Showing posts with label Monsanto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monsanto. Show all posts

Friday, March 27, 2015


Monsanto may get the WHO to retract the Roundup cancer link study, I don’t know but they are not going to do anything to win the hearts and minds of the purchasing public with performances like this..

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Monsanto chief admits ‘hubris’ is to blame for public fears over GM

I get the sense that Monsanto is about to change its tune.. Get ready for a stunningly amazing PR campaign for complete public acceptance of GMO food.

The FOOD BABE army vs the chemical companies.. the fight is on..

Monsanto chief admits ‘hubris’ is to blame for public fears over GM

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Monsanto Weedkiller Is "Probably Carcinogenic,"™ WHO Says

And as a result, MONSANTO is dismissing the new study linking one of its popular products to cancer..

Which is to be expected..There has been along controversy about this. Heck, there is still a controversy about Agent Orange—created of course by the same folks who now give us GMO food and products to kill the bugs that used to feast on growing plants.. 

While doing some searching for other peer reviewed science that may back up these most recent WHO findings, I found this article from 2013 appearing in the HUFFINGTON POST, lashing out at those who are critical of Monsanto based on ‘bad science.’   I wonder how much more ‘bad science’ has to happen before we listen.. before the butterflies stop dying.. before cancer rates start falling.. and before we eat good honest food again..

Monsanto Weedkiller Is "Probably Carcinogenic,"™ WHO Says

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A study concludes that MONSANTO chemicals cause GENETIC damage to soybean workers! 

The study was published in the journal Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, and it involved 127 people, including 81 exposed to biocides while working in the Brazilian soybean industry and 46 non-exposed individuals in a control group.. 

Even more, the study concludes that it causes DNA damage and cell death.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Another study confirms: Pesticide exposure in pregnancy linked to autism risk in kids

Yes there are studies all of the time which indicate strange things are associated with autism and other developmental disorders.. But this is not the first time I have seen the link between pesticides and the impact on brain neurons.. 

Give the story a full read.
And no, it won’t settle anything.. but it certainly may make some of our daily lives unsettling.

Another study confirms: Pesticide exposure in pregnancy linked to autism risk in kids

Saturday, June 21, 2014

U.S. Calls on Europe to Ease Limits on Gene-Altered Food

The New York TIMES is reporting this seemingly wretched news.. It reports this from Brussels:

The top American agriculture official on Tuesday called on the European Union to do more to ease restrictions on gene-altered food and feed crops if it hoped to reach a trans-Atlantic trade pact.

“There can’t be a trade agreement without a serious and significant commitment to agriculture,” the official, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, told reporters on Tuesday, a day after an informal meeting with European farm ministers. European consumers “ought to have a choice” whether to use biotech foods, he said.

Mr. Vilsack has a tough case to make, though. There continues to be deep resistance to bioengineered agricultural products in the European Union — or to easing many other agricultural trade protections, for that matter. The fight over food, in fact, is a big impediment to progress in talks that are already moving more slowly than officials on both sides had wanted when President Obama announced them last year.

Very disappointing..

And in some ironic twist, this is simultaneously happening: Obama is forming a team to study Colony Collapse of bees.

So while the United States is busy defending GMO food as safe and secure, it’s also going to face some rude awakenings as they get deep into the honey bee trench. Many global studies have already hinted as a cause: GMOs and Monsanto’s Roundup..

The American study may very well have a different conclusion. After all, Vilsack is telling the UK to accept more bioengineered food.  Maybe some cozy relationships of the past is adding fuel to the cause..

U.S. Calls on Europe to Ease Limits on Gene-Altered Food

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The GMO empire strikes back

Someone is nervous about something.. Monsanto is threatening to sue VERMONT for its crime against corporations. The fine people of the state may actually have the nerve to label GMO foods! They may actually commit the atrocity of giving consumers knowledge about what they are buying. And for that, Monsanto will become the empire that strikes back..

Monday, April 21, 2014

The future of food production is vertical: And it may destroy Monsanto?? According to an interesting article in Motley Fool, vertical farming is springing up from Singapore to Pennsylvania and with amazing results. 

The future of farming is high in the sky and imaginative. And sorry Monsanto, but pesticides will not be needed.. Maybe we can have our bees back. Clean food coming? Hopefully not just for the rich and famous..

Saturday, February 1, 2014

“We have this smoking gun”: Monsanto is killing the monarch butterflies

I actually heard some people joking about the collapse of the butterfly.. I don’t quite know if everyone realizes how big of a deal this is.. and how much of a travesty it would be if man-made chemicals are killing things that have been around and evolving long before humans learned to walk on two feet (Minus Justin Bieber on that one) ..

