Maybe by the time you read this it will be happening…
N. Korea prepared to use nukes ‘any time’ it feels threated by US – DPRK Ambassador to UK
Maybe by the time you read this it will be happening…
The world takes notice to KIM’s new haircut: It defies gravity and is the new rage of social networking.. Of course for all of the wrong reasons..No one ever said dictators had style..
It is time to send Dennis Rodman back to North Korea to solve this world crisis..
It’s amazing to see the amount of conflagration across the planet earth right now. in 1914, there was a ‘shot heard around the world’ as Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.. that event was the historical blame for the trigger that began World War I—the ‘war to end all wars.’ The end never came.. but a second world war did..
Will the events of 2014, one hundred years on, lead to world war 3? Are we ripe for another strange occurrence to electrify the current charge of the planet?
There seem to be so many battles right now, and so many needless deaths. Brutal, and disgusting kills.. sickening events as the devil incarnate advances throughout the continents of the planet.
But…what will be that ‘trigger’ that begins the next big conflict? The war to end all wars, 21st century style?
North Korea is in the grips of a crystal meth epidemic. And now 99% pure crystal meth from North Korea is flooding United States drugs markets.. According to DAILY MAIL’s report on the North Korean nightmare, the drug is so common there that people are offered it as much as coffee or tea would be to guests in other countries. And in America? Meth has been found in lots of small hometowns across the fruited plain. Now 99% purity is on the way–thanks to corruption and drug gangs in North Korea.
Great.. this is the last thing the already meth-addicted coal region of Pennsylvania needs. The pure stuff..
Well.. the war never did end.
As if Kim Jong Un and fake stories about mandations of his haircut is not worrying enough, this happened hours ago: North Korea and South Korea traded fire during military drills—real fire. Real artillery.
Residents on five front line islands in South Korea were in shelters for hours ..
I saw a number of news articles poking ‘fun’ and making humorous quips about Kim Jong UN forcing students to copy his hair style..
Some laughed at how bad the hair looked to begin with.. others were making jokes saying “bad hair days” are coming for North Korean students. BUT.. is it even true!!?
Maybe not.. the most recent AP dispatch from Tokyo says that there are baseless rumors of hair cuts happening, and there is no evidence to point to anything showing that an official UN edict has been issued.
Word to the wise: The hair story probably is not real, but even if it was, it would be a distraction from the real news of North Korea.
You know, like the real news that North Korea has hell-on-earth style death camps that offer up a endless amount of brutal torture and inhumane killing..
Oh, and the fact that Kim Jong UN has an isolated regime and ………drumroll please…nuclear weapons.
His bad hair cut is meaningless compared to his real threat to the world.
Yesterday we linked up news that the UN was going to condemn Lil Kim Jong Un in North Korea for crimes against humanity.
They did. And I read the report almost in full.. it reads like Nazi Germany.
I really get angry at people who say the atrocities committed during World War II are limited to the 20th Century.
Clearly they are not—they are happening now and Kim Jong Un is just one of the global players destroying goodness on this planet with his evil acts.
China has now rejected ‘unreasonable’ criticism of North Korea—obvious global political games still being played even though babies and innocent people are being slaughtered by Kim..
The UN report says that the crimes in North Korea has no parallel un the contemporary world. I fear they are wrong on that..
Perhaps the worst of the worst is Kim Jong UN forced mothers to drown their newborn children..
This is the state of horror in the world—the real kind..
There is testimony from behind the cell walls of prison camps in North Korea. CNN reports this:
"A North Korean prison camp survivor told of a pregnant woman in a condition of near-starvation who gave birth to a baby — a new life born against all odds in a grim camp. A security agent heard the baby’s cries and beat the mother as a punishment. She begged him to let her keep the baby, but he kept beating her. With shaking hands, the mother was forced to pick up her newborn and put the baby face down in water until the cries stopped and a water bubble formed from the newborn’s mouth."
Beyond disgusting..beyond horrific.
This is real…
The crimes being committed against humanity are dreadful and continuous..
And now the big question at the United Nations:
Will NK ally China block action?
Kim Jong-un is believed to have ordered the total elimination of his uncle’s biological relatives. The terrifying purge reportedly started straight after Jang Sung-Taeks execution and is to demonstrate the Kim Jong Un’s “decisiveness.”
The PURGE is real.. it’s happening in North Korea.. The ghastly story has been reported by South Korean news agencies.. Reports indicate that some of the murdered resisted, so much so that they were dragged from their residences and shot dead in front of others.
The word on the street in South Korea, as portrayed by South Korean President Park Geun-Hye:
"North Korea is now engaged in a reign of terror while carrying out a massive purge to consolidate the power of Kim Jong-Un”
This is bizarre. Dennis Rodman just can’t stop loving Lil Kim Un..
It was a big to-do. Even Dennis Rodman was called in for his covert mission back to the nation.
But now we find out some more horrid details.. apparently Un’s Unc was eaten alive by 120 dogs for his ‘treachery’..this according to Chinese media tonight.
This is the first time public accounts have been rendered a to how Un did his deed…
What a way to start a new year..
I think one day we will find out that Dennis Rodman is a paid secret intelligent asset of the United States government.. today is is again in North Korea to 'see a friend.' He seems to go see that friend every time Lil Kim tries to end the world or cause destruction, the latest is an execution..
This time though, we are told in press releases, that he’s there to train the Pyongyang basketball team.
Good luck Dennis. Save the world.
This is the future of war. You thought the weapons of today were modern, think again.. drones will be nothing compared to am EMP attack.. if this story is correct, we are getting awfully close to dramatically dangerous hands getting horrendous weapons of war.
The 21st century, still filled with violence, pestilence, and sickness and sadness.
Have the dark ages returned?
If so, LOTS OF CONTRACTORS and weapons manufactures are having quite the field day with creating a bleak future. Hope the enjoy the money while their ATMs work..
Dennis Rodman maybe did not do so well this time around..? North Korea weighs in again on the foreign policy map: They have put their army on alert and warned the United States of ‘a horrible disaster’
South Korea says that the North has restarted nuclear reactor..
Military on ‘emergency posture’
And.. just curious, has anyone heard from Rodman since his last North Korean visit to Lil Kim??
….to be fair, if Lil Kim did this we’d be sending Dennis Rodman over there. But the South can get away with flaring up tensions?
Speaking of Dennis.. has he returned from North Korea yet!? Perhaps Lil Kim got a new bride..?
This is a must read and horribly sad..