Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Hundreds of birds flew into a woman’s home

Another weird bird story—the last one was only from four days ago when a couple complained that birds kept trying to get into their house.

But this new bird story seems to be just a little more intense.. 

Hundreds of birds flew into a woman’s home

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

CBS NEW YORK REPORTS: Birds Slam Into Windows, Leave Long Island Couple Lying Awake

The CBS affiliate in New York reports this:

The loud thumps have been waking them up morning after morning.

“Boom, boom, boom – that’s what it sounds like,” said Peter Kersich.

“It’s a pretty good hit on the window,” said Lisa Kersich.

The thumping started around 6 a.m. one morning and continued throughout the day. The couple sat by their window until they caught the culprits in the act.

It turned out it was a small group of robins flying headfirst into their windows.

“Just right into the window, full steam ahead,” Lisa Kersich said.

“We don’t know how he’s not getting hurt,” Peter Kersich said.

Call my spooky, but old wives tales still exist in my mind’s eye..And if you’re anything like me, you too know of the paranormal tales of birds trying to get into houses as harbingers of doom or death..

This same thing has occurred even in my family.. I heard some tales over deceased grandparents who ended up with dead birds in their kitchens immediately after they died—birds that crashed through windows or found some other means to their end.

The story from the CBS station is New York is probably explainable.. Most likely. Maybe. Kind of.

But creepy nonetheless..

Birds attempting to fly in.. head first.

CBS NEW YORK REPORTS: Birds Slam Into Windows, Leave Long Island Couple Lying Awake

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I have gotten a few comments and a few private messages about birds hitting windshields across the nation.. Are birds out of whack? Cell phones perhaps destroying their senses? … their typically refined radar abilities gone? .. It’s strange to say the least. And maybe indeed a product of more than coincidence that that birds are having just a few odd encounters with glass..

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

40,000 crabs dead on England's beaches

Fireworks are not to blame. Instead the working theory is hypothermia. And while that is a working theory, other theories are rampant as the worldwide plight of fish and birds seemingly continues.

40,000 crabs dead on England's beaches

Dead birds: Sweden

Dead birds: Sweden

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Scary news of the earth just keeps getting scarier

The results of a three-year study have been released showing the United States has seen a massive drop in the bumblebee population..

Similar drops have taken place in Europe and Asia..

So now birds, fish, and bees, are all dropping like flies.. Which only promises to invigorate fly population..

So were they shooting off fireworks in Louisiana to celebrate January 4? … Anyone else find this mass bird death now in two states unnerving? I do.

Birds of a flock die together?

It’s now 5000 blackbirds over a large 5 or so Mile radius that are dead in Arkansas. But the story continues to get more mysterious.. The birds died, we’re told, of massive trauma. Their insides, including their livers, appear to have been decimated.. And so far it only appears to be one type of species of birds…

The mass fish death is being blamed on overpopulation.. The mass bird death is being blamed, on.. Fireworks? Hail? Secret government testing on blackbird livers….?

And all the while nervous residents in an ever expanding area of Arkansas look to the sky and worry about what made minced meat of thousands of birds..
