Showing posts with label new madrid fault. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new madrid fault. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

Every now and then, mainstream media sources run a story that causes eyebrows to raise.. Today is no different.. The ASSOCIATED PRESS published an article about the New Madrid fault line and how it’s alive and active. The government held a great American ‘shake out’ last year as a practice to what would happen if the New Madrid moved. But regardless of preparations, we are not really quite ready for what would happen. In 1811 and 1812, quakes there actually were felt in New England. Scientists quoted in the AP article now say that a repeat performance of the 1811 and 1812 quakes are possible..

Concerning the report on the USGS now worrying about an active New Madrid fault line, Holly Deyo noted on

 ”This is a 180º turnaround from what USGS scientists stated a decade ago. They said then the New Madrid quake zone was ‘dead’ – no danger. Maybe this explains why FEMA has totally geared up their preps in and around the entire Midwest over the last 2 years.” ..

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rumbling in the Midwest

Midwest shake: 4.2 quake hits early in the morning .. USGS confirms, 4.2 magnitude earthquake felt in St. Louis, Columbia, Jefferson City. No damage reportedAwfully close to that pesky little New Madrid fault line, don’t you think?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Shaking, quaking.. alive in the New Madrid?

Timing is everything.. and it’s without a doubt very interesting timing that officials are beginning to practice for a major earthquake along the New Madrid Fault line in the Midwest.. 
The earthquake drill is planned for Missouri families, schools, and businesses..According to information, ten states along the New Madrid fault line plan to hold a collective earthquake drill at 10:15 am April 28. A sci-fi game is being used to prep kids for what would be a tremendous disaster if the fault went.. The White House is getting in on the game with a US SHAKE OUT drill to prepare citizens..
Early in 2011, some wondered if the New Madrid Fault was coming back to life..
major quake took place back before any of us were alive in the 1800s..


Timing is everything? White House prepares citizens around the New Madrid Fault for major quake…