Now it looks like there’s enough evidence to put faith in a common belief: Monsanto is doing something to kill butterflies and bees.

And now what about us…?

Anyone remember Agent Orange?

“We have this smoking gun”: Monsanto is killing the monarch butterflies

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013


We reported last week that the government was raising the allowable pesticide levels in the United States. .it’s worth reading that again, and realizing that the number is striking: EPA to Raise Allowable Glyphosate Pesticide Levels in Food Crops by 3,000%!

Teens working on farm sprayed by cropduster!.. It came from a Monsanto plane on ‘an adjacent field’.. Emergency room director Allen Rinehart said some of the teen workers had irritated skin but that they were all stable and being released to their parents as they were seen…

Why no protective clothing? Why are we putting children into the crosshairs of GMO food production? Why why why why why..

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Maine Legislature easily passes GMO food labeling bill, a blow to Monsanto

Time to move to Maine…………..

Maine Legislature easily passes GMO food labeling bill, a blow to Monsanto

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The trials and tribulations of parenting.. across the world

Being a parent means you have to keep your guard up.. know what the kids’ lingo of the hour is, know what their every movement is even when they don’t know.. be aware of the total situation of their lives but at the same time let them live it and permit them to think they have freedom to do what they want, even though you know the perfect moment to reign them in.  To borrow a theme from our latest headlines, basically, a parent is the NSA, constantly spying on its citizens..

And now it’s time, for me and my wife, to learn more about asthma. After a medical appointment yesterday, little Ayden was diagnosed with it officially. We somewhat knew it would going to occur sooner or later.. we were warned by pediatricians for a year. But it’s it’s more real to hear the real diagnosis made.

Millions of kids are diagnosed with something every day.. asthma, while awful in its own right, isn’t nearly as severe a condition as what some other children are living through right now. It is hell on earth for so many as I type and as you read this.. 

This did,  however, bring up in my mind an important question for our time. We know autism is skyrocketing.. and allergies.. and asthma.. and other conditions affecting the behavior and health  of children. While all of these specific conditions are completely separete, is there a common lining that ties them together? One that trained researchers have yet to see?

A SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN article from 2011 details the surging asthma rates among kids.. (They have continued surging since 2011 and are doing so to this day) .. And the basic premise of the theory presented in this article: We live in a world too clean and therefore better sanitary conditions deprive the immune system of ‘training’ needed to keep the body healthy. So ragweed, dust, and everything else become bigger threats. 

Ok. I get that. We are pretty clean. Well, most of us. With the exception of some names floating through my head that I’d never publish online.. 

But let’s think outside the box for a moment. This may require a nicely fitted tin foil hat.

Here’s a link that shows asthma rates across the world in 2004:

World Prevalence Map

Here is a map that shows autism rates across the world:


And finally.. here is a map that shows the countries across the world who use genetically modified food and where GMO use is widespread in the food supply.


A few maps and a few links don’t solve mysteries or answer questions. But you see a theme here? You see the same countries shaded darker? Oh sure, maybe some just have ‘more people’ and therefore rates are higher.. and maybe there’s other environmental factors.. and maybe ‘better observations’ and diagnosis.. and maybe ‘better medicine’ that spots these things in our children.. and the beat goes on. There could be a number of things that have nothing in common leading to the maps to look almost roughly exact..

But for as for me? Maybe my tin foil hate is too tight.. but I have no questions. Do you?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


A new study is linking Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer with major effects on the human body..

Monsanto is calling the study bogus and bad science. But hell, what else but that could they say??

Here is the science of it, as reported by NATIONOFCHANGE.ORG:

Glyphosate impairs the cytochrome P450 (CYP) gene pathway, which creates enzymes that help to form and also break down molecules in cells. There are myriad important CYP enzymes, including aromatase (the enzyme that converts androgen into estrogen) and 21-Hydroxylase, which creates cortisol (stress hormone) and aldosterone (regulates blood pressure). One function of these CYP enzymes is also to detoxify xenobiotics, which are foreign chemicals like drugs, carcinogens or pesticides. Glyphosate inhibits these CYP enzymes, which has rippling effects throughout our body.

Interestingly, though, Monsanto isn’t the sole company that has the rights to use glyphosate .. They did create it, but their patent on it expired in 2010. To maybe it’s unfair to  blame them solely if glyphosate truly does have these effects on human beings—at least post 2010.

However, Roundup is a big seller worldwide.. 

It’s fast action.

It kills weeds and roots.

And it has a beautiful color that looks very friendly to nature.

This story suggests the ingredient glyphosate is quite the opposite of healthy and wholesome..