Try to fathom these numbers: 280,000 and 970,000 abandoned oil and gas wells .. and if only a slight amount are leaking methane, that is not at all trivial.
Thousands of oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania suspected of leaking methane
Try to fathom these numbers: 280,000 and 970,000 abandoned oil and gas wells .. and if only a slight amount are leaking methane, that is not at all trivial.
This is a must must must must read for anyone in Pennsylvania, or anyone who thinks drilling in the Marcellus Shale is without its share of dangers..
That is not too long from now.
It begs the question:
If we have waged wars for oil in the past, will someone wage a war for oil on us in the future?
Race against the clock in Pennsylvania as work continues to stop fracking fluid from leaking at the site of a gas well spill.. Waste water spewed from the well and now officials are watching for fracking fluid in fresh streams and eventually rivers..