Showing posts with label multiverse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multiverse. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2015

Mystery bright spots could be first glimpse of another universe

This could be the beginning of everything strange and bizarre, wonderful and amazing. From the NEW SCIENTIST report,

THE curtain at the edge of the universe may be rippling, hinting that there’s more backstage. Data from the European Space Agency’s Planck telescope could be giving us our first glimpse of another universe, with different physics, bumping up against our own.

That’s the tentative conclusion of an analysis by Ranga-Ram Chary, a researcher at Planck’s US data centre in California. Armed with Planck’s painstaking map of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) – light lingering from the hot, soupy state of the early universe – Chary revealed an eerie glow that could be due to matter from aneighbouring universe leaking into ours.

This sort of collision should be possible, according to modern cosmological theories that suggest the universe we see is just one bubble among many. Such a multiverse may be a consequence of cosmic inflation, the widely accepted idea that the early universe expanded exponentially in the slimmest fraction of a second after the big bang.

Read on if you comprehend.. 

Some people I speak to about these subjects, particularly those who don’t take well to science ruining certain religious principles they have grown up with, hate the concept of multiple universes. But regardless of our acceptance or not, certain truths still exist. 

There have long been many people who have believed in such things. And these strange and spooky things…? Well they come closer to being true..

Amazing times.

Mystery bright spots could be first glimpse of another universe

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The CERN burn continues..

Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days.. For those who don’t know, the Hadron Collider fired back up a few days ago … so far the world didn’t end or fall into a black hole. But there’s always time for that..

But I was a little intrigued when I found that the Extinction Protocol was reporting a story that scientists with CERN are going to be attempting contact with a parallel universe. You certainly don’t see headlines like that everyday, so my eyes did a triple take. The Extinction Protocol is a decent website that usually links up its information to a valid source.. In this matter, they linked a UK EXPRESS article titled:

Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days

So a few things need to be contemplated before running into the world of lunacy.. First off, the UK EXPRESS is a clear tabloid from the land across the pond.. I read it, I enjoy it.. but I take it with a grain of salt. If the DAILY MAIL is the NY POST, the EXPRESS is probably the STAR.. 

Nonetheless, I read Paul Bowman’s article with extreme interest..  I sure don’t really understand what I should about physics but that doesn’t stop me from trying to. 

Ironically, this all travels back in the Internets to the DAILY MAIL, the powerhouse tabloid that gets worldwide attention.  Days ago, that paper reported.

Will the Large Hadron Collider find a parallel universe? Particle smasher could become a gateway to alternate realities, say scientists

Mir Faizil, a scientist at CERN, gets a lot of the attention in various postings regarding this..

Back to the EXPRESS, Bowman writes,

Mir Faizal, one of the three-strong team of physicists behind the experiment, said: “Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two dimensional objects [breadth and length] can exist in a third dimension [height], parallel universes can also exist in higher dimensions.
“We predict that gravity can leak into extra dimensions, and if it does, then miniature black holes can be produced at the LHC.
"Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is actualised.
"This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science.
“This is not what we mean by parallel universes. What we mean is real universes in extra dimensions.
“As gravity can flow out of our universe into the extra dimensions, such a model can be tested by the detection of mini black holes at the LHC.
“We have calculated the energy at which we expect to detect these mini black holes in ‘gravity’s rainbow’ [a new scientific theory].
“If we do detect mini black holes at this energy, then we will know that both gravity’s rainbow and extra dimensions are correct.”

Without question, there is some eyebrows raised and even panic.. Some fear that this attempt to tinker and toy with the unwritten laws of existence are dangerous.. Many fear it will shred the vale between the here and there, the now and the then.. I even read one account that this will amplify our lives and give us super abilities and senses beyond the 5 we have, but that we will die quickly since our existence in this reality cannot handle the reality from some alternate universe..

I quite frankly don’t know what will happen.
We certainly trust those who make oodles more in cash than us to have the best interest of humanity in mind when playing in the scientific sandbox. And to me, I would love there to be some confirmation that alternate universes or parallel existences have gone beyond the science fiction realm and are now becoming mainstream enough to continue studying it for proof of their respective existences. 

Meanwhile, grab some popcorn.. Throw in DONNIE DARKO, and watch the pictures as they flutter around the universe(s). 
