This makes some true sense to me and is one step closer to what I feel the real truth is; Our reincarnated selves are being motivated in fear because of trauma in past existences.
Phobias may be memories passed down in genes from ancestors
This makes some true sense to me and is one step closer to what I feel the real truth is; Our reincarnated selves are being motivated in fear because of trauma in past existences.
A little boy identified a man he said killed him in his past life, and even showed where the body and murder weapon were buried. The man admitted to the crime.
This is a fascinating story from the Golan Heights region near the border of Syria and Israel.. If we are to believe what we read, a 3-year-old boy remembered not only how he died (and ax to the head) but also the person who killed him.
We are also led to believe from the article that the boy led his parents to the murder site. There they found an ax and bones of a body. Also when he confronted the man who he said killed his former self, we are told again, the man confessed to murder as his face ‘turned pale.’
This comes from Eli Lasch, a leading German regressionist in the past lives realm.
This is a matter for discernment, I’d suppose.
Belief in reincarnation seemingly can cut across religious background. I know some Muslims and Catholics who are very open to the concept of reincarnation. I also know some atheists that would never entertain the thought.
The part of this whole story I found most doubtful is that we had a story of a ‘boy’ and a ‘man,’ a ‘family’ and a ‘murder site.’ No names are places were revealed..
Even more, if the story is accurate and we have a real life case of a past life matter, how can we be sure the person regressing this boy did not plant false memories? What scientific assurances can we be given?
After all.. a ’3-year-old confronting’ his murderer?
My son is a little over 3. He loves Scooby Doo and the Care Bears. I cannot imagine him confronting any adult about issues of this nature. Of course, every child is different.
I have long wondered before Ayden was 3 and soon to be 4 (next year) if he would relay some moments of his past lives.. So far nothing. I also asked him where heaven was, who God is, and where he came from. He dodged my questions as only an artful toddler could..
But in the Golan Heights we have a miracle child..
The ax marks the spot.
Video of 3-year-old boy ‘celebrating’ Mass becomes online hit
A lot of religious folks are celebrating the ‘celebration’ of mass that this 3-year-old is taking part in.. But it raises a question for me that is quite the opposite of one that some Christians may believe: Does this prove, or at least give weight to the argument, that reincarnation happens.
More from the article ( From a religious based site):
His relatives told reporters that last Christmas, Jaramillo did not ask for toys like most kids his age. Instead, he wanted “priest’s clothes” and the objects necessary to “celebrate” Mass. He has learned to recite the Mass from memory with the corresponding pauses, intonations and gestures of an experienced priest.
It is obviously plausible that this boy was the product of his environment.. His family perhaps was very religious, causing him to want these items and learn what he did. And kids at 3 could be very intelligent. But.. could it also be at least possible that maybe he is bringing his baggage with him from a previous life? I say yes.
And maybe that makes me someone in the minority. But I say yes.
I am an Art Bell fan. There are nights I can’t stand current Noory Coast to Coast AM. Maybe he means well but the night lacks the magic it once did. Being the Bell fan I am, I listen often to U7 radio and radio… often they play blasts from the pasts of aliens in the freezer and Area 51 conspiracy… from those old days of 1999. 2000. 2001. 2002. All time gone by..
Today in particular I listened to a show during my morning commute from 1999 about reincarnation. It was typical Art Bell. But 1999!? March of 1999 to be exact. I was 18 and not even done high school yet, that would come in June of that year. So I wondered what exactly I was doing that night.. where I was… how I felt. How the years have gone by.. how remarkable they have been, but how incredibly fast they are, as well.
On the same front, my niece turned 21 this past weekend… Wow. That is big. Considering that I remember, not vaguely but fondly, playing with her when she was born. I was just a kid, full of energy, crawling around. Now with my own son there are some nights my legs cramp up and my back kills me. I am only 31 but often wonder … if this is how 31 feels I dread 40. And 50.
And before I know it I will be 40, 50, and 60. Maybe by then will exist..? Maybe by then we will all be programmed robots. Nanotechnology will take over and eliminate human emotion from life. Leaving just a stagnant and lifeless corpse, filled with blood and a brain that remembers nothing? There will be drones littering the sky.. there will be flying cars (maybe not).. However maybe we can all agree: Pay phones will be gone.
Yes, indeed. How fast time flies truly freaks me out. I often wonder where it goes? Stephen King may have an idea. Maybe the Langoliers actually do eat the time that is gone.. Old time a flyin? The same flower … tomorrow.. dyin’…..
Yes, indeed.
Since old time is still a flyin’ perhaps it’s best to resist the dyin’ that eventually will occur. Unless we do reincarnate like the person who was a guest on Art Bell in 1998 believed. Reincarnation over and over again. Living through old time over and over again. Time that flies by regardless of what life we live…
So are we bad parents for using LIGHT MY FIRE to put Ayden to sleep? It works.. I still contend he is an old-soul from the 70s.