Showing posts with label usda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label usda. Show all posts

Saturday, June 21, 2014

U.S. Calls on Europe to Ease Limits on Gene-Altered Food

The New York TIMES is reporting this seemingly wretched news.. It reports this from Brussels:

The top American agriculture official on Tuesday called on the European Union to do more to ease restrictions on gene-altered food and feed crops if it hoped to reach a trans-Atlantic trade pact.

“There can’t be a trade agreement without a serious and significant commitment to agriculture,” the official, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, told reporters on Tuesday, a day after an informal meeting with European farm ministers. European consumers “ought to have a choice” whether to use biotech foods, he said.

Mr. Vilsack has a tough case to make, though. There continues to be deep resistance to bioengineered agricultural products in the European Union — or to easing many other agricultural trade protections, for that matter. The fight over food, in fact, is a big impediment to progress in talks that are already moving more slowly than officials on both sides had wanted when President Obama announced them last year.

Very disappointing..

And in some ironic twist, this is simultaneously happening: Obama is forming a team to study Colony Collapse of bees.

So while the United States is busy defending GMO food as safe and secure, it’s also going to face some rude awakenings as they get deep into the honey bee trench. Many global studies have already hinted as a cause: GMOs and Monsanto’s Roundup..

The American study may very well have a different conclusion. After all, Vilsack is telling the UK to accept more bioengineered food.  Maybe some cozy relationships of the past is adding fuel to the cause..

U.S. Calls on Europe to Ease Limits on Gene-Altered Food

Monday, November 11, 2013

Schumer: Chicken Slaughtered, Raised In China Could Pose Major Risk

Chickity China the Chinese chicken. You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin’..

Is there anyone in government with common sense could step in and maybe not but this happen?!

Schumer: Chicken Slaughtered, Raised In China Could Pose Major Risk