Showing posts with label patriot act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patriot act. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2013

HERE GOES THE GUARDIAN: Revealed: the top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant

Normally government dumps info on a Friday. In this case, the government is probably dreading Friday GUARDIAN runs. Each time the information being revealed about the United States spy program becomes more and more interesting..

HERE GOES THE GUARDIAN: Revealed: the top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It’s Snowden-slime time. 

Get ready.

He leaked big information about what the government does to surveil people. And now embarrassing photos are being sent online of him in 2002 (when he was much,  much younger) .. if this is the worst they got?? well.. that’s not bad. But I am sure his calls were traced and recorded too. So get ready for that.

Be a star! Ask for your FBI file.. But would you post it on Facebook?

You can Google your own name.. you can deeply search images on Facebook.. but do you really want to know what is known about you but the ‘powers that be?’ By the man?

A new pop industry has developed helping you request your NSA or FBI file from the government! 

It’s called and it’s free of charge.. Ahhhh.. yes, the creativity of the net..

Of course you can just do it the ‘old fashioned’ way and ask for the file yourself from the FBI. But … asking for a file perhaps creates a file that didn’t exist to begin with? Oh the irony.. What to do, what to do..

Friday, June 7, 2013

Documents: U.S. mining data from 9 leading Internet firms; companies deny knowledge

I suppose if the government would have attempted to extract data from Tumblr servers, they would have consistently received the same message that users typically receive when they try to update their websites: ‘WE’RE SORRY, SERVICE IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE’ 

Documents: U.S. mining data from 9 leading Internet firms; companies deny knowledge

Thursday, June 6, 2013

President Obama’s Dragnet -

Wow.. This is a MUST read from the NEW YORK TIMES..

And this was written BEFORE we found out that the FBI and the NSA tap directly into severs of nine top net companies getting just about everything that everybody does online..


President Obama’s Dragnet -

NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret files reveal

The UK GUARDIAN reporting continues.. This new amazing story is rocking the rest of the world that wasn’t rocked by the Verizon story this morning…

NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret files reveal

YES. We hear you. And you hear us.

The world of telecommunications was rocked today when the UK GUARDIAN reported that a FISA court ordered Verizon to provide records of calls of millions of Americans on an ongoing, daily basis. And now the  Obama Administration is defending the program as ‘critical’ for safety and the fight against terrorism..

Another report on CNN attempts to break down  what exactly the Verizon/FISA/NSA/FBI/Patriot Act issue means for you.. the report concludes that the government cannot hear what you are saying.. At least we think that according to the document released today in the GUARDIAN. We don’t know what other documents exist that have not been leaked…

Lots of people are angry. Some, including Senator Lindsay Graham, assert that they are fine with it because they didn’t do anything wrong…

But the far-reaching program appears to presume someone is doing something wrong.. Constitutional questions are involved.. privacy questions are involved.. Lots of big issues are at stake. This is important, and another issue of government surveillance that hits directly into every home across the United States.

With the news of the day *(everyday)* this is how I now feel..

Let's answer Al Gore's question

He asked this:

In the digital era, privacy must be a priority. Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous?

I ask the same. Is it?

Well.. yes I guess you can hear us now.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Patriot Act is literally the destruction of the 4th Amendment. That’s what it’s all about.

Ron Paul CPAC 2011 (via evilteabagger)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


House debate tonight on Patriot Act extension that Obama wants.. Vote also expected tonight..