Showing posts with label terror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terror. Show all posts

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Welcome to 2015. Murder and mayhem are already here.

There are stunning satellite images being revealed of just how horrid of a situation Boko Haram has created in the Nigerian towns of Baga and Doran Baga..  The images show before and after photographs taken, and have been released by Amnesty International in their quest for public consumption of the potential horrors that may have been committed on innocent people in both locations.

The images were taken January 2 and then the 7th. Days later, those same towns, if you look closely, have been wiped off the map..

There have been outcries of horror for days now with people accusing militants of killing up to 2000 civilians in their latest route through Nigeria.. If these images are accurate and true, entire villages have been gutted with homes, clinics, and schools being burnt to the ground..

As many as 3,700 structures may have been eradicated..  However, it has been clearly difficult to verify the death toll that this misery has created.  But there are disturbing accounts being revealed, such as one Tweeted by Aisha Dabo claiming that a woman was giving birth during the carnage and ‘half of’ the child was out while she was being killed.. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

This just made chills run up my spine..

Christina Greene, the 9-year-old killed today in Arizona, was born on one of the most important days in our nation’s history:

Born on September 11, 2001, Greene was excited about the political process

The persons dead tonight are gone from earth, and their families now are left to grapple with the aftermath of madness.. But I cannot stop thinking about the significance, in some strange way, of a product of 9/11 being killed during an act of domestic rage..