This is bizarre. Dennis Rodman just can’t stop loving Lil Kim Un..
Angry Dennis Rodman defends North Korea basketball game
This is bizarre. Dennis Rodman just can’t stop loving Lil Kim Un..
It was a big to-do. Even Dennis Rodman was called in for his covert mission back to the nation.
But now we find out some more horrid details.. apparently Un’s Unc was eaten alive by 120 dogs for his ‘treachery’..this according to Chinese media tonight.
This is the first time public accounts have been rendered a to how Un did his deed…
What a way to start a new year..
I think one day we will find out that Dennis Rodman is a paid secret intelligent asset of the United States government.. today is is again in North Korea to 'see a friend.' He seems to go see that friend every time Lil Kim tries to end the world or cause destruction, the latest is an execution..
This time though, we are told in press releases, that he’s there to train the Pyongyang basketball team.
Good luck Dennis. Save the world.
Dennis Rodman maybe did not do so well this time around..? North Korea weighs in again on the foreign policy map: They have put their army on alert and warned the United States of ‘a horrible disaster’
South Korea says that the North has restarted nuclear reactor..
Military on ‘emergency posture’
And.. just curious, has anyone heard from Rodman since his last North Korean visit to Lil Kim??
….to be fair, if Lil Kim did this we’d be sending Dennis Rodman over there. But the South can get away with flaring up tensions?
Speaking of Dennis.. has he returned from North Korea yet!? Perhaps Lil Kim got a new bride..?
I think this calls for TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE, part 2.
No word on what role Dennis Rodman would play.. or whose side he’d be on anyway.
Lots of people are being critical of Dennis Rodman meeting with Lil Kim in Korea.. others are simply confused by the whole event.
As for me? perhaps it’s high time to hire on Rodman for the CIA or any other alphabet organization. After all, if you can make Lil Kim smile and laugh, maybe you can stop from from creating a conflagration of nuclear hell on earth? Just maybe.
And for kicks, throw in Michael Jordan.. Just keep ShaQuille O’Neal away from the scene.