken down and replaced with a link to the Alien in the Freezer show from the 1990s.. But for a brief moment in time, CoalSpeaker was noticed .. Pretty cool stuff. I am proud my little site was seen by Art Bell himself. Cool stuff.
Now he needs to gets his feet out of the desert sand and return to the night’s airwaves. George Noory has ruined them long enough..
And I mean brief moment..
Very humbling.
Hopefully my crazy talk tonight on 432 hz didn’t drive you away..
I lost two followers after I posted a link to a video about Poland’s tornadoes.
I lost another follower tonight when I said I want politics out of the BATMAN movies.
And finally, I lost 7 followers after I posted the story about foie gras.
I guess there is just something about me people don’t like.