Showing posts with label langoliers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label langoliers. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2014

This may seem like a delusional Friday night thought—and with hours of travel today and three days away my mind may be in a bizarre state of mind.  But here goes anyway..

As I sat in a very lonely hotel bar room, sipping a club soda and lime (after a beer or two of course) I got into a conversation with someone who slipped into a stupor long before I ended up with my non alcoholic  beverage. There was a muted TV playing coverage of the news, that night, that they thought they found wreckage from Flight 370. That turned out to be untrue of course, but during our short bar talk, he told me that he thought aliens abducted the passengers and threw the plane into the ocean.

I laughed at that thought but immediately remembered reading the Langoliers by Stephen King. I also recall, quite well, seeing the made for TV movie starring Baulky from PERFECT STRANGERS. The movie was just awful as far as graphics and acting.. but the concept from King was marvelous: The Langoliers are creatures that eat time. And a red eye flight gets caught up in a time slip .. the passengers have to figure it out. And before you know it, they encounter 20th century computer graphics that eat their time out from under them, and around them.

Interesting concept.

And some have compared the Langoliers to today’s new mystery.

You’d need to suspend logic for a while.. what better time to do it than at a lonely cold bar room in the central part of Pennsylvania. I did.. and I wondered if these passengers were battling time demons in a galaxy close by.. 

Of course, reality may end up with a tragic result in this matter. A crash site.. or something worse.. 

The Langoliers would be bad, too. Especially if they are as graphically challenged as the 1995 version of creatures that eat time..

Saturday, July 27, 2013

No, the summer is not over yet.

There will still be heat and humidity before the autumn, as Accuweather points out.

But is it not just somewhat amazing how fast this summer has rolled by? It’s almost days away.

I wrote about this before back in June, prior to the mid-summer nightmare of massive heat across America. July is the worst month when you’re a kid.. after 4th of July, it’s all downhill. School clothes, back to school sales.. reminders of the coming horror of September as you see buses being tuned up and painted.. Ugh.

And now here we are. July is over. Four weeks until Labor Day, and apples in the early fall. Where did this time go?

The only theory of where time vanishes that makes sense to me comes from Stephen King: The Langoliers eat it. I sure wish they’d slow down.

No, the summer is not over yet.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Truly cannot believe how fast time is going.

I am an Art Bell fan. There are nights I can’t stand current Noory Coast to Coast AM. Maybe he means well but the night lacks the magic it once did. Being the Bell fan I am, I listen often to U7 radio and radio… often they play blasts from the pasts of aliens in the freezer and Area 51 conspiracy… from those old days of 1999. 2000. 2001. 2002. All time gone by..

Today in particular I listened to a show during my morning commute from 1999 about reincarnation. It was typical Art Bell. But 1999!? March of 1999 to be exact. I was 18 and not even done high school yet, that would come in June of that year. So I wondered what exactly I was doing that night.. where I was… how I felt. How the years have gone by.. how remarkable they have been, but how incredibly fast they are, as well.

On the same front, my niece turned 21 this past weekend… Wow. That is big. Considering that I remember, not vaguely but fondly, playing with her when she was born. I was just a kid, full of energy, crawling around. Now with my own son there are some nights my legs cramp up and my back kills me. I am only 31 but often wonder … if this is how 31 feels I dread 40. And 50.

And before I know it I will be 40, 50, and 60. Maybe by then will exist..? Maybe by then we will all be programmed robots. Nanotechnology will take over and eliminate human emotion from life. Leaving just a stagnant and lifeless corpse, filled with blood and a brain that remembers nothing? There will be drones littering the sky.. there will be flying cars (maybe not).. However maybe we can all agree: Pay phones will be gone.

Yes, indeed. How fast time flies truly freaks me out. I often wonder where it goes? Stephen King may have an idea. Maybe the Langoliers actually do eat the time that is gone.. Old time a flyin? The same flower … tomorrow.. dyin’…..

Yes, indeed. 

Since old time is still a flyin’ perhaps it’s best to resist the dyin’ that eventually will occur. Unless we do reincarnate like the person who was a guest on Art Bell in 1998 believed. Reincarnation over and over again. Living through old time over and over again. Time that flies by regardless of what life we live…