Some of the latest news: The only thing that can stop the US economy now, experts say, is an oil shock. GOOD THING THAT WON'T HAPPEN
$4 a gallon. $5.00 a gallon. Try $6
Hastings sees gasoline having “no problem” getting to $6.50 a gallon over the summer after increased demand and storm disruptions come into play.
…and if there was any economic recovery, say goodnight Irene if oil keeps rising.
I think it was Gorilla Monsoon from the old 80’s WWF should perfected the saying ‘goodnight Irene.’
I wonder if Irene ever slept, really.. And if she still can knowing she will have to spend her entire savings by Memorial Day just to fill up her car was gas?
Some unpleasant evening oil prices.. shockingly high.. frighteningly increasing as the seconds tick on..