The world of telecommunications was rocked today when the UK GUARDIAN reported that a FISA court ordered Verizon to provide records of calls of millions of Americans on an ongoing, daily basis. And now the Obama Administration is defending the program as ‘critical’ for safety and the fight against terrorism..
Another report on CNN attempts to break down what exactly the Verizon/FISA/NSA/FBI/Patriot Act issue means for you.. the report concludes that the government cannot hear what you are saying.. At least we think that according to the document released today in the GUARDIAN. We don’t know what other documents exist that have not been leaked…
Lots of people are angry. Some, including Senator Lindsay Graham, assert that they are fine with it because they didn’t do anything wrong…
But the far-reaching program appears to presume someone is doing something wrong.. Constitutional questions are involved.. privacy questions are involved.. Lots of big issues are at stake. This is important, and another issue of government surveillance that hits directly into every home across the United States.