I’m not a firm believer in the humanity of people.. Proof in the pudding comes from the endless supplies of Facebook posts on a daily basis about bad parenting and suffering children.. It getting rough to surf around my least favorite social network these days..
The latest this morning came with a story if a woman from West Virginia putting feces in her child’s IV in a hospital causing his fever to spike and also resulting in children and youth taking him..
I am constantly reminded by commenting friends on these stories..
I’m inundated with links on my news feed of horrible things happening to the most innocent..
And then after comments are made or ‘like’ is clicked people move on to the next heartbreaking tragedy..
This is how click porn is done on Facebook now: Offer up the worst of the worst for people to sink their teeth into ,just for clicks on a news story or website. Leaving the Facebook user with a lack of hope by noon..
I for one am ready to check out..
I already have no hope in my fellow humans, and I really and getting cost ed by all of the evidence that adds to my anger at people..
Maybe a little zoning out from Facebook is necessary.. Perhaps it’s time to click off and tune out. Or just filter things a hit better than I previously have..
Otherwise the constant flow of horrid news stories of children facing awful consequences at he hands of care givers or supposed parental figures will continue to obscure the beauty that exists in life.
At least I think there’s still some beauty and goodness.
If not that at least there’s mystery.
And obviously misery too..
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